Shadow Demon: A Nightmare!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"I knew every time I played the voices through the speakers on the computer or through the headphones, the dark energy around us got stronger." - Ghost Box: Voices from Spirits, ET's, Shadow People & Other Astral Beings by Chris and Paulette Moon.(No relation)

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche

This is a cautionary tale about the time I decided to go looking for demons. Now, I'm not going to make any claims or jump to any conclusions, I'm simply going to share an experience I had. What I was thinking, seeing, feeling.

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It all started one day when I was listening to an interview with a demonologist who had written a book. My interest was piqued. I decided it would be a good idea to learn more about the various demons. After all, the more you know about your enemies, the better you can defeat them. Right? 😐 So I jotted down some websites that I wanted to check out later.

When I started my research, I quickly realized there is a lot more information than I had bargained for. I found detailed information on dozens and dozens of demons.

I lost track of time, but after over an hour, maybe two of reading, a sudden feeling came over me. A feeling I can only describe as dread. With it also came this thought, Now they're interested in me. It freaked me out so bad I immediately shut my computer off. I felt uneasy for the rest of the evening and up until I fell asleep.

A NIGHTMARE. Unlike one I've ever had. Now I've had many experiences while sleeping. But, nothing like this. I can remember it as if I just woke up from it.

I feel a pressure on the foot of the bed. As if something is on it. Too heavy to be my cat. I look down. I freeze. What I see is a black, shadowy mass. It doesn't really have a shape. Tendrils of black waving in all directions as if it has tentacles. It starts to move up the bed. I CAN FEEL IT ON MY FEET. I also know it's intentions. It wants me to know it's intentions. It's going to smother me with it's evil embrace. It's at my knees!

I can't move. I open my mouth to yell for help. But only a gasp comes out. I try to yell again. Nothing! Panic begins to set in. My legs are completely covered! I'm beginning to accept my fate.

Then I hear a voice. "Of course you can't move or yell, those are physical actions. You're dreaming...use your mind." As I'm listening to the voice, I immediately know what to do. A calmness comes over me.

The shadowy demon is now over my abdomen. At that moment, I called forth(envisioned) a bright white light that enveloped me like a cocoon. More importantly, it also enveloped the demon. I actually felt it's shock, it's pain, it's terror. It was a satisfying feeling.

The shadow monster disintegrated into the light, which faded out shortly after.

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Nightmares are not something I have often. And never have I had one remotely close to this one. Interpret it however you wish. Whatever it was, it was an experience that changed my life. I'll never tell anyone not to seek out the unknown. But, I would advise everyone to be prepared and take precautions.

Thanks for reading.

All Images And Videos Are My Own


I'm glad that you were able to fight back! 👊 I remember how it feels to try to scream and be unable to. I would never wish that on anyone.

Irregardless of beliefs, when something happens to us when we're in that vulnerable state of sleep (or on the edge of wakefulness before our muscles begin fully come out of their restful state), our minds process it as real and therefore, it is real. It is real to us and can change our perspectives, reforming our outlook on previously held beliefs.

As usual, I have a few questions:

Was this your first foray into the study of demons? Had you previously read or heard about the existence of demons through church or family stories/beliefs/etc? Were you researching specific entities and their various manifestations or simply the existence of demons in general? Did you only begin your searches in the demons listed in Christian faith or did you branch out to the various demons listed within other cultures? Do you believe that you were "on their radar" but were only in danger from them when you were sleeping? Was it the power of the presence that froze you or the fear? What precautions have you taken to protect yourself since then so that you are able to rest?
Sorry, I'm a pain in the ass when I'm curious. 😏

Oh, I've been fully aware of their existence. It just never occurred to me to get to know them personally. Something about that podcast piqued my interest. I didn't start researching anything specific. I found very detailed info about many demons. The information predates Christianity, the Lucifer rebellion broke out long before that. We're always in danger of them, but the only power they have over us is the power we give them. We are sovereign beings endowed with free will by God, and no demon has power over God's will.

Thank you. Is Evie feeling better now?

Back to her stinkin' ways. 😜

Good to hear! 😸

Today I'm performing as a Marianne marionette. Frolicking stringless as I bring today's prompt to you.

You're doin' a bang up job, by the way. 😉

Why, thank you!


I like very much the last two sentences but im going to sleep and I won't comment further 🤔

Sweet dreams, @f3nix...😁

I got chills reading that - don't mess with demons...if you invite them ... they will come

Yes they will.

This is scary s*it @omra-sky ! Mostly because it's real. I want to think however that you were suggestioned by your research .. like Brisbelia I have some questions: are you Christian Catholic? Are you still chasing them? I love that Nietzsche quote, didn't know the first parte though..

Believe me, it was real. Ha. Raised Catholic. Not really chasing them, but can't always avoid them.


Wow! That was a trip! I try my best not to mess with those demons! One of my favorite bands is called, Demon Hunter :)

I was very naive, indeed. But, I've always had that curious nature. I'll definitely be saying a prayer before bed tonight.
Nice. I'm fond of The Grateful Dead. 💀

Powerful stuff. I have my own story, but it is not so much a nightmare. The vision is more of a light presence. Maybe an angel.
Perhaps I should tell the full story.

I would love to hear this story.

You will. Maybe before the weekend is out. :-)


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