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RE: Just Another Stupid Post About How to Actually Do a Good Job on Steemit and Maybe Make Some Goddamn Money Around Here

in #life6 years ago

People are only as small as they want to be. The only one judging you is yourself. Maybe I'm doing well, in their eyes, but through my eyes, yes someone stopped in and admired my work, but I also see the 20 people who just kept on going without even noticing. That rejection stuff is something everyone deals with no matter how successful they become. Then add in the dark side. You reach a certain level and people begin to hate you for it. Like you somehow did it on purpose just to piss them off. Artists like working together. I realize I'm in direct competition with the funny people, but I know how hard it can be to get laughs so I certainly won't start hating them for getting more laughs than me. That's just now how this works. You got me ranting here. Did I mention the lack of cigarette problem somewhere? Is it showing?

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