I'm Happy You Still Give A Shit

in #life5 years ago

Through thick and thin.
For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.
And all that other blah blah mushy shit.

cheap fucking awesome.jpeg

I never did get married.

Came close once though.

Together for six years. Found out about her dishonesty, cheating, and stealing stuff within the first few months. You always hope in time those you love will get better; change. They often say they will. They don't.

But this post isn't about that.

I live in a society today where couples can't even stay married. Everything is fucked. Throw it out and get a new one.

That's where society went wrong, I think. Taking everything we love, and our belongings, for granted. It can all be easily replaced.

Many people seem to lack the ability to place value on the things that truly matter. And I'm not talking about price tags or how little it costs now to purchase your status here in the form of many tokens.

I'm talking about value.

Screenshot (609).png

I've been here, doing this,

for nearly three years.

Any new arrival, on their first day, begins building a relationship with this platform, this blockchain; all it has to offer.

It's no different than when you buy a new car.

Some people will love their cars. Others will bag that car into the ground; pound it into submission.

Those who grow to love this newfangled contraption known as STEEM often find themselves in a relationship where the love flows both ways. All smiles when things are going well; strong enough to take on the challenges.

Those who beat it and yell, take it for granted, milk every penny, cheat on it with others, troll, abuse — they all break down like the cars they drive.

When that car breaks down, who's fault is it, who's left stranded; who's walking away?


Ain't life a bitch.

They call it Steemicide. I've been seeing a lot of those lately. People are falling apart; crumbling. Some attempt to hide their weakness by acting out; acting tough. Bad attitudes. Nonstop complaints. Attempts to win others over so they too can join the march to the bottom.

If they were being honest, they would say:

"I'm not able to handle the pressure, so I'm going to say I'm leaving, daily, as I stay here, complaining, daily. Join me! Together we will attempt to appear to be even more powerful than we are, as our true colors shine brighter than ever before!"

I promised myself I wouldn't hold a grudge.

Yes, I'm disappointed in some and the way they're handling things. Yes, I've tried to talk people down from that ledge. Yes, I've seen some shady behavior and a whole lot of entitlement issues out on display that don't sit well with me.

I also take mental health quite seriously. I know it's not easy. I can see they're struggling. I can respect the fact they're going through a rough patch. Some people can't handle stress as well as others.

I can't help but notice some eerie similarities between the behavior of people experiencing their self-inflicted final days on the chain, and what one might be experiencing the weeks prior to their self-inflicted final day.

I'm not an expert on these things so I don't want to provide any misinformation but I am confident those in the know would see a few similarities; and if you did some independent research on how people act before their self-inflicted final day, you might see what I see as well.


This place is as real as it gets.

So I take those grievances seriously, to a point. When they're grumbling about money, have earned thousands of SP, and have nothing in their wallets to show for it, plus want more; all I'm hearing is a spoiled brat pouting about getting a Mercedes they'll drive into the ground for their birthday instead of a Maserati to destroy.

Took it all for granted. Threw away a future together. Took the one night stand. Can't figure out why they're alone.

I'm glad much of that madness has finally settled down.

I'm happy the ones who remain,

are the ones who give a shit.

The ones who can handle it.

If I'm struggling, I don't want someone in my ear saying:

"See! See! I told you so! I told you it was going to be hard! I told you that hardfork would be the end of everything and for everyone! Said the sky was falling but you didn't listen! I bet you feel stupid now! Should have quit, like I said I would, even though I'm still here, being obnoxious, because I have no life!"

Sigh. I don't like those kind of people. I've never liked those kind of people. Some people put more energy into failing than others put into succeeding. I just don't get it.

Everyone knows if those were the only ones left, then yes, this project would fail.

So I'm glad, according to themselves, they're gone.

And I'm happy you still give a shit.

P.S. I made this, don't know what the hell to do with it, so I'll just leave it here:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Chorkey.png

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"There might never be a better time to post. Anyone in the know knows what I mean."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


I don't think I have ever seen an in depth x-ray of a digital animation... until now 😁 Chorkey rocks!

Just got my first smart phone that I don't have to share with hubs, probably should figure out which steem app works best, I just signed into steemit with the browser 😆 Not a huge fan of touchpad typing, but I'll deal.

Those legs and arms started out looking like a decent skeleton, but then I just painted over. My crazy brain decided to put a 'Y' as each hand, because you know, body language. The nostrils double as eyes for something else. It says "C2" on the top right, because, mirror. There's more but I rarely give away that many secrets so consider yourself lucky today! I might continue working on him. I'd like to add finer detail. Right now it's all kind of blurry. Like I said though, I wasn't too sure what to do with him. Spent a lot of time on him already. Time is something I don't have much of these days.

And I can't stand that touchpad typing stuff. I need keys that go ka-chunk.

I do feel lucky ;)

I hear you about time, I haven't had much myself, but getting a lot of shit done so that's good. Do you guys have door dashing or grub hub in the north? lol. They're like uber eats, I'm about to sign up to do them for some extra cash, got the small car with good gas mileage, got the new phone, and just got a pair of glasses on the way for driving...well at night at least. My vision's pretty good, but I have fuck of a time with the glare at night especially in the rain.

Yes! Exactly, the ka chunk! But also I suck at texting, so slow at it, I'm a 70+wpm typer and a 10 wpm texter

Yeah the larger centers have food delivery services. Where I spend a lot of my time, it's easier to just hop in the kayak and grab a fresh fish or two. Probably quicker than waiting for a gas burner to show up. "I can't find the place." Yes, that's the idea.

He looks like he is made from modelling clay and you used a stylus to put those grooves into him, very carefully, placing each one exactly so, then painted the eyes and nostrils.

It's all in the shading. The eyes and nostrils did go on last, then I blurred the edges in once I merged the layers. I could still go and add more layers on top of all this yet. Maybe make the eyes look bulgier. The nostrils should look deeper. There's a lot I can do with this guy but holy crap is that ever going to take a long time. I'm not earning Disney wages here.. LOL! sigh

For all their time saving, computers take up a lot of time. I'm glad I never got really interested in producing digital art although I did try following some 3D tutorials. I might have mentioned making a gingerbread cookie man and accidentally placing one of his chocolate buttons floating turdlike behind him!

I've messed around with some of the 3D stuff. Certainly takes a lot of patience to learn. I remember some of the old software for building meshes being quite tedious.

It was probably 6-8 years ago, Blender, open source. What did you use?

I played around with Blender. I had a demo of something I think was called Maya. Then there was a program called Milkshape, I think. This is going back.

I prefer applying the art though. Giving these models the paint job.

Maya sounds familiar. I was building the models to put in a 3D app where I could touch them and make them spin around.

Chorky reminds me of some "people" I know.

And don't worry. I'll try to spread enough negativity for all those leaving.

Life is horrible and the world is about to end!

Oh, and can I have some money?


You know people that have alien heads for chins? Bet you didn't even notice that guy standing there on his chest.

Matter of fact, I didn't. I thought it was an interesting way of showing a ribcage, maybe lungs. And are those people next to him supporting him, worshipping him, or trying to push him over? Or are those just tentacles coming out of his sides?

And yes, of course I know "people" that have alien heads for chins. Doesn't everyone?

So that Chorkey dude really reminds me of the Lorax. Have you read that book to your kids? Anyway, he looks like he is going to shout at the Once-ler about those horrid thneeds. It is a rare occasion that I don't think one of your characters is creepy. The name though - not sure what that means but it sounds creepy. Of course.

Chorkey takes all this as a compliment and then some, now it's in the fridge for later.

I can't remember if I read that one to them. That's a lot of years ago. I got an early start.

So glad to have given him a meal. Hope it reheats well.

Ah Dr. Suess. Such rhythm. That one is a classic.

You can never have too much money.

Can't seem to ever have enough either. Confusing isn't it.

It is how they get you - and just when you thought you were out....

If crabs had a spirit animal it would most likely be the naysayers on here, now, what spirit animal is there for the neckless crab hands over there?

Maybe his spirit animal is a human.

There will always be naysayers to ignore. Naysayers on the internet, in majority text, can become quite a loud minority. Spreads like crabs.

I'm leaning more towards a cross between a geese and a hippo.

A gippo?

Idk, but I imagine it would be a cute but very ill tempered creature, fuck that's like what I am. I could be that spirit animal.

I'm getting better at trying to stay calm. I'm not always calm but I am getting better at trying.

Have you tried breathing into a paper bag?

You mean like a gas huffer? No.

Well said, the living will inherit the steem

Posted using Partiko Android

The dead look upon us and can't figure out why we waste a second of life.

Great words my friend.

Not the most polite way but yeah... We tend to take for granted things and get blind and unable to see how the world should really work.

Most of this people are from developed countries, were the few pennies they could get from here are meaningless, but, do they have a chance or an idea how much do this pennies help in other places?


Either way I'm not saying is wrong, I'm saying we tend to take all for granted.

Have a nice day.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's hard to say how the world should really work but we all have our own versions of common sense some will agree with.

I never thought receiving a penny was meaningless; and I know damn well what it's like to have nothing. I know what real hunger feels like. I know how much those pennies help and I also know how silly some were to eat those seeds instead of planting them. Doesn't matter where you're from, we're all on the same playing field, here.

Mind if I ask what you thought was impolite about this?

Mmm... Maybe not the most proper words... Last days I've being reading a lot of pessimistic things over here... But i get your point.

Back to the pennies... Could you believe I'm earning more from here than with one of my Fiat investments for retirement?

I can get x4 times! Even with the mass losses over here.

It's kind of crazy and that make me look for some different tools, some peer-to-peer lending (if that's how they call...) either way I'm learning and thats great.

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't get what you mean. Pessimism? Here? Previous post was a joke. Wrote that to make people smile. Post before that was some advice on sharing, to help spread the word about this place, the easy way. Post before that was more humor, plenty of people got a good laugh that day. The post also doubled as marketing. Post before that started out with humor and shifted to a warning about charlatans taking advantage of the desperate. Post before that was just art.

So I'm still confused about the impolite part, and now the "proper words" part and the pessimism. Mind if I again ask what that's all about? I'm quite curious.

I'm not referring to you or your post, I was talking about the overall community.

Maybe is what I call as "lack of knowledge or background" from myself to notice that sarcasm or some jokes that get missed with a literal translation.

Posted using Partiko Android

We don't all speak the same language. That I do respect.

Well, none of it had to be done the way it is being done. Amateurs send mixed messages and scare people by saying things like...

This isn't working we have to do something. Amateurs focus on technical details and not benefits and results.

While I agree some aren't behaving well it is also a function of poor leadership and poor communication.

Lets put the DEVELOPMENT guys in charge of communications... Said no one ever.

Self-starters and people with a high level of personal responsibility do well here. Those who want step by step direction and someone else to solve the problems don't do as well.

From working in Start-ups I've seen this before. Some people don't like change, can't understand anyone having a different view and seek leadership to solve all the problems. Some roll with the changes. Anyway Steemicide is real.

I've seen this before as well. I've seen it all here before and in life. I agree with everything you said here. Mistakes are being made by amateurs. That's clear. Plenty of opportunities to set the record straight, hardly any were taken. Misinformation everywhere. Know your role is a good one. Too many cooks in the kitchen is another. Teamwork. That shouldn't be a foreign concept.

So many people complaining about what they can't do, instead of working at what they can.

I've said those exact words many times in my life.

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