Freewrite: A Firecracker In Hand Is Worth Two Fingers In The Bush

in #life6 years ago (edited)

     The following is based on a true story. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. Also, some minor details may be embellished...


     13 year old Omra-Skypegoogle peeked through the curtain. With a pimply face and a cracking voice, he watched his parents Bentley back down the driveway with nervous excitement. He had been waiting all day for this. As soon as that awesome car was out of sight, Omra-Skypegoogle sprinted through his bedroom door.

30 minutes later

     An out of breath Omra-Skypegoogle emerges through a hidden door into the backyard of his childhood. "Damn that's a big house," he mutters to himself. Finally alone, nobody to stop him! From his pocket emerges a package of firecrackers and a pack of matches.

     Omra-Skypegoogle strikes the first match. Ignition. He holds it to the wick of firecracker #1. Pssssssss-BAM! "Damn! That wick was quick!" Firecrackers #2 and #3 were also successfully disposed of.

     "Now for this cracker," declared Omra-Skymoron, "I'll throw it over-hand. Like a pitcher in baseball." Pssssssss-BAM! Omra-Skypegoogle doesn't know how far he got into his pitch delivery. He does know that the firecracker exploded long before he ever released it.

     The pain was indescribable. Stinging is all that he remembers. He looked at his hand expecting to see missing fingers. Fortunately every finger was there even if he couldn't feel them anymore. His hand was bright red and it hurt like hell. But, there was no major damage.

     Why must Omra-Skydoofus learn lessons in such a way? And, what is the lesson here?

Don't procrastinate!


Thank you @MarianneWest for another awesome #freewrite challenge. Join the fun HERE!

All Images And Videos Are My Own


HaHa...Omra-Skydoofus...LOL! You sure are one lucky doofus. Perfect moral! : )

Some times it's the only way we learn. Thank you for the kind words. 😊

because if you were told you were going to get hurt.............playing with firecrackers........from your parents......that were old and no fun.........and always tried to stop you from having fun............any SANE 13 year old would never have believed them anyway........

Then there is ..........the it will never happen to me, I'm smarter than that! thought process LOLLL

but in the end, there is nothing like blowing firecrackers off and the rush you long as the rush is not to the ER!

Thank You for making me think of my childhood this late at night. I'm giggling remembering all the thing we use to do with them and lucky I too still have all my fingers and toes!! LOLL

A great fable to be told to generations to come to learn the moral of the story- Do Not Procrastinate!!
Why is it so easy to do that?
Glad that the fingers stayed in place :)

Thank you. I was terrified to look. I couldn't feel my hand initially. I stay as far away from them as I can now.

Older is wiser! Omra-Skypegoogle should probably listen to his parents next time.....and obviously learn some self discipline..self responsibility.

Great stuff, not easy to wrap up in five minutes.

Thank you. Omra-Skypegoogle was a stubborn boy, indeed. Whoever he was? 😉

I'm a master in procrastinating but I just call it gathering energies to do something even greater :-P Better for me to not play with your firecrackers! (and our 5th tags are always the best hahaha)

Omra-Skypegoogle had a house with a hidden door! Lucky... 😎
I'm curious as to how Omra-Skydoofus managed to hide his hand from his parents. Did he pull the classic " just wearing my baseball glove for no reason whatsoever" move?

One of the benefits of growing up in a mansion with secret passages and magic portals(did I forget to mention that?) is that you can completely avoid your family. Plus, I spent weekends as a Michael Jackson impersonator. So, the glove would make perfect sense. 👋

Lol, that's funny how many times you even changed his name. Sadly though, people are very careless when it comes to fireworks. Glad no fingers got blown off, that time.

Not as glad as I am. 😁 Thank you for reading.

Bet you don't touch them now. :-) And You're welcome.

Haven't since.

Lesson: Don't be a crackhead. hahah!

Can't argue with that! 😂

haha, fantastic job! I'm glad all the fingers were/are intact! Great lesson, and a lesson well learned!

A fine cautionary tale. Hilaire Belloc was a big favourite of mine growing up.

Just dropping by with today's prompt for you

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