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RE: I was BLAMED and Flagged by the WHALES

in #life7 years ago (edited)

With all due respect...
Are you stoned, soldier?

I get the humor, but I don't agree with your sensationalist approach to all of this.

Maybe you're a little bit naive, wet behind the ears, whatever, that's fine; but why would you paint everyone with a broad brush because of the actions of a few? Is that how you treat everyone who makes a mistake?

Why did you leave out your role in this mess? Do you not see how shitty your posts are? Why would you spend hundreds of dollars to boost your best work to the front page and make it look terrible? Even those people who sell cheeseburgers know better when it comes time to advertise their product, so how did that basic beginners marketing logic escape your mind?

If you look in one space, we see formatted articles. If you look here, we see walls of text, clear-cut copy/paste, a disgusting mishmash of words that don't make sense; laziness. We see three or four articles boosted to the top slots here on trending within one day while you're surrounded by people who know how hard it can be to write and edit one decent article within the same amount of time. Where did all of the work come from in such a short period of time? Why is it so sloppy?

You're not leaving much up to the imagination. It's not hard for the experienced member of this platform to become suspicious and think, "This work appears to be stripped from another site by someone who doesn't know how to write."

If that's the work and approach you're proud enough of to use as material to promote yourself, you're setting yourself up for failure, because yes, you appear as someone who's simply copy/pasting random work they find here and there on the internet with no understanding of the written word in English.

Yet you had no problem writing this post.

Look! It even includes paragraphs this time! Amazing!

The surprise attack has shattered the Dreams of the many , and goes to show that this world (Steemit) is still plagued with faults.

Like I said, I get the humor, but it's your fault. You screwed up, and that's okay because you're learning now. Imagine if that didn't happen and I didn't come here to say these things. You'd most likely still be boosting your amateurish shit-posts up to trending while patting yourself on the back and feeling internet famous for the first time after all these years.

Because of your actions, people can't be blamed for making an honest mistake.

You want an apology? Where's my apology? You tried to make me read junk and it hurt my eyes while driving me partially crazy but did I complain? No.


Shit Post Award.jpg

I'm also downvoting this post. That's not a flaw in design, it's not a personal attack, that's just how this place works. I disagree with the rewards on this post. This whiny rebuttal of yours does not deserve hundreds of dollars, and I don't care if you take a hit financially because you're spreading bullshit around the platform which makes us all look bad.

Grow up and learn how to fight your own battles. Take the highroad instead of cutting through Dramaville.


I agree @whatsup and @nonameslefttouse. I'm new here and doing the best I can to learn everything I can - like steemit, dtube, crypto, recording and editing videos, even getting the lighting right. It is things like you mention here that makes it difficult for those of us who are really trying.

Good job! Agree, I also flagged it. If we flag the profits off this shit maybe they will stop.

They pay money to be on this stage so why can't they do an awesome job instead of setting themselves up for failure and then blaming everyone else along with the tools they used, their way, to get here? I wrote it here in the How to Qualify for the Shit Post of the Day Award post:

Please don't forget life's basics when you decide to park your ass on the trending page. Have a shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair and put on your best suit. Is that really too much to ask?

I don't think it's too much to ask. It's a common courtesy just as much as it's common sense. I'm sick of watching people fail taking this pay to be on the trending page approach. I'd prefer to see them succeed, and I don't think I'm the only one.

I truly respect this pov. Use the bots, just use them well.

They'll need more than these bots and the trending page in it's current misleading form to find success here. I didn't come to this post to write a how to Steemit article though and I think I'll save the annoying bot debate for another day.

You really should get out more, that was some pretty good humorous writing. Best I've seen in a couple weeks from you.

I enjoyed your mishmosh of words makes perfect sense.

You hit the head right on the nail

Stay noname safe.

Good job, I agree

I agree completely @nonameslefttouse. While I enjoyed the seemingly satirical approach.. I in no way think that this post deserved hundreds of dollars. I wouldn't have been opposed to it making a couple tens of dollars, but to have a post like this on the main page I look at when I get on steemit was a bit absurd.

This dude pulled the victim card long before these issues even had a chance to iron themselves out. Nothing was permanent and he even knew that but instead does this, cornering people and forcing a public apology that he most likely would have received without taking this route.

No response but he had time to post another rambling wall of text and included an image he doesn't own the rights to use, so he hasn't learned a damn thing, will probably get flagged again, lose more money, and play the victim card all over again.


Yeah, it's pretty sad when people perpetuate behaviors that are unnecessary and seek sympathy instead of just owning up to shit and keeping it under wraps. Some things should be handled personally and not be broadcasted to the masses. Discretion is key and even if it's public ledger, it will be much more humble if it's kept low-key instead of promoted for exposure.

I'm with you on that one though. Whatever. Lol.
Reading it was already enough of my time wasted, so I suppose it's best to just move on now and ignore the shit. If it gets boosted again, another complaint, I have faith the community will get fed up with the bullshit too and we won't be seeing too much of it. Seems this community is really good about putting people in their places, from what I've seen. ;)

That's probably one of my favorite things about this community.
People have the right to voice their opinions and use their power for what they both do and do not like or agree with. Generally, they exercise that right too, with what they truly believe. It's nice to see that as a whole, there are actions being taken on both sides of the coin. People standing up for what they believe in and people standing against what they do not believe in. It's great! I'm sure I'll be flagged one day for some reason lol, but I'll take my licks and nurse my wounds and keep on. I know, personally, I won't be trying (intentionally, I've got a lot to learn still..) to step on anyone's toes or violate commonly accepted rules/regulations/popular beliefs on how things should and shouldn't work... But that does not mean that I won't make a mistake or two here and there and learn a good lesson about it!

Naww if he was stone he would take the high road 😎

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