Please Stop Taking Your Shits Above The Heads Of Actual Content Producers: Thank You

in #life5 years ago (edited)

People! I've been here three days shy of three years!
Maybe I can't remember what I ate for dinner yesterday. So what!
That doesn't mean I don't know what's up.
And no. I'm not talking about that opinionated woman named, Whatsup.

It's time to cool your jets!

NoNamesLeftToUse - Fire.png

It's about damn time

I freak the bleep out!

Bottling it up will be the death of me! Do you want me die? No! Of course you don't — unless you're one of, those people.

And I've been dealing with those people and their shit since day one.

So you want to be a rap superstar
And live large a big house
5 cars, you're in charge
Comin up in the world
Don't trust nobody
Gotta look over your shoulder constantly

Things Changed.

But some things never change.

Raise your hand! How bout them hardforks, cuz!

As actual content producers, we had to spend more than two years watching the worst "promoters" in the history of promotion boost complete bullshit nonsense stuff nobody cared about all the way up to the top of the charts. We had Joe fuckin' Nobody, first day postin', roastin' this platform and boastin' about how he's coastin' his way to the most, man!

Goddamn did I ever make bank writing parodies and mocking these, "Hi! I bought a trophy today and it said 'Best Blogger Ever' but then I magically forgot I paid for those votes and fronted like I was a famous bitch with a big fat ass and fur coats!"

Bank that turned into bunk because these motherfuckers decided it would be wise to turn this place into a joke where the rewards come easy; "holding is for chumps" and now, because of them, the handful of that change they now own because of themselves ain't worth two shits at the dung parade. Good going, pussyfarts!

Money only has value when it's hard to get so use a drill and apply that to your head!

So these motherfuckers

would buy up $200 or more!

Setting the goddamn standard. "If you want to make the trending page, you gotta pay what I pay, or more!"

I could pull up a post where I laugh my ass off at these chumps, talking about how they set the price for their own demise and ain't nobody talking about that shit, but I won't because you didn't believe then so you won't believe me now.

CHB four times a day! Hundreds per poppity pop! You want to compete with that organically? Good fu-clucking luck!

I will save your life for I am doing my best to be the cult leader you always wanted NOW PLEASE, read this long ass copy/paste bullshit essay I post every day to show you how much I care after I'm done with what I have to say!

I'll take drivel for $200, Alex!

Where are you now, mommypumper!

Getting downvoted! That's where!

So up rise the reals deals.

Get that play outta the way and all you're left with is people who have actual shit to say.

Oh, Hi!

Nice to meet you!

I'm one of them! Enjoy your stay! Worked my way up, all the way, and if I can do it, you can too, okay!

We didn't have that before.

But we still have this:

Screenshot (666).png

I knew this would happen.

Raise your fuckin' hand if I licked your balls.

That's the response you get from some people when you make the goddamn trending page organically around here.

Some of you who've followed me for a long time have read my posts all about, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Shit! I could go back years and bring up a link from a post I wrote saying, "WTF we doing? Why are we waiting for big stars to show up? What's wrong with embracing the talent we have now?"

It has always been a struggle here but that struggle is what I signed up for!

Yet I couldn't believe so many were keen on turning a blind eye and making success here almost unattainable. That was before the paid votes fiasco! I've been waiting for a platform that simply allows good producers to thrive, no strings attached, for nearly three years!

Under those #oldsteem rules, I get it! I hated that!

Things change and now all those who worked their asses off to get somewhere are still thrown under the bus?

No no no no no no no no no no no NO!

Things changed.

I know for a fact, in the past, some dipshit with "not financial advice" charts reached trending because of whatever, bullshit. I know for a fact, in the past, some people piddled away with each other's tiny little cocks so they could earn a few shiny little tokens. I know for a fact, in the past, some wannabe famous like right the fuck now people bought their way to the top, so they could earn fuck all, while their MASTER earned a fortune for doing nothing but laughing all the way to the bank.

This ain't then!

If No fucking Names Left the fuck To Use can make the trending page...

That means the door is wide open.

I saw some dude on the trending page who missed the rains down in Antarctica or some shit! No paid votes! Dude went to Antarctica. Dude took pictures. Dude posted that shit here. Boom! Trending like it should be! No paid votes! Dude owns the world!

I saw some other dude bitching and a fucking moaning about how his video was downvoted because he used paid votes. Get a life! Do you seriously want to do something awesome and then PAY people for something that is free? You feel BULLIED because you decided to push everyone aside and diminish their chances of hitting a top slot?


Can lick my balls.


I know how it is. I watched people get shitted on for finding success here, for years. But now, it's legit. No games.

I knew damn well I'd be on the receiving end of some flak, just for doing something everyone here wants to do.

Bullshit! Get a grip and some other nineties idioms while you're at it.

No content producer here now should fear doing well. People VOTE. They give a fuck. They want to see people succeed.

If all you think it takes to get somewhere is a little bit of whale ball licking, then why the fuck aren't YOU hitting center stage? Huh? It's so easy like that, so do it! Lick some balls! The rest of us will just do our thing while you work on that lollipop of yours.


Some music before I go...

Have a nice day.
And quit shittin' on those who done good.
...because that might be YOU someday.

Youtube video linked to source.
All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
All content within this blog is 100% organic ACTUAL CONTENT and contains no paid vote additives!

"Why get treated like shit and hold it in? That's not my pain. I don't need it."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.


entertaining and true. I'm going to keep making content and someday it will get some votes. But not because I paid for them!!

It'll come. Just add yourself to everything you do.

Yeah. That. And well said.

I haven't been here quite as long as you, but I have definitely seen this place neck deep in shit shovelers while being sold a bunch of nebulous platitudes about nobody caring about quality content and other similar nonsense.

I've been in some variation of the art business since 1985 and the writing business since high school (yes, I'm effing OLD...) and artists and creatives pretty much always get shit on by those who think that (a) giving a shit about what you do is for chumps and (b) if you're artistic (or otherwise creative) not merely doing your thing "for the love of it" is selling out.

To which I say:


I don't even see mustard in there! You see this, people!

No mustard!

Money only has value when it's hard to get so use a drill and apply that to your head!
--Absolutely agree! No pains, no gains. No one wants to wasting time on reading gabage content. I admire deep thinking and creative ideas!

No pains, no gains. This is true. And we can helpful, too. I see you're new. Here's a vote for you. In seven days, you'll get paid. Power it up. You'll need more Steem Power in order to be able to comment and vote for the things you like.

Use that site to monitor your ability to do certain things. If the Resource Credits bar is empty, you can't perform actions here until it charges back up. Your voting power is also important. We only get to use about 10 full power votes per day.

Try writing a formal introduction and use the 'introduceyourself' tag. It's doesn't need to be too formal. It can be whatever you want, but make it pop and hopefully more folks will see it and vote, so you can then earn more Steem Power to help get you started.

Enjoy your stay.

Thank you so very much for your vote and warmful guidence. You are so kind! Thank you!

NoNamesLefttouse is a legit content creator. I am proud to upvote most of his posts. Sometimes I miss one.

Not only that he speaks his mind, argues and pulls no punches.

On the other hand, when the argument is over he lets it go also.

I don't always agree with everything he says, I don't always love every post he makes, but he is legit.

Still he needs to learn to take a downvote like a man.


Those weren't downvotes, that time. That was just someone being a punk and then it stopped once I said some shit and sometimes that crazy kid upvotes me now. There's more than one way to take a downvote.

That's even worse, whining without downvoting is annoying.

You whining about what you think is whining is even more annoying ;)
P.S. I was joking. Skim this to see how well I handle those situations. It's kind of funny.

You've got DRAMA!

To view or trade DRAMA go to

Yeah, There is nobody on here that I agree with 100%. But you can look at someone overall and go...good peeps.

Posted using Partiko iOS

you licked mine but it was before this place...behind the Denny's...

Was that the memory you were thinking of when you picked your user name? .... never mind I guess that would have been lickeditt

suckeditt & lickeditt didn’t have the same ring sadly.

But no. My memory is spot on. Pretty sure it was a Denny’s. Like 98.4% Denny’s. 1.6% IHOP.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Which means 0% Waffle House. I knew I liked you. Haha.

It is @Blewitt because I hear he just didn't do a very good job... not even good enough to get pancakes after.

You promised not to tell!

You also said we’d enjoy pancakes after. I guess we are both liars.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh so you're going to bring up the waffles now, huh?!?!


Well said, sir!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Confirmed, nonameslefttouse is a non-ball licker.

Not even salt and pepper can save you now.

Well said man, I get tired of hearing the whole, you must have licked balls schtik. Mostly it comes from motherfunkers who couldn't produce content if they tried. And even more hilariously is that whilst they cant produce content they certainly think they can judge it. There has been no shortage of judgement by these folk over what is and what isnt quality whilst ignoring anything that can be considered original or worthy of eyes to the platform.

Fock em.

And CHB, where is he now? I thought he just wanted to spread that spirituality? :OD

It's old. How many times has this come up? Too many. These folks need to learn there actually is another way to get somewhere and it doesn't involve any kind of bullshit whatsoever. That comment/mentality/example was directed at every single producer here who's doing well organically. Why shoot them down!

As for those buying their way to the top... I remember a few occasions when the bots would market their bullshit service using lines like "This is meant for those who are confident in their work and READY for the world to see them!" Much like how a fake diet pill promises confidence and a happy life, but no promise of actual results. I'm not surprised someone who couldn't perform without steroids now can't perform without steroids.

Hehe, yeah, they were very keen to market themselves as promotion bots. For posts that people felt should be promoted up for visibility.

Funny how they don't like paying for promotion now eh! Surely it couldn't have just been for the ROI steem printing machine they were doing it! HAHAH

It's painfully obvious now, it was all a lie.

Some of those folks were so angry about 50/50 yet had no issues with earning sometimes far less than 5%? And they left that genius legacy plastered all over a blockchain, forever.

So many lies.. . By the users and providers, laid bare now. I hope people remember in the future when these people say other things

If they forget, it'll most likely take another two years for them to be able to even notice they're getting screwed, unfortunately.

Lol those CHB posts were awful and I didn’t need even visit trending that much but even I saw them as way too much I don’t know how anyone else dealt with it! Actually won a meme competition meme’ing his bs once lol

I’m actually quite liking the complaints from bigger accounts who buy votes or have vote trading circle jerks now being disrupted

It’s about damn time! The compliance is real on these accounts I can put out anything get my 10-40 bucks and move on!

The whole point of Steem was to be a place where content can compete regardless of who posts it but it’s been a pay to play it popularity contest.

Lol I don’t have a community who supports me, I don’t bid bot, all my votes I get are a lottery every day and sometimes I do win something

It encourages me to create not knowing when I’ll hit there big time lol that for me is the fun part but then again it’s not for everyone

I tried talking to that guy. I've met more interesting walls. To me it looked like he had a deal going, buying votes, setting the trending page fake value, forcing others to pay that much, then they all padded their wallets. The posts and words were just filler, in my opinion.

I'm seeing a lot of folks now hitting those bonus rounds. Have you noticed how you want to try harder? Maybe there's a bit of pressure to do a good job? It's a good thing. It's contagious as well. Before all these changes, we were attempting to chip away at a wall with a plastic spoon, trying to get somewhere. Now it seems there's a mountain ahead, but a clear path that leads to the top. It won't be easy, but at least everyone can see a chance of getting somewhere actually exists.

Oh I can totally see that it was filler and the sad thing was people would engage with the content hoping to get some scrappy upvotes and it would seem to the untrained eye as if this person was a popular author lol

I don't see anything wrong with making steem earning harder and encouraging more manual curation and actually using your brain instead of these mindless botting and circle-jerking. It is contagious, I can see people who I used to upvote because I liked their stuff get more rewards than they ever had before, they were just going unnoticed

I also see some bid botter peeps powering down and leaving.

I see people trying to bid bot smaller amounts to try and fly under the radar

I think this DV usage is only the beginning. People who like this new ecosystem will earn a stake and buy a stake and support the way it works and im keen to see how it plays out. Yes I agree on there is still a mountain of abuse but now we have something to work with

I always said one of the biggest problems here was a severe shortage of curators. All that SP was centralized into a few paid votes, and those people earning were being paid to look away. How can someone see value in something if it's as easy as breathing in air?

Can lick my balls.

'nuff said.

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