Behind closed doors

in #life7 years ago (edited)


She appears strong and and brave, but deep down, she feels weak. 

She tries her best to reach out to those in need, but who is taking care of her needs? 

It looks like she doesn't ever cry, but she cries like a baby.

@ogoowinner is a human too. She has her own pains. She has her own fears. Though she let's out a helping hand to others, she needs help too. 

Behind closed doors, she cries, she feels helpless, she fears and she wishes you cared.

Everyone wants to be cared for.

Everyone wants to be loved.

Everyone wants to be accepted.

I am no exception. 

All images are mine. 

Thank God it's Friday. 

@elyaque made this beautiful badge for me 


Love is what all human crave for. We are denied of this love from those around for many reasons.. Ranging from selfish, greediness etc.

But this can't or ought not to make us shun love.

Our real personality is behind close doors. There is where we choose to cry laugh out loud and appreciate ourselves.
We have the right to be happy, yes to be appreciated.. But when we didn't see this coming, when it seems our love is counted as foolishness, go behind your doors, and encourage yourself.

@ogowinner, your have shown love to many in this platform appearing not to have personnal problem just to take care of other's. Behind your close doors always smile, remember even if many do not appreciate you some little still do. And will always want to help out.


Thanks very much for this kind words. They mean so much to me.

Behind closed doors, she cries

Your tears are rewarded.

Take some imaginary @teardrops (smart media tokens). You can read about these special tokens Here!!!

Thank you. I'll go through it.

I think some images used in this blog posts are not referenced. Lol
You look awesome :)

Lol! Thanks @greenrun.

Thanks for helping Kemi too. I really appreciate that. God reward you for that manifolds.

You are the one to thank. I only clicked on a link. You are the one doing the greater job. Kudos.

Always looking beautiful. Every one has his/her weak point, so no one is perfect in nature. @ogoowinner you are indeed a beautiful asa nwa.

@ogoowinner damn you are beautiful 💯✔
I feel your moods in every letter in this post.
@udezee will write a poem soonest to embrace your heroics and comfort your pain😄👏👏.
If I say your steem power isn't the major reason I'm on your blog, then I'm a liar🙇.
I gat to see your username on @tojukaka'post and decided to follow you as I'm a Nigerian and so are you.

Its well, 💪💪💪

Thanks for reading.

@ogoowinner it's my pleasure.
Please watch out for the poem in your honour on my blog soonest

I'm visiting your blog because of this poem, @ogoowinner! I'm glad I did, and got to read this post of yours. Be strong, and courageous! Do not be afraid! For the Lord, your God is with you. I have not read enough of your material to know if you are a Christian or not, but I hope these words from the prophet Jeremiah are an encouragement to you that you are not alone!

I'm following you now, and any time you need advice from an older woman, don't hesitate to DM me in Discord (mitneb#0032). Sometimes it just helps to have a sister to talk to.

Happy friday to you too.i felt the words you wrote down because they are somehow relatable. Just stay strong.

Thank God its friday. We care for you in a very special way and you know it. Just a step away from you.

Hmmm behind the close door inspiring post madam @ogoowinner and this pictures are stunning.

Beautiful pictures mama,that is the sad reality of life we all want to be care for,thanks for sharing @ogoowinner

Those are some really wonderful and beautiful pics dear thanks for sharing this post with us :) have a great weekend

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