The Life Story Beginning to End

in #life6 years ago

I never thought I'd say it this way, or here, like this, now, or ever.
Can't stop myself though.  I've come this far.
Better just do it.  Get it over with.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Welcome.jpeg


How does one approach this?

Where do I start?  How will it end?  What's next?

I was born, on a day—a day like no other.  Then I died, a few hours later.

I haven't lived since.

That's my life story.

I've always wanted to write that book.

I'm glad I finally got a chance to get around to it.  It's finished.  Done.  What a relief.

Growing up wasn't easy.  It took me a few years to figure it all out.  Someone obviously didn't show up to work that day, or maybe I just got lost along the way.

Surrounded by people; I was alone.  Of course, as a baby, I cried.  I remember those tears.  Those first few years were tumultuous turmoil, traumatic, terrible.  Most people forget those early days.  I remember it all, and it feels so recent.

Nobody could see or hear me.  Before I learned how to walk, slithering around on that cold floor, I'd see them coming.  They'd step on me, then keep going.  I had to imagine what pain felt like because I couldn't feel anything.  It hurt.

I hated everything.

Hated everyone.

The terrible twos, toddler times, up until about the age of five; nothing but a menace.

I wanted to get their attention.  I'd open cupboards then slam the doors.  I'd push things off tables and stands.  I'd hide things.  Important things.  At night I would run up and down the stairs; laughing.

At the age of six, my parents left me, in that house, all alone; I haven't seen them since.

My existence.

I wanted it all to end.

But how do you kill yourself—when you're already dead.

I tried.

Knives didn't cut.  Fire didn't burn.  I'd run head first into the walls and go straight through without even leaving a dent.

Exiting the house was impossible.  I looked everywhere for a way out.  The front door seemed like the best place to start.

I'd go through.  I'd instantaneously end up right back where I started, facing the opposite direction.  I'd turn around, there's the door, try again; same thing.  Back door; same thing.  Windows; same thing.



The door finally opened.  It was my new family.  I was happy to see them.

It had been nearly an entire year since I had heard a voice that wasn't my own.

I'd watch them.  I knew all of their secrets.  These were bad people.  Liars.  Cheats.  I wanted them out of there.

My old tricks didn't work.

One morning while she was getting ready to leave, I stood inside the mirror.  She saw me, she screamed; I laughed.

They were gone.


Who's next?

The door finally opened.  It was my new family.  I was happy to see them.

Lazy.  Pigs.  Loud.  Obnoxious.  I wanted them out of there.

He'd sit in the tub, soak, drink beer, smoke cigarettes, and listen to his old cassette tapes while the little ones pounded on the door, yelling, screaming because he wasn't coming out clean on this day.

I saw the spirit leave his body after I pushed the old tape player into the water.  He saw me then, his eyes got big; I laughed.



The door finally opened.  It was my new family.  I was happy to see them.

Everyone seems to bring something new to the table.  The world was changing, I was getting older.

This family was quiet, focused, busy doing nothing.  They brought new toys.  Computers.  The internet.  I'd sit, I'd watch, I'd learn.

A freak experiment eventually led me inside one of these devices.  That was the first time I ever left the house.  I could finally communicate with people, just as I'm doing now.  I could travel anywhere I wanted.  Freedom.

I've been everywhere; I've done everything.  There's nothing left.


I feel trapped.

I want this to be over—and that's why I'm here.

They say these blocks on this blockchain cannot be tampered with; locked in. The instant this message gets sent out to the world, I'll travel along with it, and if everything goes according to plan, this should be the end of the line for me.  I will remain dormant inside this block, forever.  Nothing gets in, nothing comes out.  I'll finally be able to rest.

It's been one hell of a ride.  I wish you all the best.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Shed Some Light On That.jpeg

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
"I hope you all enjoyed that one.  Have a nice day."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


I am worried for your mental state, yet freakishly entertained also.

Glad to hear it. LOL!

It was fiction and you're convinced I'm crazy. Perfect! That tells me I did a good job.

I have read between the lines that it's not all roses in your head, and I was getting worried. Then I did check the tags because I know you like to confuse people! :D

It's always fun to dig a little rabbit hole and point people to it's direction.

I do like to go down a rabbit whole, to see if I could find adventures like Alice.

Alice had a pretty good life.

Well done, the perfect amount of spooky- the comments are priceless, the fiction tag was imperative it seems LOL! I'm dying over the Trump's ghost one- it's the hair!

Thanks! ...and yes, tags are important indeed. I'm glad they're not at the top or on the outside. That would give it away. You've probably seen this confused reaction a few times here on my blog. Is this real? Is he joking? What's going on here!

It snowed here today. Can you believe that shit? Fall just started and I'm already sick of winter.

I have definitely seen that reaction a few times!

Ugh, ick, I cry for you. I hate when winter usurps fall, my favorite season and both summer and especially winter are always trying to drown it out, pisses me off! Stay strong!

Nearly everyone: "I sure hope this is fiction"
Author: "Check the tags, guys"

Well you say this is fiction, but each time you put a little bit of yourself on the blockchain you make a little imprint in the world. Even if the blockchain goes down, even if all computers go down, you've made an imprint in the mind of everyone who's seen this. They may not consciously remember your name or what the post actually looked like, but their minds will remember, deep down. And then they may express a bit of your idea, reflected. refracted through their own thoughts to someone else...

Anyway, good one! :)

Usually when people burn up their brain cells, they're gone forever. Here, we get to lock them inside a little box for eternity. If the chain goes down, all this stuff will still be traveling along through space as a faint signal of a brief history.

It made me smile.

You're welcome :>

I liked that, didn't know what to think in the beginning, but then realized you weren't actually writing your own life story LOL. My blonde moment of the day. This reminded me a bit of the Lawnmower Man :)

I've taken this approach with humor as well. I'll intentionally start out sounding incredibly serious, then switch gears out of nowhere. That's usually a good way to get an honest laugh out of people because it catches people off guard. Taking this approach with serious writing helps lure people into the story and then again catches people off guard.

The Lawnmower Man. It's been so long since I saw that one, I could probably watch it again for the first time because I have no idea what happens.

It is somehow reassuring that you labelled this "fiction".

Still, rest in pieces, and all the best to you too, wherever the electrons may lead you.

It's fiction because it's fiction, and I like it. Thanks for offering up the base for that ghostly character there. Ever since I produced it I had been thinking about a story to go with it.

I had to imagine what pain felt like because I couldn't feel anything. It hurt.

loved this.

Is that ghost Trump in the picture?

If that's ghost Trump, this thing just got whole lot freakier.

I like that line, too.

I love the movie projector light on him, goes perfectly with this story. Poor guy, he does look like he's been through hell. Well, I guess just pergatory...

When I write fiction I write in the first person too. I always wondered if people would think it was the actual me. The comments have answered my question.

That guy started out as a photo produced by @ocrdu that I used for a base like I how I showed in that other post. I saw the eye sockets in the original image, basically kept those where they were, then used the colors from the original and started producing the rest of the image around the eyes and came up with that.

And yes, when you go into character and say 'I', they will think it's you. I did a post before I went on break explaining myself, after all this time. More often than not, I'm writing in character. Some kind of character. Today it was this, and that was fun.

Felt kind of dark, stiffling and oppressing, while reading. Glad to know it is fiction.

This might be one the darker if not thee darkest bit of writing I've published here. Of course it's fiction. I'm alive and somewhat well!

Alive and somewhat well, I like that, 'cause sometimes when people ask me how I am doing it feels like I'm lying a bit, to state the least, when I answer them that I'm fine. Somewhat well, seems more honest and yet less alarming also than: "Rotten". Which then would be just as far from the truth.

Stay well!

Sometimes in life people will ask me how I'm doing and I'll say, "Terrible!" with a smile on my face.

An awesome piece of writing! You led people around by the eyeballs and it was impossible to loo away..sweet!

I'm happy with it. I couldn't put it down as I was writing either, aside from a couple walk away breaks that helped provide the path I was headed on with this.

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