Moving On Can be a Difficult Thing - This is a Deep Read & VERY LIFE AFFIRMING 2293 words

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Moving on

We all have those times or moments in our lives when we need to move on. It sometimes happens fluidly as if a junction has approached and we instinctively take the path we need to. Other times, we get stuck at a life junction because it's dark and we can't see the path ahead. We may fear what's down that path because it's unknown or we may be forced to take a step / leap in to the unknown because our situation has changed and we HAVEN'T. I'm at one of those moments right now and it is difficult. It's causing me a compound problem because it has a lot to do with where I live, where I might live next and that impacts my family, my friends and my work in a close coupled way. I'll go into that in a bit more depth later.

orion nebula NASA

I Believe The Universe

I've had far too many synchronistic moments in my brief life and had other experiences too, to believe that the universe has no purpose and I choose to think that we (as a species) don't really understand why we're here as humans on planet Earth. I've had glimpses though and I'm sure that my higher mind knows that really, we chose to be here at this time as the person we are, to learn, to contribute and to advance the Universe in very slight, small but nonetheless, significant ways and for this reason, I never give up, nor claim to know everything about everything and feel secure that even the darkest path has light and knowledge at the end of it. I'm also sure that the things that we feel are our important contributions are often of the least relevance and the things which we offer and take for granted are the most powerful of our gifts. I also think that there's a fuzzy logic to that notion in that whatever we are strongly aware of is not the really important stuff and it's supposed to be that way for effectiveness of our actions.

Consider This

Every action we carry out, every interaction we initiate and take part in, and to some extent, perhaps indirectly or leading to and contributing to the first two, every thought too, has what I call infinite consequence. Like a ripple across the pond of space-time to infinity (or eventual heat death, whichever comes first), everything we do has a consequence which ripples out and increases it's effect the further into the future we go. This is both logical and intuitive and knowing this means you may consider your actions that bit more carefully, especially when dealing with other people. Of course, the act of writing this article is included in that bracket (as are all things) so I am conscious that when writing this, what I say has to be inclusive, correct to the best of my own inner knowledge and hopefully carries a positive message.

Self Awareness

I'd like to think that as people become aware of the notion of the infinite consequence or infinite ripple effect in their lives, they may consider their actions more carefully, as perhaps people in earlier times did in respect of their relationship with the concept of God and how their actions positive or negatively, would reflect on their personal favour. I joke not, I feel it is of the same magnitude in terms of responsibility, but in our post modern and enlightened age perhaps I feel that it is ourselves who judge whether we have lived a worthy life, not a deity.

A Junction

I am at a junction in my life. I have had a few major junction points and this one feels quite significant. It will change so many aspects of my life that I am beginning to consider it's many apparent implications in a new light. I have to move home. I have lived in this area for many years. I came here to be part of a larger world, one that is more inclusive, sophisticated, has more opportunity and is populated with more people who share my values. It has served all those purposes and I have benefited both spiritually and materially from being here. I can no longer sustain my existence here, or more correctly I have outgrown my available space. The area has become very popular with wealthy people and I can no longer afford a property of the size I require for my family. I have 2 incredible and quite small daughters who need space, fresh air and a garden to play in. My wife needs the peace and quiet that our daughters deserve and I find myself fearful of the prospect of moving (what seems like backwards) inevitably to a place, less sophisticated, but more affordable. It will mean more travel and I have avoided being a commuter for many years by simply living in the city suburbs.


Near enough to the centre to be in and out quickly when required and with all the amenities city people crave, like cinemas, restaurants, transport links, etc but just far enough out to enjoy parks with trees and a feeling of community. That is perhaps the most important issue. I have a community here. I know many people and although not all of them fit with my own model of thinking, that is not the most important part of community. Knowing people and saying hello, stopping for a chat, that's more what it's about for me. So I shouldn't be so fearful of moving. I will inevitably meet new people. Fresh air, space and a more peaceful existence have their benefits for my daughters, who will undoubtedly blossom in the outdoors, running around a garden, learning about plants, examining insects and knowing how to grow food at home. Experiencing the wonder of nature that will be on our doorstep. I may even grow to love my new environment and I hadn't considered that. It's not so far that we'll never see anyone we know again. Sure, you won't be able to drop round for a cup of tea so easy but coming to visit will be a treat for us and you'll just have to stay for dinner, perhaps overnight. We'll be able to accommodate you in our new home much more comfortably.

Importance of the Infinite Ripple

This feels like a whole set of skimming stones across a pond, causing intersecting ripples to begin fanning out. It's not as much about me as it is about my family, (which includes me as a part of it) and for our wider family, it will mean being able to spend more quality time. Our parent with their grandchildren, our siblings with their nieces, our close friends with us. The ripples have already been made. We've been to look around different areas. We've researched various aspects of moving home. These implications have been measured and we now just have to look for the right home and hope we are in the right place at the right time for it all to work out in the best possible way.

Which Brings me to Intentional Quantum Collapse or ICQ for short

You may have heard of a thing called the secret or positive thinking. It's an old idea and one I've studied intently for many years. I have written about my findings before. The short version is that we live in a multi-dimensional Universe (and this is not my original idea, string theory's). The sub-atomic particles haven't decided what's going to happen before they pop into our existence but consciousness and the co-creation of others is what makes / decides reality.) What I have found is that a) we are doing this all the time and B) how to access a certain mind state to actively become involved in the co-creation of reality to a much higher level. There are various forms of meditation and mindfulness is popular at the moment. I spent years working out how to focus the mind's energy at the quantum level. Our minds are quantum machines working inside a 4D space-time so are subject to all the quantum fluctuations and spooky actions which QC describes.

Visualisation is a Key

If we can focus intently with a strong visualisation element in a heavily positive and consistent way, we can affect the outcome of possibilities. I'm not saying you can make an Elephant drop from the sky, because it's not there to be dropped but in the many small and immediate realities of our own lives and indeed - importantly in the lives of others, those close to us and around us, we can effect change, small change and tip the scales ever so slightly in the direction of positivity. I have learned while investigating that negative energy very easily replaces the positive outcome and that feels like a natural balance; the slightest hesitancy can change things very quickly and to effect change, we need to consistently focus on the positive outcome without fail. The slightest deviation can make the opportunity pass and this is how it should be. It's fair that way, if that's the right way to describe one conscious wish versus another.

It May Be No Great Surprise

To learn that we are all doing this all the time and the main difference between successful people is that they are good at it, whether they are aware of it or not. Motivation can make your dreams come true. By positively imagining the outcome you desire, you can inch yourself along the Universe to it. or more correctly you can bring it down / through into the now. Affirmative thinking creates positive outcome. You can practice becoming lucky. Conversely you can get stuck in a negative spiral which is more correct than it appears as a description of negatively self affecting outcomes. It's also important to remember that being surrounded by positive or negative outlook greatly amplifies the collapsing of states, because we do not act alone. We co-create all the time. You might have a particularly positive friend who seems to just make things happen and you like to be around them for there's always a good vibe or outcome. That person is probably channeling their own good intention in their mind all the time and without realising it showers it out to those around them. You may also have a negative friend who tends to suck the life out of everything and for whom, nothing ever seems to go right. These poor unfortunate individuals don't have to do much, just negatively imagine circumstances which seem to happen more frequently for them.

You & I Both

We've all been both at some time in our lives. We are affected by things which happen to us and we're influenced by events outside our control, people around us. We may at certain times be stronger or weaker than those around us and this affects outcomes too. We're on fire on top of our game or we're stuck in a rut. As you can clearly see, these aphorisms have a very real,literal and quite obvious truth contained them.

Opportunity in the Real World

So to finish off, the Quantum particles don't have it all. They have to interact with real matter which is solid enough, dense enough to need a good shove to make things change and with so much conscious interacting to co-create reality, matter.. matters ! If you think of a positive outcome and focus on it, it's very likely you need to act upon it too in the real world. For example, you really want to win the lottery (bad example but it's basic) you focus your intent, you imagine the win, you try and pick the numbers.. Uh oh, you forgot to buy a ticket ! You want that dream job so bad it hurts. You didn't send your CV. That amazing person you want to befriend / date / marry. You didn't say hello / give them your number / express an interest. Oh, they don't even know you exist. All crappy examples perhaps but very real situations. The winners are all busy actively involving their very real, present selves in getting the results they want. Usain Bolt, didn't just out wish his Olympic medals while eating chicken nuggets before a race. He went to bed early, got up, trained and made it to the track in the right frame of mind. You have to apply yourself to the task in hand.

We found Our Dream Home

We found it and it was amazing. It wasn't to be. We weren't in the right place at the right time. It wasn't meant for us. We were scheduled for a viewing and it fell through, we were disappointed. (Hey who knows it might be in the future?).. but importantly, it was a light on the path to guide us, an inspiration to show us what could be possible. What might be at the end of the path. The moral of this story is don't give up, ever, you are more powerful, important and significant than you could ever imagine. You just forgot and you're not really supposed to fully remember.. remember ? Stay positive and if it helps, talk to someone. A goal shared is a goal, possibly co-created and you can co-create almost anything you want. Except that Elephant falling out of the sky, unless there is a slim, remote chance that there's one up there, right above you now, travelling by aeroplane with loose cargo doors. So be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.


The universe tends to do what it wants regardless, we are just along for the ride. and "god" (Einsteins, small "g" god) is indifferent as to how bumpy that ride is.

hey @drdave, thanks for your reply. The universe certainly does what it wants and small g.. I agree. I also think that our actions potentially have a huge impact on the future, even in our insignificant short lives, if we factor in infinity (or eventual heat death) infinite ripple effect becomes momentous !

Correlate the rotation of an electron to the rotation of the earth, to the rotation of the galaxy, etc, etc - and it is not too far a stretch to also correlate our consciousness to the universe as a whole. I have no doubt that god (small g), has a far greater impact on the events of our lives than we realize (or possibly, than we are capable of realizing). Not only are we in the universe, but the universe is in us - both figuratively and literally... Maybe one day we will acquire the ability to at least recognize its existence, and even tap into that "greater consciousness", for our collective benefit... the philosophical rantings of a madman - me... Steem on... :))

I think yours are the philosophical insights of an illuminated being !

you are certainly correct about all of that. I'm sure. we will learn to tap in. we are still in the process of integrating QED with Classical theory. It takes about 100 years to fully integrate and we're still not there. It has been argued by greater minds than ours that the problems of the world we live in today are largely a result of this scientific schism. I believe that when we fully contemplate the multi-dimensional quality of reality, we will accept our place in the cosmos, our responsibility to it and we will find peace within it.

if we are all connected at a higher dimensional level, then all acts of aggression are acts against everything and all acts of love are similarly entangled. I hope we live to see it @drdave, we certainly deserve to have a better world. It's like people forget it's the only one we've got !

And that's the way you made me write again ;-)

It is one of that times for me too. To move on. To change my life. For now, not location but the way i live and things i do.

All the things we do now, it affects all the future. But we must not be stuck here thinking too much what and where... because if we struggle with tiny things all the time, the big one will fail to come.
And we will not be able to see the big picture.

From what you say it is for your kids and family. Then, this must be a big point in helping you to make a decision. What they need is the most important thing in your life. I consider family that is the best thing that can happen to us, and not to just make a family, but being with the person you like and feel is there for you.

Community is important too. I share the same needs to talk to people and to share common things.
But, nowadays rarely can find that ones. With all the false "busy" people touching screens without real feelings, just hitting likes and smilies... But in real life they have time for... nothing.

You can't meet them, and if you finally do they... touch and touch... That's another problem, but it is one from today's lives.

Eh, unfortunately the moment i have, i lost motivation and talking is kinda not helping right now. I need facts. But they can't be made from the air...

Coming back to you, if i understand well, at the end, by mistake you've found something that you like. If that's the case then good for you and hope you feel that you are on the right track.

Everytime when i comment to such posts, i don't "talk"... i just read and write what i feel. It may be now my way of finding who i am now or finding the way to what i need to do... who know.

If we don't try, we'll never find out.

Cheers and best wishes.

I Believe The Universe

@mahbubalam ! Good to know :) you are the Universe in conscious form

@pjbnikao It's all about being totally snchronized. Getting to that place however can certainly be a challenge.

yes, getting to the place is really a step by step co-creation act and you need to have willpower, consistency and a bit of faith from others to help you achieve your goals! but we can get there

I believe the universe is extremely old and a living being

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by outerground from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews/crimsonclad, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

Wow, what an incredible post! :-) Most of what you wrote about the Universe and co-creation and quantum physics, I firmly believe it. And YOU WILL Find the exact spot you and your family is supposed to be in, no worries!

And you are correct in your assumption(at least I think so) that we are all here for a purpose, and that it is up to us to make this life one worth living, albeit good or bad. And never, ever give up on your dreams.

thanks @inthenow what a great reply ! nice to know there are people out there who share my personal insights. I think steemit spookily has it's fair share of fully conscious beings on it's books. I suppose that's reflected in the whole idea and ideolog(ies) of crypto. Long may your ripples continue to keep on expanding their spheres of influence.

Likewise @outerground it is nice to be able to communicate with like minds! Most times I try to relate these concepts to other people, I get the empty... what are you talking about, or what you smoking look LOL :-)

But here on Steemit... Some Steemians get it. Everything and everyone is connected, all are one and one is all.... like it or not. I try to make the best of life while I am currently renting this space/time vehicle. The Universe is an electrical/mathematical master piece, pure genius when you get right down to it. Ever hear of Bio-Photons? Totally cool, brings a new perspective to this reality we reside in.

Have a great night!

electrical mathematical master piece indeed. I'd go so far as to say it's a fantastic organism. bio-photons, I have heard of them but I'm not even sure what they facilitate !

The way I look at it is this... BioPhotons/Light Energy are emitted from all living beings, and these BioPhotons transmit information via dna on a quantum level. And information/data is the foundation of the Universe.

Light=Information We are interacting with the Universe via Light, or BioPhotons. We are essentially light beings if you will. There are lectures out there, but this video sums it up nicely.

excellent and thank you for the video.. that's a very nice reply. i wish more people replied with resources to augment their response. I will have a good watch later. I've read quite a bit of pseudo - investigation about bio-photons but I do know as electro-chemical, quantum beings, we are indeed micro-reflections of the universe. we are condensed star dust after all !

Hi @outerground Thanks my friend. Yes, there are quite a bit of distractions out there on this topic, you gotta dig through the weeds to get the rose sometimes! LOL Have a great day! :-)

I am certainly going to .. i use white light / blue light healing visualisation which is perhaps the ultimate expression of co-creating inner reality. I'd never connected it to the subliminal activation of bio-photonic cell regeneration. perhaps there's a new area of enquiry for me. Thanks for co-creating a new research project for me !!

Say I gave you a paintbrush and a piece of paper just now.

Listen I ain`t no saint.

So just paint me the life you ain`t!

yes just like the story of the magic brush.. he painted oxen to plough his field !

Hi, great post, a lot of what you mention seems to agree with the theory of everything from Tom Campbell.
It all comes down to having good intent and love can increase the probabiliy of a good outcome, like the placebo effect.

I will read your whole post when I have more time! Resteem it!

thanks @oudekaas I will have to read Tom Campbell, someone else mentioned that before. good intent is one of the keys of life, perhaps the universe !

Ok love to hear what you think about his work. Yes I agree that it seems that those ingredients increase your chances of living a happier lifestyle versus being selfish and hateful.

Yet most of us know this, but seem to forget, including me,
Which means to me, we all still have much to learn in that respect.

It is funny how people almost always know that when you cross a road you have to look 4 times in order to not get hit by a car. Meaning they hardly ever skip this step as it is life threatening, yet showing good intent and love all the time, which should be easy to do unless overcome by fear, doesn’t always come as natural.
We don’t seem to understand it’s importance well enough, to just always live by it. Yet it forms your life and environment and should be right up there, just below your survival instincts 😄

I guess it's down to our tribal past. We no doubt lived in small family groups and outsiders would have been a threat to our survival and would not have been tolerated in our immediate sphere. 10,000 years of civilisation and we're still learning that others are a part of us and if we'd like to be the advanced beings we like to think we are, we have a long way to go in terms of altruism, self reflection and pragmatism. If we make it through the next few hundred years, hopefully our need to grapple with each other for resources will have been finally negated and we'll be satisfied through technology. I also see a strange possible future where the divisions in society and the greed become amplified to the point where we'd be shocked now to see it. Elysium

That is a truly awesome post buddy.
What happened to street photography??
You've really peaked my interest in your esoteric persona.
More of this dude.

Thanks Percy, very kind :) Street photography is still there, In fact I have set up a budding discord community dedicated to it and It's growing slowly but surely. here's a invite. feel free to pass it on,

photo and artwork is just my kick back stuff and a way of introducing myself though. I do run an animation studio.. but I am, like you - a truth seeker, an esoteticist and student of ancient knowledge ;)

outerground = inner-space

I will post some of my research on QUANTUM INTENTIONAL COLLAPSE...a phrase I coined to describe the process of tipping the scales of the outcome of events with visualisation. I might even go into some of my research on RMV, the history of which I am fascinated with. Dean Radin, etc. Aliens, ancient and contemporary and cryptozoology, YETI. you name it. I've read all about it since I was a small kid with very wide eyes. I'm glad you liked my post.

I look forward to your future works with anticipation buddy, be sure to post your stuff in the truth channel in discord as there will be a number of interested parties mate. Great to see your work evolving to reflect the esoteric kowledge you so obviously have within.

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