The Words I Used Instead Of The Words I Didn't Use For This Title and There's Actually a Blog Post Inside

in #life6 years ago

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself did it again!

"What did he do?"

Good question!

NoNamesLeftToUse - I Said Go.jpeg
I Said Go

The Answer:

I decided to stop being lazy, and publish another post!

I don't have too many words today for you folks but I did manage to cram a few thousand thoughts into that image up there as I was producing it. So, I suppose I can allow you to read my mind. Why not? It's Saturday. What else is there to do? Maybe we'll learn a few secrets about me!

Some ask, "How do you come up with these names for your art?"

To be honest, most days, I produce the art, then I have to name the file as I'm saving it to the hard drive. I open the little box, I type in 'NoNamesLeftToUse', then I add a dash, and wait. I allow my mind to go blank, wait a few more seconds, then listen to the first words that pop up into my mind. Sometimes it's a thought. Today, it was some dude outside yelling, "I said go!"

He has no idea I turned his little temper tantrum into art today. That'll be our little secret. Shh!

Check This Out

Another juicy secret of mine!

Screenshot (380).png

That's the result of a quick Google search of my username(NoNamesLeftToUse). You're looking at the image tab. That's all my work, and those were the first however many hits.

That's why I place my username before the name of the image once it's time to save the file.

I suggest all of you bloggers out there do the same with your images. Whether it's a photo or a meme, digital art like what I have here; anything really. If you created it, put your name on it. Maybe you'll have the same results as me when someone searches you.

Further down the list but not seen in the screenshot, I also see images from past blog posts that were upvoted by yours truly. I am so freakin' happy I did not upvote porn.

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"And now you know, the rest of the story."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


First of all, your name never seize to amaze me, and your arts takes me on trance . I’m a lover of your arts, it’s deep and inspiring

Tell me about your name.

HA, thats a fantastic idea for the naming. I quite like all my cover photos that I bodge together. I will start doing this. I got lost down the rabbit hole of google images there because I have never searched myself let alone the images tab and its quite a fascinating stramash it pulls back!

I just had a little look-see. So yeah, your blog is the number one hit on google, which is good. The images are all over the place. That's how mine used to look. So in the case of this post, I didn't add my username to the screenshot of google, because that's not something I want near the top. Just the good stuff. I've been doing this little trick since I came back in December of last year and majority of what we see in the screenshot are images I've produced since then.

How I managed to get the words 'insanity' and 'genius' as sub categories there in the top left still baffles me though. LOL!

Haha, that's an extra special touch of class... Insanity indeed!

Yeah, I am definitely going to do it good the images are the most bizarre schmorgasbord of images some which I like and others I am like wtf!

How I managed to get the words 'insanity' and 'genius' as sub categories there in the top left still baffles me though.

Computers are weird things, and programs (well, more generally, algorithms) are even weirder things sometimes.

In this case I am betting something triggered it to present the other words in the title of this post to you as sub-categories.

I got different categories... "green" and "thing."

Try clicking some of those sub-categories! More show up that weren't there before, and you can go on a little adventure :)

Yeah those sub-categories change nearly every time.

I do enjoy a good google adventure though. Many of the top hits on any subject nowadays aren't usually the best. Maybe the publisher was the best at using tricks to get their work there, but that's about it. Searching random thoughts and word combinations on youtube, then sorting the results by newest first; that's a fun little game as well.

That's an awesome portfolio google has on you! When I search dreemit, there are a lot of photos of my family lol. Weird that the ones I use for the chapters don't come up considering I use them over and over.

I saw them, further down. These results vary as well. I could search it next week and see a different result. That name trick though, just try it with certain images, like your book cover image. That's probably something you'd prefer to be near the top?

It is, so I will definitely try out your trick.

That idea about the username is really cool. I would like to start creating my own images some day. I need to invest in some good software. I can't believe I just stumbled on another Canadian here on Steemit. I'm starting to think there are more of us out there then I thought. I'm in Ontario. Glad to have found your work.

That's a really good idea to save the picture as your name so that it comes up on google searches :) i'm glad you decided to post i love seeing you come up on my news feed :) i hope you have a lovely day

And I thought I banned myself from this right now.
Well, life is awesome. Can't decide whether it's a
fishy gecko-snake-man with gills taking a nice swim
in blood, or if I'm just a wee bit crazy today.

I discovered that little "trick" of yours a while ago but I use it in a different way. Sometimes, you neglect to mention the title of the work in the post. When that happens, I know I can just look at the filename of the artwork, and it'll be right there, after your name.

I'm a big fan of the colour combinations in this one. Very bright, almost tropical in some way. Is that a dragon or a lizard on the right there?

I write strange shit in the titles when I share an image on another blog. Enjoy that secret. Also, to answer your question honestly: This is one of many images where I produce a shape, intentionally, that has the potential to trigger pareidolia within the mind of the viewer. It's honestly nothing but so far has been a snake, a lizard, a fish, possibly a dragon. You're seeing the shape as intended. It's all of those things.

Cool piece of advice!! Thank you!
your post is good information sir

I said go to bed now, it's 3 am

Very nice information posting indeed. Thank you for you wonderful comment. Enjoy upvoting my post. Have a good sleep!

I am so freakin' happy I did not upvote porn.

Just think how much more exposure you'd gotten, sex sells, those up voted post would have made the top of the search critiquing more interest.

Unfortunately, and many will disagree here but whatever: My stuff is better than tits.


That comment was made three hours ago and I can still hear people

I know! It's thunderous!

That's good advice for art. I had been naming my photos both because I read it helped with SEO and it's easier to figure out that IMG_5157.JPG.

Do I see a snake or the head of a smallmouth bass?

Some are seeing a snake, some see a lizard, some see a fish. It's all of that plus more!

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