Day Eight: Pass the Collection Plate

in #life8 years ago (edited)

"Excuse me sir, you wouldn't happen to have a quarter on you by chance?" He's reaching. "Oh, a dollar, are you sure?" "Thank you." Mere footsteps between generosities. There's one. "Hey, sorry to bother you. Can you spare one of those cigarettes you have there? I have a dollar." "Oh, for free? Thank you. ...argh but I hate to ask, could I still buy a couple of those off of you for later?" Awesome, he's reaching back into his pack. "Three? Are you sure? You are too kind sir, thank you very much." Now to go catch my bus...damn, I hope I see a good meter close by.

If people could read my mind right now, they'd be able to see how I turned asking for a quarter into four cigarettes. I'm so glad they can't. They might think I'm some kind of scam.

Perfect, this one's nearly finished. So close to the bus stop yet, my lucky day....and here comes the first bus. I'll just start digging around in my pockets, making it all obvious and... "Hey, hi there! One of you kind souls wouldn't happen to have a loonie or a toonie? I must have lost mine! haha!" Oh, nice, three are reaching, let's see who wins. Inventor of the two dollar coin...genius. "Why thank you ma'am." "No that's okay guys, she covered it, all I need is two! You folks are too kind!" Did I just see that? That guy gave her his two dollars. Paid it forward. It's strange how they just keep on walking though, never looking back. I wonder if they where helping a person pay for their parking, or just helping a person with a coin...

If people would look back, they might see me still lingering around this meter. Which reminds me, I should never tell them I'm in a hurry.

I'll do a couple more buses then walk over to McDick's and grab a coffee, yeah, it's still early. "Hi there, you wouldn't happen to have a light?" "Great, thank you. Another nice day isn't it..." Seems he hates small talk. "Yup thanks again, see ya." Is that a bus I see, now where did I put that dollar.

Alright I've got 5 bucks and three cigarettes left. Coffee time. Just around the corner. I can already smell it. Who's this guy hanging out by the door. Maybe that's what I smelled. Oh, of course he wants a cigarette. "Dude, I've only a couple left"....."Well sure I can sell you one for a buck if that's what you're offering." Either he's just starting his round, or I'm better at this game than he is. I look like a "Mark" though. If things don't get better soon, I won't have this advantage out here.

So that's six dollars and two cigarettes. I'll have this morning coffee, then head back home. If I see a cigarette on the way, I'll ask. I hope I got an email about a job. It's too bad I don't have a phone, I bet that's why they never contact me. My resume looks good. Good enough for these jobs anyway. Phone number field, left blank. "Oh Hi there, can you spare a cig today?" "No? Hey no problem buddy!" There better be a message. Who applies for over thirty job positions and doesn't even get one answer back? Well at least I got enough money for a sub (sandwich) later. It's actually been a pretty good day so far. No messages...

Oh! Hello! I didn't see you there. ~applause sign~ My name is @nonameslefttouse aka Damien. I'd like to take a brief moment to talk to you. I'm the author and survivor of the situation you just read about. I'd call it the cusp of homelessness. Those were dark days. The worst only lasted for about two weeks, that story from my mind was a glimpse of it. I had already been evicted for being late on rent. I was staying at a cousins house. At the time I owned a tv, two end tables, a bed that was given to me, this laptop, two suitcases; one with all my clothes inside and the other for little odds, ends, and my paper trail. It only took two months before the money ran out. I wasn't giving up though. I didn't want to go on a social assistance program. I honestly felt I would be getting hired at any moment...and there is so much more to the story!

It's easy to look down on those scavenging on the streets asking for change and smokes. When I first moved to that city, I was a little put off by them myself. When I was in the situation, I still at least had the benefit of clean clothes and hygiene. Many of the people who would give seemed to look at me like they were helping out one of their own. I'd see the looks some of the others would get...we've all seen those looks.

I have many more stories to come. My grammar does need work at times, bare with me. Writing has always been my passion. Have a look at my other efforts within this blog. Plenty of good, quick stuff to read with promises of a steady stream. You'll notice I'm not holding much back. My intro says a lot. Learning as I go. There's some sort of hidden message within majority of what I'd like to share, so I'm eating a few words I wrote in the intro as well. I don't mind learning the hard way. I'm doing all this "live!", as well. Each day something to add, each day growing and improving. A new piece of the puzzle. Hot off the press, never before seen. I experiment with different characters as well. There's much more to my writings than I thought there would ever be. Please take the time to enjoy them, if you wish.

Thank you for your ongoing support, it makes us all better people. I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled reading now though. Have a nice day. ~subliminal message about upvoting and reading previous @nonameslefttouse for enjoyment as well~

©2016 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.


I should add. I do encourage discussion under these fantastic articles of mine. It beats staring at my blog for three hours wondering why it feels like nobody ever sees my stuff. That's the hardest part. I'm starting to feel like maybe I should have done less at first...but I can't stop now.

It can be tough to get the ball rolling here and sometimes frustrating. If you have any questions or like some help feel free to join the #steemprentice channel in There's dozens of people there who do nothing but help out. :)

Thank you for the heads up on that. When I have a few minutes, I may just pop in. Maybe my words and acting during my dark days was enough for a few dollars, in a situation where it's not even socially acceptable to ask. Certainly didn't come here to strike it rich, I came here to write...with the hopes of a few pennies for my thoughts. It's seems like I've upgraded to the street performer, I play good music, but everyone else walks by with ear buds my dish remains empty.

No worries. It's definitely no rush or pressure. I at least like to let users know that support is available. About 90% of the time the suggestions have nothing to do with the content itself, just formatting and marketing tweaks to get readers and ideally a following.

Just as an example, I'd recommend adding at least one image in your posts so it creates a thumbnail with the picture. It seems minor, but so many people just glance over posts when in a list that don't have an image thumbnail there. In the analogy of a street performer..if they're wearing earbuds...use flashy visual effects to get them to stop :)

I've had a gamer mentality for a long time..."There's always a way to win..just have to find it."

I'll admit, if it comes down to that, if I really have no other choice...I will add an image. I'm intentionally leaving that part empty for now. I know all about flashy sales techniques. When I look at the feed, I see a blur of color. Advertisements. Signs. The ones that stand out to me are the different ones. They say, "Never judge a book by it's cover." So I make it easier for people. Now they won't feel judgemental. :)

If this is a video game, I have it set on "Ultra hard" difficulty. I do have some art to show, eventually. Then the people may have their visions. I'd just like to level up a bit first.

It's definitely a personal preference thing.
Personally I choose images to enhance my content, not just in the sense of clickbait. You can use things on the web, in particular with licences for commercial use, or sites like It doesn't have to be personal artwork.

Never judge a book by it's cover.

But when was the last time you picked up a book with no cover at all? Lol.

But everyone has their preferred methods. I'm sure you will find what works best for you :)

One of the best books I ever read did not have a cover. I found it inside the kitchen cupboards of an old dilapidated farmhouse, middle of nowhere, Saskatchewan.

I never knew the title of the book, and the ending was missing. Everything about it, strange.

You can't add thumbinal after day five.

That's unfortunate. I'll have to create something unique. I'm not a fan of using someone's work for the sole purpose of drawing attention to mine. Thanks for that touch of information there, every bit counts.

Your content must be original, it must include flashy pictures, it must be structured to look like all of the other original content. You must obey, or you WILL fail.

Day Five: Without Censorship, We Will Fail

Well played! ...and maybe you caught on to the hidden message inside that article? Truth in disguise my friend. It has been a battle.

I am happy to say I've found the herd though. That's a bit of an inside joke.

Clue: Day Nine.

Hype: That's not the last we'll see of Bottles...whatever that means.

Link to Day Nine:

Day Five to reveal contents of hidden inside joke.

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