Day Nine: They Call This Fine Wine

in #life8 years ago (edited)

100 years ago, a man was sitting alone at a bar. He was drunk out of his head, and then it donned on him. He declared, "I'm going to sell water in a bottle!" The entire bar heard him, and they all laughed. "You're crazy, nobody in their right mind will pay for individual bottles of water," said the town idiot, and most everyone agreed.

That was the first time and the last time the man thought about what he now considered a ridiculous idea...but that wasn't the only miracle that happened that day. It was also the first and last time the town idiot was right about something. It is a day everyone remembers.

Moral of the story? Today, we seem to forget about what that idiot said. They thought it was insane back then, and we don't today. Therefore, we are insane. It's all tap water and marketing. If you don't agree with the ethics of certain governments and corporations dipping their hands in your right to drinking water...simply stop supporting them. Not with your words, but with your money.

We can have their money!! ...but instead we drink their piss.

I'm just going to leave this here.

Thank you for your ongoing support, it makes us all better people. I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled reading now though. Have a nice day. ~subliminal message about upvoting and reading previous @nonameslefttouse for enjoyment as well~

©2016 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.


The THREE main things sold today are FEAR, PROPAGANDA and MARKETING. Simply by repeating the lie that water from your domestic water pipe from the city is unhealthy; companies managed to sell water in bottles.

Reality says the water supply is under government inspection laws so the tap water is usually more carefully inspected and tested than the liquid in the plastic bottles. At least one township decided that they had options, either increase taxes for revenue or take the towns local tap water and put it in plastic bottles.

This led to them selling the same water but at a 6000 percentage increase in price, minus the plastic bottle costs and transport charges of course, but six thousand % increase is rarely a bad thing . . .

Not sure if people remember the movie scene where the Texas oil barons are having a company meeting. Someone proposes that the company should sell WATER not oil. These Texans become furious stating they are real oil men ! ! !

The person carefully explains to sell a gallon of oil it costs $7 to produce and we sell it for ten dollars, The CEO and Board Director are impressed and nods and handshakes circle the conference room.

Now the person explains that is a $3 profit per gallon of oil, if we sell water we can produce a gallon of water for $4 and sell it for $10 per gallon, that is a SIX DOLLAR profit on every gallon of water . . .

The Managing Director looks around the room, and announces "GENTLEMEN; WE ARE IN THE WATER BUSINESS ! ! ! "

Thank you for that great response. It is a fantastic addition to this thread.

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