7 Things That Will Make You Have Many Friends

in #life8 years ago (edited)


Had many friends will give you a huge advantage for you. Because with a lot of friends, you could have wide access to anything. When you need help, you will get a lot of help from all directions. For this reason, successful people always have a lot of friends. Not a success that made him a lot of friends, but a lot of friends who make it a success.

But many people are difficult to get along, had few friends, so it has limited access and network against a wide variety of things. Well, here I will give a solution. no intention of act like a teacher, just share my experience only. Hope it helps for you who want to expand network of friends 

 1. You must have achievements


If you do not have achievement and has no expertise in any field, people will not be interested to be friends with you. Therefore, the achievements so you need, whether it is in the form of academic degrees,, or real work that you have made. All the achievements that you have will make others feel valuable to have a friend like you. Therefore, achievement is the handle and the first step for you before entering the wider social and introducing yourself to others. 

 2. Do Not Arrogant and Do Not Want to Admired 

Although you have achievements, do not tell your achievement excessively on others, because it will only make others feel inferior in front of you and do not like to hang out with you guys. Others quite know who you are by knowing what your expertise. Never wanted to be admired, because the more you want to be admired, the other people are not amazed by you. Be humble always.

3.  Admire Everyone 


Never look down on others, because the more you look down on others, the more others will look down on you, too. When others know who you are, you also need to know who the other person. Even you should be more determined to find out who the other person rather than introduce who you are. Be admirers for everyone, because everyone is happy to be admired. And remember, admire not only mean that you feel attracted to other people, but you also have to respect their feelings, willing to sacrifice for them, and treat them preferentially as if they are your superiors. 

4.  Look for The Crowded and Be Yourself 


No matter that you reserved or introverted people, if you want to have a lot of friends, you should always look for a place crowded. you will not be friends if you hang out in the cemetery! Follow each community, group, gang, events, seminars, and so on. When someone invites you to attend an event, as long as it's positive, try to follow it. Get to know every person you meet on the show. No needs to be chatty or pretend humorous, be yourself. The important thing is you already have a lot of acquaintances, do not eager to be the one to stand out or special in front of them, be normal. Quality relationship started slowly, not in a single night. 

5. Right Time, Keep a Promise 


The majority of people are not punctual and improper appointment, then when you become a person who is always punctual and precise appointment, immediately people will look at you and amazed naturally to you. People will feel appreciated when you always keep your integrity in front of him. No matter how others late, be the only one who "on time" and keep all of its promises, then you will be the star who always other people believe. 

6.  Do not Give Advice When Not Requested 


Everyone has flaws and certainly made a mistake, but it is not your duty to be a counselor to each person. When you see something is wrong and makes you uncomfortable, resist themselves to advise. you only have the right to advise others if others did ask for advice from you. Because there's no point advising people who do not ask for advice, it will only make other people hate you without correcting the mistakes they make.

 7. Be The First to Say Hello!


When you cross paths with people you know, say hello to them first. Do not be afraid if they do not remember who you are, it will feel flattered when you remember who he is though he could not remember who you are. Introduce yourself and remind you that you've met somewhere. Fortunately, if he does remember who you are. Then spoke for a while. Would ask where he was going, and then you also want to tell where you go. After that you could split up. 

Thank you all, may be usefull

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Well said @odyprabowo. With number six...it is said that until they ask a question, they can not hear the answer. All good suggestions for approaching life. Cheers

yap thats right, according to the books I've read, do not give unsolicited advice, because it would make others feel uncomfortable,. because they will feel, we "act like a teacher"

Thank you for your reply. Enjoyed the post and quotes...always good to hear from those of wisdom who have gone before us. All the best. Cheers.

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