Appreciation Is Important

in #life6 years ago

A few days ago, @goldmatters (an awesome steemian) encouraged us to write a positive post about someone on steemit. I sort of did this at my 1,000 followers mark, but I want to do it more often.

So I'm going to do what I always do when there's something I want- I'm going to go after it!

In this case, going after it is just a matter of taking the time to write some thoughts that I've had floating in my head since a month or so ago when I first randomly stumbled upon @whatsup's profile (more accurately, randomly tripped upon... I'm incredibly clumsy).

From the get-go, @whatsup's writing held my attention, which is hard to do because I have the attention of a drunken monkey.

Yes, that's a thing.

Here's a video of monkeys stealing booze on the beach for proof:

The first post I read from her caught my attention because it was funny and I thought she was a talented writer.

I remember thinking "I hope I can write as well as that someday if I practice enough."

So I kept reading. The more I read, the more it confirmed to me that my initial suspicions were correct- she is in fact a really talented writer.

I can read all of her posts the entire way through without getting distracted, and that is the ultimate litmus test to decipher if a post is good or not.

Heck, I can't even typically complete writing one of my OWN posts...

...without getting incredibly distracted.

I think @whatsup is a genuine person who does what she says. What you see with her is what you get with her. And I admire that. She is brave enough to post controversial opinions which I greatly admire.

I'm not really brave enough to do that yet. I keep a lot of my deeper thoughts to myself, even though I know controversy can make some of the best content. I admire people who are willing to put their inner most true thoughts out there like that.

Brave, man.

Best of all, I've noticed that when her potentially controversial opinion DOES spark a little controversy, she has never stooped to attacking anyone's character.

Do you realize how amazing that is? I've seen her defend her opinions in VERY respectful ways (even after her own character was attacked). She never got defensive or attacked back.

The world needs more of that.

It needs more kindness.

Less judgment and harshness. And less name calling, my goodness. I can't believe that amount of name calling and cussing I've seen on steemit, and really social media in general. From people who are supposed to be adults - good examples for children!

From what I've seen, @whatsup sets a good example of how to treat people with respect and decency.

Because she's humble, I don't think she wouldn't toot her own horn and point this out or anything, but I wish that people who were humble enough to NOT brag about themselves would get recognized more.

And so if that's what I want to see more of in the world, then that's what I'm going to give to the world - recognition for people who might otherwise go unnoticed.

In a perfect world (which doesn't exist) all the humble people would be getting praised all the time! In fact, compliments and trophys would be getting handed out like candy!

Compliment for you, and one for you, and one for you!

Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a perfect world and that's not how it typically works.

Unfortunately, a lot of times, the good guy goes unnoticed.

That's how just how it is.

Real life isn't a disney movie where the good guy always wins.

If you think that sucks, then I challenge you to go out there and change it! Give someone the recognition they deserve.

Give them the praise that they would never give themselves because they don't want to brag about anything.

So, @whatsup, if you ever feel discouraged about anything, know that I see you (okay that sounds creepy. I promise I'm not in your bushes).

I see your acts of generosity that you don't announce to the world, but it's hidden there secretly (well, not-so-secretly... as it IS steemit, after all) in your wallet. That shows me that you have no ulterior motive to your giving...

...and that it's done just out of being a genuine person with a genuinely good heart.

These are a few things I admire about you and I just wanted you, and others, to know too.

If I didn't write about you, it's not because I don't appreciate you or recognize you. I can just only do one post at a time!


A truly lovely lady whose views on just about everything I greatly respect, if not always necessarily agree with.
Well done for picking such a great member to highlight :-)

Thank you! I plan on picking more later!

I only saw this because I just downloaded an app that helped me find where I am mentioned.

Wow! Thank you so much, what you wrote, is exactly what I try to hold myself to.

Honesty, even when painful.
Blunt, with an edge of kindness
Kind through the honesty and bluntness.

You my friend are also a GREAT writer. Much better than I am. I hope you find it beneficial to stay on Steem and I know the beginning is hard.

Thank you again, I am not a very emotional person and I felt a bit choked up as I read your post about me! Beautiful.

I really wanted to resteem this, but.. haha. It would feel so self-serving that I can't. I do want to express how much this made my day. Thank you

You my friend are also a GREAT writer. Much better than I am. << That is WAY too nice of a compliment since I seriously adore your writing!!! Thanks for all of the encouragement.

Blunt, with an edge of kindness . Kind through the honesty and bluntness. <<< See? You already put it to words better than I could. I ramble a lot to say the same thing that you say in two sentences. I agree, this is totally a quality I see in you and it's one I admire @whatsup!

Not related but I noticed that you joined steemit just a few weeks after me but you have done so much more with your time here....................
.......... inspiration is the word that I am looking for.

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i saw the brave animation movie. She is brave with a way, but you are also brave with your own way. Travel the world, its also a bravery. Not everyone with money have courage to do it alone.

i saw your favorite person @whatsup's blog. Nice to hear about him in your post. Not everyone can praise perfectly they meet in their life.

Oh good point! I guess traveling IS sort of brave, too! Haha wow, thanks for pointing out something I didn't even notice or think about! Thank you!!

I wanted to start with "Hahaha" again because I just can't help laughing when reading your post, but I feel this one is too deep and touching for the laugh. ;) She sounds like an amazing person talented in writing. Actually you too! I wish my English writing could reach the level of my mother language, so I can express all the subtle feelings in a much better way than it is now. I feel sometimes I can only go for some ancient kind of English word choices which you native speakers would never use, haha...

Haha oh no, maybe I shouldn't be so deep!! It's not normal! lol I think your English is PERFECT!

Very cool :):)

You're very cool even though you say you're not @goldmatters

I’m so uncool :)

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