Please Break The Silence

in #life7 years ago (edited)

  • On the road to success, I met a friend 
  • You're not just a friend, you're a brother 
  • You're not just a brother, you're a mentor 
  • You're not just a mentor, you're a helper
  • You're not just a helper, you're my motivation
  • You don't just motivate, you inspire me 

  • One more day of your silence, I cannot stand
  • The gap I created, was unintentional 
  • The wrong steps I took, I have retracted
  • You never knew this, silence became arrows 
  • The confidence you once planted, they target
  • How I wish I never attracted those arrows

  • You didn't speak a word, yet I learnt my lesson 
  • This I have learnt, you are peaceful 
  • Your gentle nature accommodates no hostility
  • In your heart, the good and bad are loved 
  • To you, correction in love is supreme.
  • These virtues, I have assimilated as well

  • I'm not a poet, for you I wrote a poem.
  • It's not professional, it's from the heart.
  • The heart you blessed and nurtured 
  • The heart that saw what the eyes haven't seen 
  • This heart isn't begging for help, but just a word  
  • Dear brother, can you please break the silence? 

This poem is dedicated to all those who have helped me here, but felt I did something that made them turn silent on me.

Image source:

Thanks for Reading

@elyaque made this beautiful badge for me 


Hello @ogoowinner

Never knew you were a poet. :)

There are a lot of things that could bring about a bridge in communication, but it is always important to seek a restoration when it happens.

There is a quote I like very well.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, take people along.

Our relationships with others are very important.


Thanks @ogochukwu. I don't know what's wrong with arranging it. It keeps appearing different from what I want when I post it here. I don't want the spacing. I tried using bullets to make look better.

Lol! I'm not a poet.

How do you want it to look?
Something like:

On the road to success, I met a friend
You're not just a friend, you're a brother
You're not just a brother, you're a mentor
You're not just a mentor, you're a helper
You're not just a helper, you're my motivation
You don't just motivate, you inspire me
Then little space before the next sequence or...?

Yes. That's exactly what I want it to look like.

Use this sign >

On markdown not editor

This is really good I can actually feel the words!

Sometimes people are just the way they are and we can't do anything about it. Perhaps they like eagles feel that they've helped you fly so you can be on your own, not everyone pursues continuous interaction. We're all wired differently.

Unless, it's another category that feel you've surpassed them and ... (you know how that goes).

But if you did wrong at least if they are anything you've stated and truly wanted the best for you then they should have told you.

They are all well meaning friends.

Thanks for being a brother too @akinsource.

Heart rending....! You are good at what you do... I always liked your style right from when i came across your post for the very first time, you made a call to the steemit community about doing something to help newbies fit into steemit...

I followed your posts, and its never been disappointing. You have always come up with really good posts and brought out your creativity to the max.

I am really impressed with this one! Its the kind of poem, that is composed in minutes not days; its spontaneous, not meticulously planned; its straight from the heart, the seat of emotions, and not some intellectual mumble jumble.

C'est admirable! Well done!

Even though this poem wasn't directed to me, but i am emotional reading this. Dear brother please break the silent for i won't want her to wallow in her nest with a heavy heart.

Lovely poem. Resteemed

upvoted and follow..kinldy follow me back also and upvote my post..

Can you please stop dropping this on my post? I'm becoming pissed with seeing it.

There silence is a positive feed back in my opinion, you're grown up now and able to stand on your feet. So you can repay them buy mentoring and helping others too.

I wouldn't want the silence. The Upvote could hold, but not the silence. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts @cloudspyder.

Poems that really touched my friend. You are my motivator. Thank you friend

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