I Found A Strange New Material on the Highway So I Started Sculpting

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Does anyone know what this stuff is?
I'll admit, it's a messy substance, but it sticks.
Should I put it in the oven?


So There I Was(or was I there?)

Driving along the highway on my way home from work.

A nice day. Probably the nicest day of the year, so far. Clear skies. Hot and dry.

I heard a sudden thump and then a few ka-chunk ka-chunk's. I was certain I'd be changing a tire.

I stopped, stepped out, did the walk around, kicked the tires. Everything was fine so I stood there with a purposefully perplexed look on my face and scratched my head, in case anyone was watching.

Then I Noticed Something

On the shoulder of the highway and partially in the ditch I observed some sort of material(for lack of a better term) glistening in the sun.

I poked it with the first stick I could find. Seemed to be plant-based. It didn't move or make a sound.

Being an artist, I immediately saw potential in this brave new world I had embarked upon.

I scooped everything up, threw it in the back of the truck, headed home. Took it out of the truck and began experimenting. I moved this here and that there. Eventually I came up with this amazing new sculpture. Probably my best to date.

Have a Look-See

Sven - Copy.jpeg
I Shall Name it Sven


I'm actually on my way out the door now to go look for more building materials like this. If anyone has any idea what it might be, let me know in the comment section below. I can't be the only one in the world who sculpts with this stuff.

Thanks for reading and being on this journey with me. I truly appreciate it and love you all unconditionally.


Disclaimer: In case you didn't notice, this entire thing was a combination of fiction, art and humor.
All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I will build Sven a new friend!"
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


Is it poopy-poo?

If it is... I should probably stock up on hand sanitizer, pronto. I didn't even think of wearing gloves...

It's amazing what you did with the 'material' there, but I think what happened was you ran over the flexible sheath of a portable condiment dispenser, and if the color is any clue, I'd say it was a large tomatus catsupus, often seen laying around roadsides in North America. They do grow them big up in Canadia don't they? Probably better keep that in the freezer.

Certainly isn't mustardius maximus. Thank you for the heads-up, you may be right. I remember seeing a big potato chasing me. He look fried. I had to get outta there pretty damn fast.

The freezer you say. You think it'll melt? Seems to be holding firm. The odor is unfamiliar to me though. It's getting more powerful as now moves into then.

It could serve as a sort of clock then, by now I'm guessing it's 'brown-thirty', or half-past ripe.

I was suddenly reminded of the Shittober joke in this post when I read brown-thirty.
I wouldn't be able to tell you what time it is though. The sun is down and Sven doesn't have hands anymore.

I'm surprised I missed that Haffanower post, thanks for taking me back. That was great.

...yeah. The good ole days when I'd work my ass off and nobody read my stuff. Kinda remind reminds me of what I've done all along, except a few people read my stuff now. Memories.

Oh that one got some votes, seven months ago, or the $0.00 Days, it hailed every day, and we didn't have shoes, so we had to crawl, and we begged on the sidewalks of steemit, beat and thin, dancing and rhyming our heads off for a few pennies to rub together. Memories!

I'm just happy my toes grew back. Damn those were hard times. A loaf of bread was worth a penny and the artists starved, more.

You caught the expression of confused very well, is great

Thank you. I believe the art often puts the artists feelings on display more than the actual art. This material tends to drip and droop though. I hope it eventually dries and keeps this shape.

I bet Sarah is awfully pissed you didn't involve her on this adventure. In fact, I'm thinking Sarah will insist on helping you with Sven's new friend...wait, did you ever get her back? Or did that guy that stole her from you keep her?

Sarah is still missing. Unfortunately my plea for help only garnered six handfuls of views. Sven seems to be suffering the same fate. I may have to start using my followers if I run out of material, but I never lose hope. Sarah will be back and so will everyone else.

You're not going to believe this. There's a strange dent on my truck and someone painted the bumper and grill red. I'm having such a bad day.

What a coincidence! Late one night I experienced a similar thump which seemed as if a tire might have bit the dust...but when I got out, all the tires were fine. It was dark so I decided I would go home and examine the vehicle the following day.
I also found a dent the following morning, and someone painted my bumper too! But it was a brownish color...

So odd. I just don't get it.

I've been thinking about changing the format of my blog again. Apparently, people don't like sculptures. I can tell because this article is totally about sculptures, and the people didn't flock to see it.

I think I'll go with something that would cater to the judge a book by it's cover crowd. The followers seem to know what to expect, but I'm having trouble getting new faces in here. I mean, sure, Sven is a new face, but he's just no good to me here in this condition. It's really depressing actually.

Anyway, if you haven't noticed, the nicotine/no smoking thing is giving me a bit of an attitude problem. It's meant to be humorous, but I fear this might be taken seriously, like the headline.

The paint came off. They must have used washable markers.

Sometimes I've found the way to go is to re-read stories in the past that people have responded to--in your case articles etc. Like a kickstart to inspiration.
Nooo, I haven't noticed any kind of change in mood whatsoever ;) I give you a huge amount of credit for continuing right through it, I'm not sure I'd be strong enough to.

I'm always feeling inspired. It helps to just get my crazies out and have fun with these cravings and the attitude. Maybe I should use it to my advantage and go full retard again.

Chants Full Retard Full Retard


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