Something is Inside This Post

in #life6 years ago (edited)

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself finished Something.

Now it is time to show you Something.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Something Inside.jpeg

Now you have seen Something.

I don't know why I made it and I don't know what to say.

It started out as a landscape. That's right. I felt like making a landscape digital production today. Unfortunately, it started to look like hell.

I took out the black and started covering up the junk parts. From there, I was left with an image that was entirely black. That's how much the landscape sucked.

I don't really like doing landscapes anyway.

What is that a painting of, you ask?

How the hell should I know?

I started to add different shades of red onto the black. From there, it started to look like hell again, literally.

You've probably seen some of my hellish work in the past. I thought to myself, no! No more stupid landscapes from hell!

It was already too late though. I found myself staring at yet another picture of hell.

After yesterday's fancy uppity uppity image of cool colors and whimsical... something, I thought to myself, self, you better not drag these people down to hell with you after lifting their spirits and making them feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Too Bad!

I'm running out of time here!

If you want to see a post out of me today you'll just have to deal with that strange image up there which was once a landscape, then nothing but black, then some kind of hell cave landscape, and now whatever the hell that is.

I don't even have time to write anything normal again.

I'm just rambling here, trying to fill up this space with words so people don't think I was lazy.

Or maybe this was all just a distraction and the image actually tells a strange story unfit for humanity's ears and eyes. Oooo, now it's all one big mystery.

Or maybe I was just saying that to make this all seem like there's more to the story so people can't come along and say, "What kind of shit post is this? I spent all day yesterday researching the history of shoelaces and this guy just comes along with a lame-ass picture of Something while he rambles about nothing and somehow people enjoy this stuff? This is an outrage! Wait a minute. Why am I seeing faces in that art? I'm getting out of here!"

So Anyway

As I was saying...

This morning, I woke up. My coffee was ready, I always add milk(no sugar), so I walked all the way to the fridge to get the milk, I got the milk, I poured the milk, I heard a tsss sound. That was the first time that ever happened to me so I took a closer look and upon further investigation I realized I had poured the milk into the ashtray where my lit cigarette was sitting. I stood there for a few minutes, staring at my mess, wondering how I could be so bloody careless.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Now I'll just sit here and pretend this post was awesome."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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I don't know what I prefer more. The term hell cave or the story of the milk!

You may enjoy them both, equally.

I see a dog right above the pizzahut logo, right inside the LSD. Something really is hell.

Something tells me you were looking at Something's something.

Wait so you woke up this morning and your coffee was already ready AND you were able to fill your ashtray with milk? That sounds like the life.

I think the image looks like a long red cloak worn by a villainous superhero.

You know the type.

Eats a lot of ramen noodles but leaves the packages all over the place. Take showers that are too long and too hot so his skin is a little bit dry and ashy but never uses moisturizer.

That kind.

If a picture can say 1000 words, those would be some of them.

I do not think that anyone can be as careless as me. My mom, sisters and any gf I ever was with can confirm that! Not sure if that makes you feel any better, but the only reason I have not poured any milk (or any kind of drink and liquid) in an ashtray is simply because I am not smoking. You better believe dat ;)

I'm usually in the zone. My day started out like that and it's been a mess ever since. Somehow I'm still enjoying it though.

Hahahaha omg _careless?_That isn't careless lol, you were definitely not in your mind at all. I likes something,, it does look like hell, and I guess that means it also looks like home. Damn. xD

There's no place like home! Grab a coffee, pull up a chair, check for cigarette butts before you take a sip for I have NO CLUE what I'm doing today!

That's a landscape with characters right out of Dr. Seuss except in red. You know, where the creatures aren't quite animals and the landscape is one where you fear for their lives when they walk on fragile looking rock bridges. It's 'Whoville Hell.'

It does have that look and feel to it. I see what you see.

I am seeing faces in Something. I can also see Aladdin's genie lamp that kind of looks like a chicken shaking hands... ehm wings! I think I need to go to sleep.

BTW, are these red plumes coming out of your ashtray? :P

You're seeing some strange things in there. Faces? Genies? Chickens? What kind of madman would combine these things into a random mess of red and black? So many questions...

Nothing came out of that ashtray except some kind of gray liquid that once called itself milk. I even stirred it around just to mix it up because I at the time I didn't know what ashes and milk mixed together would look like.

Lol 1:

No more stupid landscapes from hell!

Lol 2:

I'm just rambling here, trying to fill up this space with words so people don't think I was lazy.

Lol 3:

I had poured the milk into the ashtray where my lit cigarette was sitting

P.S. You haven't inserted a cat in one of your pics for a long time.

I was hoping I'd get some laughs out of this. I wonder if people think I was being serious? Hmmm....

P.S. You're right. I better get on that.

Milk and ashtrays do not mix well. OMG I see some animal like with horns and a tail. LOL You scare me sometimes. Take care and get some good coffee.

I got some good coffee. Damn good coffee.

It happens the same to me, sometimes I want to draw something I had in mind but I end up drawing something completly different bacause I made a mess and I wanted to fix it.

I just go along with it. Wherever it takes me is where I end up.

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