The Time She Made This Man Walk Home

in #life5 years ago

This Man is a sucker for a pretty face.
Or maybe This Man just needed a friend that day.

This Man.JPG

This Man vs Hot Stoner Chick

It was summer. This Man was living the dream, alone.

A man can only drink so many lonely beers before the beers turn into tears. This Man is far too cool to be sitting around crying about being out of beer though.

The beach, the lake. This Man grew up there. Heaven on Earth but even there, the missing piece of the puzzle was like an infected eyesore This Man simply could not stop picking.

Christopher McCandless said it best.

“Happiness only real when shared.”

Nobody deserves the feeling of an entire beach to themselves.

The Man Vibrator

When the pocket region trembles with good news.

This Man finally heard back in text form. The rattling was a shock, This Man nearly spilled the beer. Hot Stoner Chick had the day off and was on her way. Brilliant! It was the best idea This Man had ever heard.

Hot Stoner Chick didn't want to hang out on the beach though. She had other plans. This Man loves to go with the flow. It had been a few weeks since This Man was in the city and we both needed supplies anyway.

The Day

The drive to the city was to take roughly forty-five minutes. Time flies when you're having fun though, and she liked to speed.

First stop, more alcohol. Finding a beer store was easy. She told This Man not to worry about it and headed inside. This Man enjoyed the thought of a woman paying for drinks this time, until she walked out with some kind of iced tea/alcoholic drink in cans. This strange liquid was unnecessary. If you want This Man to vomit, simply force your finger into This Man's throat, then tickle.

It was barely noon, so This Man thought a nice light beer would be perfect for a hot day. Eighteen Corona Extra should suffice. Those go down like water. As a Canadian, This Man prefers to skip American brands. Those go down like piss.


The Doctor's doorbell must have been broken, but the strange static-like sound was enough to get his attention.

This Man left Hot Stoner Chick in the driveway. These guys hate it when you bring over new patients without asking first.

Hot Stoner Chick wanted that bag. She had been needing that medicine for many days. Once This Man emerged from The Doctor's lair, Hot Stoner Chick's face lit up. She knew This Man only gets the best. She couldn't stop laughing at how the vehicle suddenly smelled like a grow-op when This Man sat down. When she saw exactly how far $240 can go when you don't do business with ripoff artists, This Man had to help push her eyeballs back into her head because Hot Stoner Chick needed those to be able to drive out of there.

"So now what?"

Hot Stoner Chick, if we get pulled over, we're fucked. Let's get out of town. Please, stop speeding. Be careful, there's a stop sign. Make sure you stop. You forgot to signal, don't forget to signal. Take this road, it's safer.

Safe and Sound

Now, we can relax.

Back roads all the way to the lake. This Man knows all the shortcuts. Hot Stoner Chick was impressed with the scenery. It didn't take long for plans to change. She stopped and decided this random location in the middle of nowhere was a perfect place to start.

This Man eagerly cracked a beer. It's safe here.

Hot Stoner Chick was busy packing a bowl. This Man noticed a hockey stick in the back seat. Hot Stoner Chick was also a Hot Chick Who Plays Hockey.

There was a sign there to warn travelers of a few bumps on the road. This Man decided it would make a good net. Every stone on that graveled back road was This Man's puck.

We made a game of it. The first to actually hit the sign by shooting a rock with the hockey stick, wins. She had the advantage. It was her stick. She shoots left handed. This Man uses a right handed stick. This Man still won. Just in time too. A vehicle was approaching. Time to get moving.

We both agreed, Hot Stoner Chick was already too messed up to be driving. She wasn't comfortable on gravel roads. This Man could tell because that was some of the worst driving This Man had ever witnessed.

It Was Getting Dark

We're still driving, aimlessly. Having so much fun just being messed up, enjoying music and hilarious conversation.

How it suddenly became so late still baffles This Man to this day. What a great time just hanging out, shooting the shit. She wanted to call it a night and This Man obliged. Any more of this irresponsible/fun behavior would most certainly overstimulate our senses and send us hurtling over a cliff.

This Man took a left. We're still in the middle of nowhere. Lost, but it's not hard to find your way out of a grid system of roads.

It was a dead end. This Man knew that. It wasn't hard to see the towering cattails and a marsh. Why she panicked still confuses This Man to this day.

Hot Stoner Chick, for some strange reason, thought This Man wasn't going to stop. She grabbed the shifter and slammed the vehicle into park. Who does that!

The wheels locked, on mud. The vehicle slid directly into a rut on the side of the road. We were stuck. She blamed This Man. This Man tried to push us out. Impossible. We were fucked.

About an hour goes by.

Hot Stoner Chick was busy on the phone the entire time, trying to get help.

This Man's cheap gas station flip phone meant to be used only in an emergency, was dead.

Suddenly, Hot Stoner Chick breathes out a sigh of relief, instead of more medicinal smoke. She has a plan and begins to lay it all on me. Check this out.

So, I got a hold of my boyfriend and he's on his way. You need to go hide in the bushes over there. He'll come and pull me out with his truck. When the coast is clear, I'll come back for you.

It was really hard, at this point, to stay calm.

Maybe she didn't know that This Man already knew about the boyfriend. This Man was being a gentleman all night instead of a drunken fool trying to pick up this chick, because This Man knew about that man. This Man thought we were friends, hanging out like friends do, the entire night, and acted accordingly.

So why must This Man hide? Hide in the middle of nowhere. There's no moon on this night. You don't leave a human out here in the wilderness, alone, at night, with no guarantee of ever being picked up. Surely The Boyfriend would understand. Why is This Man, your friend, a secret? There's nothing to be ashamed of.

This Man felt used and abused.

This Man didn't want her to be in trouble either.
The ominous glow of those headlights ever so slowly approaching meant there wasn't any more time to argue.

Fine! Whatever! Off This Man went. This Man had to hustle though. Running in the dark. Good times. Something was bothering This Man's foot. Don't you hate it when a foreign object gets stuck in your shoe? This Man took care of that and disappeared into the darkness.

Hiding in a ripening canola field is much like playing in the rose bushes. This Man found out the hard way. It's not as spiky, but still uncomfortable nonetheless.

The Boyfriend drove past. This Man watched them from a distance.

On this night, This Man realized what it must feel like to be a Sasquatch. Being there but nonexistent, all at the same time.

This Man watched them leave the area and the stuck vehicle behind. They stopped about a mile down the road and just sat there. That's when This Man realized, it wasn't a stone inside the shoe that bothered The Foot. That was the small bag of weed This Man hid there and totally forgot about.

This Man ran like the wind back to the vehicle. Using a Bic lighter for a light source, the bag was eventually saved from becoming just another statistic. Of course, now the vehicle with The Boyfriend is approaching and This Man is cornered.


This Man loved those shoes.
How was This Man to know the water in that marsh was so deep.

Now This Man is soaking wet, making friends with angry ducks and curious muskrats.

The Boyfriend walks up and comes within ten feet of This Man. He's mumbling to himself. This Man can hear every word. He was not saying nice things about Hot Stoner Chick. This Man felt like jumping out and scaring the living shit out of The Boyfriend, because that would have been hilarious. This Man stayed quiet and watched instead. The Boyfriend left again, This Man made a run for it back to the friendly canola patch home away from home.

It took The Boyfriend and a group of his friends another hour to get the vehicle out. This Man watched the entire time. They all left. Three sets of taillights, all fading into dust.

It was now This Man's turn to go home.

Into the Wild

This Man might have been born at night, but it wasn't last night. Hot Stoner Chick told This Man to stay on this same road that stranded us. That made sense. This Man would be easier to find if Hot Stoner Chick knew where to look.

This Man walked many pointless miles and ended up backtracking quite a bit, on foot, because Hot Stoner Chick did not show up.

Walking in the darkness of night, in the middle of nowhere, wasn't scary. Not for someone like This Man. Maybe This Man couldn't see the road, but This Man could feel and hear it.

Those sounds in the bushes all around that resembled lions and tigers and bears... those were cows. This Man couldn't see them of course. A wild imagination in the wild is not taught in survival class. You become the monster, not the other way around.

The Walk of Shame

This Man walked for many hours. It lightly rained on and off for most of this journey. Yes, it was cold. This Man was still wearing beach clothes.

Only one set of headlights approached.

Here's some advice: Wear reflectors when you go out with Hot Stoner Chicks.

That truck almost hit This Man and just kept on going.

The Sun is rising. This Man is still walking. It was the most beautiful sunrise This Man had ever experienced.

So thirsty. The legs become tired and weak but still function. Stopping to rest would probably lead to cramping. Just keep going. It doesn't hurt. Mind over matter. This Man knows.

Finally, Home

First things first. Plug the phone in. Time to get to the bottom of this. This Man throws the first text. It's on.

Hey! Hot Stoner Chick! What the fuck! My beer are still in your vehicle. Can you bring those over later? Thanks!


All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"This story was first presented to the STEEM community on 12/23/2017. This Man was a character I had created back in 2016. He's some kind of super hero version of me and instead of saying 'I', he says, 'This Man.' He's larger than life and often acts like a big shot but I had often used him to tell true life stories about times that didn't go too well for me. Irony. Many of you who are new to my blog aren't familiar with these characters of mine. @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself is also a character. If you ever find yourself being pissed off with these characters, there's a strong chance that means I'm doing a good job. They're assholes sometimes. Mr. Himself is probably the biggest asshole and I think it's hilarious when people actually think I'm a drunk substitute teacher. Anyway, I just wanted to share this story again because I always liked it and I know many of you who follow me now haven't read it or even know I'm often using characters when I write."

Have a nice day.

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


That one is book worthy - I loved it.

I have over 760 posts published. There's a lot of good stuff in there. Majority of it got buried by people buying votes for junk. Many of those people aren't even here now. Feels like a waste but I'm still quite proud of some of things I did.

You are justifiably proud. I see this post as a scene from your movie on growing up in Canada.

Writing a movie script would be a lot of fun but making the movie would mean I'd have to have a say in everything and I think a few people would get fired.

I guess I'm glad I reposted this now. I don't make a habit of it but a few followers did request I post some older stuff, occasionally. There's also quite a few people who post one liners all day and self vote for far more than I'll ever earn for actually sharing what I think is some good stuff. Yeah I'm a bit grouchy about that stuff today, don't mind me.

I'll volunteer as a script editor since I have done it once now and actually saw my name in the movie credits a month or two back.

There's a lot of talent around here. I think if there was a larger market, many people could put their skills to use working together to make some incredible productions. Big budgets require big paydays though.

I watched this friend produce the movie himself from a book he wrote. There was a lot of effort from a whole bunch of people.

I'm familiar with some of what it takes.

It's the colors and those sunglasses that always make me think that This Man is jetting off in his UFO to drop in on us for another story.

That's a sort of sweet story, like the romance novel version of nonameslefttouse. I wonder what happened to Hot Stoner Chick. Surely the relationship with the boyfriend didn't last long. She sounds kind of like a jerk though, so I don't feel too sorry for her.

Your Canada sounds something like my Florida, flat and peaceful. Although yours is definitely quieter.

This Man will return, eventually, with some new surprises.

She moved far away, I haven't spoke to her in a few years. Last I heard, they were still together.

Quiet, peaceful; no gators.

"I'll be back!" This Man shouted over his cape as the green beam of light ushered him back into the UFO. "Eventually!"

True, gators make freaky sounding growling noises. So yeah, your Canada is more peaceful.

A moose sounds nasty. Bears are no fun. A deer could probably kick my ass. Skunks come equipped with pepper spray. There's a few rare wildcats; very rare. Coyotes. Big ones, big packs. They're usually quite timid though, when it comes to people. Mosquitoes. Billions of them.

Just so you know, I'm certain your usual creative approach to writing about life would fit in with the 'creativecoin' tag; 'palnet' as well. It's not always about the money either. These groups have helped me get more fresh new eyes on my work.

I would love to hear a moose. (I refuse to think they would sound nasty.) Those cute round noses - like a really big, sort of dangerous version of my dog...with weird horns and hooves. Well, basically nothing like my dog, but cute in a freakish sort of way. Bears though? Nope, never coming to your Canada.

I am so bad with all this inter-workings, politics stuff. I'm that person that very involved people call "part of the problem," because I want to ignore it all. Anyway, when I get a little downtime I will check it out. I was thinking creativecoin was more for artists, but if a writer can skate by then I will give it a go.

A moose is one of the most dangerous things you can run into, in the wild. When you're walking in these places you have to make a lot of noise, constantly, so these animals hear you, and move away. Startling a moose or a bear is how you get hurt.

Creative writing is included. Here's a post:

So in the nearly three years I've been here, I've had to deal with change. There was a time when I had gathered a lot of momentum, finally, after working my butt off for a long time. Anything I had gained went away practically overnight though once people started selling votes. So I had to deal with that. I never jumped on the vote buying bandwagon because I wasn't comfortable with stepping on and trampling the rankings of others and their work. I never sold votes because there were still people here who wanted eyes on their work and rewards for working.

Someone could buy votes for a meme, tag it 'art' or 'funny' and that would bury my art and funny work; work that took hours and sometimes days to produce. That nearly drove me away. That behavior did drive thousands away. They might never return.

So now with these 'tribes', there's an opportunity to go back in time, when people were excited to enjoy content. There's a ladder to climb again, instead of this lame push a few buttons, buy votes, reach the top of the mountain stuff. It gives everyone involved a chance at a fresh start. There's still no guarantees to earn or have eyes on the prize, but at least people are there to look again, rather than being paid to look away, and with people, over time, comes followers, eyes, and eventually, rewards. Right now, Steemit is missing those crucial elements, which is why so many struggle and receive so little engagement.

So, rather than taking these new rewards and cashing out, I'm staking everything so I can help build these communities with the hopes they can eventually reach their full potential. I don't even know how all of this will turn out but I do see it as an opportunity to right a few of the wrongs and get things back on track.

Right now I am playing hide-and-seek with the toddler's My Little Ponies. It is a strange game where all the humans actually know where the ponies are...but we pretend we don't. So excuse any strange typos, etc.

That link was very helpful, thank you. I would love to find a group of people that work life over in words, and I've found a few, but maybe this could help me find a few more and vice versa.

In a way it must be nice to have been around through all the change, so that you can look back on it all like a survivor. I hope you are right that the tribes have people that actually want to see content.

Life is so interesting, even the electronic version of life. I recall when I first came here I was following this lady who did posts on gardening. I don't even remember her name anymore, I unfollowed her so long ago. Anyway, the last thing I read of hers was something about how she wanted to avoid talking to anyone below dolphin status, but unfortunately other lower creatures just kept slithering around her. Lol. It is interesting how us humans like to organize ourselves into hierarchies even in the virtual world, and then all scramble to reach the top. Well, not all. I'd love to meet more that are unscrambled.

Anyway, thanks for the help. I will look into it.

Well, I hope this works out for you, eventually. I'm kind of monitoring today's progress with your recent post. I gave it a healthy dose of CCC and your post was near the top of the 'hot' list. I guess it's just a waiting game now. But I want to know if it's actually going to help and if people are actually looking. Steemit does have a shortage of curators so these tribes will only inherit that shortage until things get busy again. I hope at least some people look. Small victories lead to bigger ones.

And screw those people who turn their noses up to those who they think are under them. That makes someone LOW by default. That's the fake who rents the Corvette for the weekend, then drives it like they own it.

This man should post on ;D

This Man should do a lot of things!

As should this man according to his wife.

I love the pronoun referencing in this story!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well there's Batman; and then there's This Man.

I'm glad that you reposted this, as I fall into that category of people who only recently have discovered your work. Lot's of laughs enjoyed while reading.

A lot of the folks who followed way back then are no longer active here. I'm working in front of an entirely new set of people. Since I held those tokens I earned way back when, it's safe to say I only received a few tokens for this, and many other things. This stuff did not make me rich by any means. I won't make a habit of reposting. Maybe just on Sundays when it's slow, I'll bring some of my history back.

I'm really happy to see some took the time to enjoy this today. I was expecting crickets.

O my word this is so funny

Yeah. I lived through it just long enough to be able to laugh about it. Good times.

What an interesting story, at least he had his best sunrise and some fun... some mystical experiences too! :)

It's a true story.

it is sure, cheers for the weed bonus! ;)

I knew you were a Canadian as soon as you said the beer store, probably Ontario.
Funny you hid in a Canola field, they call that rape seed where Canola (a Canadian trademark) doesn't have a monopoly.

Posted using Partiko Android

Not from Ontario, no. You'll find me roaming around Saskatchewan, Alberta, and sometimes BC.

Oh I guess a lot of Canola fields over there. Ive only been through the praries once, but I've been to the mountains a few times and almist lost myself (the good way) there.

Posted using Partiko Android

They say there's nothing to see while driving through Saskatchewan but when you can see forever in every direction, I can't see how they can't see anything.

When you've lived in a urban area with 20+ million people as long as I have, wide open spaces are really freaky. If I see an empty soccer field I start tripping out. Some times I'll go to the edge which is the sea and it's the strangest thing to see very little asides from the odd boat rock wave or bird, until the edge of the horizon. On land, the concept is just so spooky amd there are always buildings and hills blocking me.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've spent enough time in cities to know I prefer peace and quiet. I miss hopping on the bus though and cruising around town, people watching, wasting a day getting lost.

I enjoyed the story, it was a good read. I also enjoyed reading about "Christopher McCandless", I am not sure if I remember the incident or not, I was in Alaska then, but did not really recall the story. Alaska can still be a pretty harsh place at time.

That dude's story changed my life.

There are somethings you can go blind into, and some things need a plan. Spontaneity is fine and leads to interesting things, and fun things, but some things really need a plan before doing.

what a GREAT story! Thanks for sharing with us!

Thanks for reading! On a Sunday, yet. I expected things to be really quiet today.

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