1003 Followers & 10 SBD Giveaway!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

It’s Steemit official: I’ve reached 1,003 followers!!!

I think this is the part where I use this as an excuse to buy myself cake to celebrate, and then post a picture of it so that you feel like I'm sharing it with you...

...when I'm really just using you as an excuse to engorge my slob kebab of a self like I'm trying to win the "world's biggest glutton award."

I'm not sure if all of my followers are real. I think the breakdown might look something like this:

Or maybe it's just ALL my mom, secretly hoarding tons of steemit accounts...

But either way, I still want cake.

So, in order to celebrate properly...

I went on the hunt for a cake today in Vietnam. Not just any cake.

I specifically went on a hunt for GOLD cake, because this is a golden opportunity to show you guys how much I appreciate you!!

I wanted one like this awesome cake made by @alphasteem who made it for @goldmatters!

If you want to know why Mene gold is an awesome investment opportunity that you don't want to miss out on, just check out @goldmatters page, you'll find lots of wisdom and laughs.

Anyway, because I'm too scared to drive a motorcycle here...

I had to do the search on foot.

I walked.

And walked some more. Then, I got distracted by my new Vietnamese friend again who insisted on walking with me:

We found some golden-color sugarcane drinks, but no cake :(

So, I guess I’ll give some of you SBD that I would’ve spent on the cake instead.

I'll admit. I've kind of been nervous about hitting the 1k-ish mark... because I knew I wanted to host a contest.

But that also feels like a lot of responsibility that I don't know how to handle yet haha.

Hopefully, by the end of this, I'll know more how hosting a contest works!

If I end up doing it wrong, you can feel free to yell at me, haha.

1k Followers Give Away - Compliment Tag

Almost every day, there's something about steemit that makes me smile. Whether it's a nice comment I receive, or a fun conversation I have with someone, or seeing the way that the community comes together to help those in need...

...there's always something to smile about.

I'd like to spread more smiles. The world can always use more positivity, right?

I'm going to tag a few people that I've "met" on steemit and just let you guys know how awesome you are. Or that I appreciate you.

If I leave anyone out, I'm sorry. My list is LONG and I appreciate all ~~ 1,003~~ 1,006 of you who support and follow me. I wish I could clone myself...

...so I could get to know every one of you.

"Okay, but how is this a contest?"- You

"I'm getting to it!!" - Me

In the comments section, just tag at least 2 people on steemit (you can do more if you want), and just give them a genuine compliment! It can be someone you know, or someone you admire or someone who you think is underappreciated

I'll upvote every comment. But I'll also be giving away 10 SBD total.

I would love to do more, but my goal is to keep growing my account as big as possible so that in the long-run, I can help even MORE people.

That's all I want to do. Is just give back to people who deserve it.

I will pick 5 people at random to give 2 SBD each. You have to be my follower already

I'll send it to you after 7 days when the post is dead or whatever.

So, here it goes:

@custone - I remember about a month ago, I saw a post by @philippinessteem about her bone cancer. You re-steemed and made your own article and really were an advocate to try to help. You inspired me to try to help as well. But I will always remember you for having a good heart... it's lovely to see people like you that exist in the world and truly care about others.

@philippinessteem - You're so SO brave. I haven't met you in person, but you are so strong! You're so inspirational. You're such a fighter. I think some people would have given up on steemit, if they felt as bad as you do. But not you. You keep going. You aren't afraid to tell your story and be vulnerable. I really admire you a lot and I want you to know I'm praying for you.

@jumartphoto - Thanks SO much for spending some time with me and showing me around Vietnam. That was super nice of you, and you're so awesome for teaching me some photography tips. Thanks for the coconut coffee, also! I appreciate that so much and won't forget your kindness! You already know I think you're a photo genius.

@emjoe - Your comments are so witty and fun. You're so smart, genuine, kind and have such a wonderful, giving heart. I'm so happy to know you through steemit!

@karensuestudios - You radiate sunshine. You probably poop sunshine, too, haha. You've got such a good heart. I remember seeing you delegate SP just because. That was so awesome. I admire your talent. You're a total hustler. My kind of people. I love your artwork and am proud of you for getting your awesome hedgehog book on amazon! You figured out how to self-publish and everything! I also love your videos and your sense of humor.

@polebird - You're so inspiring! I look at your posts and think "I need to be more active/bendier/not a sloth." haha. I love your view on laughter- I think the same as well! Laughter and joy are so important.

@waybeyondpadthai - You're so creative and smart! I don't know how to make a QR t-shirt, but I think you're super smart and awesome for figuring it out! Thanks for helping me

@hanggggbeeee - I've always really liked you, from the first post I read from you (that was in English, haha). I don't know how you have time to cook amazing food and host/ organize meetups and basically grow the Vietnamese community, but you're doing an amazing job. You care that your community posts good quality because you care about what's best for steemit- and I think that's awesome. I love that you care so much and are so giving with your time. You're amazing.

@olawalium - You're my witty, funny new friend! You have such a kind heart- I love that you used steem to give back to your community. Seeing that kind of kind of kindness gives me hope for the world!

@goldmatters - You're one of steemit's best! Your writing style is more than just hella entertaining- it's educational! But it's SO good that I didn't even realize I was learning... it's like you tricked me into knowing things like "how to buy gold beneath spot price." Yeah...I'm the type of girl who says "spot price" now. I didn't even know what that was a week ago. How did you do it?? You've also basically got me to write "buy Mene" on my goals list this year. Again...how did you do it? I was only trying to invest in crypto... haha but you're that good! Plus, you get a gold star for being so generous.

@whynotdoit - It was great meeting you the other day! Thanks for making me laugh! I think you also have a good head on your shoulders...you have some smart strategies! Be proud of your smart brain haha.

@dang007 - I think it's awesome that you support the Vietnamese community. I admire you a lot for that. It's great because some of them don't speak English enough to be able to get votes from the English-speaking community on steemit, so I love that you're giving them a chance to grow their own local community to something big. You're another kind and generous soul that I've seen here on steemit.

@surpassinggoogle --> The Philippines is a place that is close to my heart for several reasons that I won't get into now, but I think it's amazing that you do so much to support Filipinos. They're some of the kindest, friendliest people and they deserve your support!

@world-travel-pro --> I'm impressed with the amount of stuff you know about budget travel! You share some super useful travel advice and I love seeing you just living an unconventional lifestyle in SA!

@travelfeed ---> You 4 are so awesome for taking the time to do all of that curation!! A LOT of people benefit from what you do! Thanks for giving so selflessly of your time! (@wanderlass, @rimicane @jpphotography @for91days

@whatsup --> I just found your page the other day, but I want to say thank you for making me laugh! I admire your writing ability, and it seems you have a good head on your shoulders! So, I guess "whatsup" is you're witty, funny, and intelligent!

@fronttowardenemy --> You're super brave. I wish I could get up the courage to drive a motorcycle through Vietnam like you did, but I don't know if I will, and I know I'll be majorly missing out as a result. You inspire me to stretch my limits and go even further out of my comfort zone!

@hanshotfirst --> Your writing is very memorable, which is saying a lot because I have the memory of a squirrel that smokes pot every day.

@fullofhope --> I'm glad you've been traveling South America again, and that you're a free spirit who creates the kind of life you want to live! It takes guts to go after your dreams and live an unconventional lifestyle. I think you're so awesome for doing that!

@hardikv --> Your photography skills are amazing and I love the importance that you put on your family!! I can just tell from your pictures that you guys all have such fun-loving wonderful personalities. You're adding so much joy to the blockchain.

@shenoy --> Your vids make me laugh, and I love seeing you connecting with strangers and laughing with everyone on the street. That's a really good talent to have- the ability to connect with anyone and everyone and never meet a stranger!

@stackin - I think you're one of the smartest people on this platform and I totally admire your self-discipline, your hustle, and your determination. You're the kind of person who just makes a positive impact wherever you are.

@itsben - You are amazing at finding cheap yet great places to stay (please share your tricks) and you are so cool for living an unconventional travel lifestyle!

@minatubo --> Your entrepreneurial journey is inspiring!

@anomadsoul - I think you have great taste in usernames!! haha. Also, he notado como ayudes a la comunidad hispana, y he decidido que tienes un lindo y generoso corazon! Es importante ayudar a las personas en paises donde luchan mas que podemos imaginar. Como en Venezuela, por ejemplo (sorry about my gringa spanish. I don't practice enough).

@vovidi -You were very kind and helpful when I asked your advice for something unrelated to steemit a long time ago. I really appreciate your willingness to give and be transparent!

@abh12345 - I'm beyond impressed by your charts that you put out all the time. I can't even add 2 + 2. Keeping track of data is basically my nightmare, but I love that you're smart enough to do it and that you share it with the world! You write a lot of valuable things and really care about making steemit a better place for the future! If you make a mistake, you're not afraid to admit it and fix it. Thanks for all of the hard work you do!

@indiegoocean - The steemit community is better because you're in it! You've hosted contests, and I've seen you leave lots of really intelligent and thoughtful comments for people. You're definitely a light and you spread joy to others.

@apasia.tech - Thank you for working so hard to push the bitshares project forward!!

@littlenewthings - You have such a kind, thoughtful heart. You're always thinking of others and giving support to others in need on the platform. You don't do it for recognition, but you're very genuine in that you're giving for the right reasons.

@zord189 - Not trying to repeat myself, but you're also very kind and thoughtful and giving! And fun. And not afraid to say what you believe in which is pretty amazing. That takes guts. I also don't know how you find the time to do everything you do...several steem projects/ killer animation! You're just all around impressive.

@kpine - Thank you for being such an amazing member of the steemit community. This platform wouldn't be what is without supportive people like you. You are very invested in steem's success which is obvious by the contest you ran about steem spirit. Truly grateful.

@macchiata - Your smile is contagious! You're very easy to get to know and have a way of making people feel immediately comfortable and welcome around you! You make a bigger impact than you realize on people around you. Plus you're so young and so smart! You have all of these really creative ideas on ways to make money and you go for it! You're not too afraid to try! Some people are too afraid of failing to even take the first step. You're ahead of the game. I was just having fun when I was your age, not investing in crypto!

@persevero - You have the craziest storiest of anyone I know. You've done the craziest things of anyone I know!! You're literally braver than probably anyone I know! And you're so fun, random, free-spirited, and I love how you just go with the flow where the wind blows you! Never a dull moment with you.

@k-a-s-i-a --> I admire how brave you are! You travel to places that other people say are dangerous. And you do it by yourself, like a boss. I love your adventurous spirit, and you're down to eat cuy! haha.

@flamingirl --> I don't really interact with you that much, BUT I saw your page because of @k-a-s-i-a and I admire that you're able to host meetups like you do! I hope I can get my stuff together enough someday to also do something like that, and be a leader in my local steemit community (wherever local ends up being...I need to stay in one place first haha). I wish steemit existed when I lived in Barcelona for 3 months. Hubiera sido muy guay a conocerla!! It just seems like you do a lot for the community over there, so you deserve a shoutout in my compliment tag!

@connecteconomy - You're so energetic and lively and intelligent! You have so much going for you and you're easy to connect with. Haha maybe that's why the word connect is in your steemit username. I love your positivity and how you just go around educating people that you meet!

@aarongleang and @joannewong I'll never forget the amazing times I've had because of you guys!! You are so kind, friendly, fun, generous...all of the good things. I could go on and on about how amazing you two are!

@cryptosharon - I think I've given you several shoutouts because you may be one of the smartest, most helpful people on steemit! I'll leave it at that, 'cause my fingers are starting to hurt lol.

@dawnesheree - You are so much fun to talk to! I also remember some posts where you weren't afraid to say what you believe in and stand up for the right thing. I think it's brave of you to do that. You're someone who makes a positive change/ impact on the world!

@travelshots - I admire that you recently had the courage to start your journey of living life the way you want to live it, and not how others tell you! That takes a lot of courage to push through your fears like that.

@teamsteem - I think you might be superhuman. You host steemit meetups, you're a witness, and you manage to somehow find to contribute so much to the steemit community. I admire you for staying humble but also for staying grateful. I remember reading a long time ago that most of your SP is delegated and that you're using it to make a positive impact. Well, you're making a bigger impact than you can imagine...so you're achieving your goal. And you're doing an amazing job at it. Thank you for always giving.

@silenteyes - You are so talented! You are good at so many things it doesn't seem possible for just one person. Art and engineering? How can just one brain do both?

@daveonarrival - Your videos are fantastic and I think you're so awesome for freely giving me video editing advice!! (You are not to blame for the fact that my videos still lack serious professionalism/ quality haha). You come across really laid-back and like so much fun! You're the type of person I'd want to meet in person! You're just so obviously good people.

@for91days - You're awesome for being a part of travelfeed and for being so giving of your time to help mod! Your travel stories and photos are pretty amazing, too. I'm always impressed with how you do that lil' moving pic thingy.

@suitcasemama and @startthere who offered their help when I got a concussion in Thailand a little over a month ago

@itchyfeetdonica - You've said some of the nicest things and I really appreciate your comments! I love your zest for life and your adventurous spirit! Hope I can catch up with you someday!

@angelinafx you're awesome for hosting daily contests!!! That's super generous and a lot of work to keep track of!

@engchitchat thanks for all of your support! You have some cool travel stories on your page.

@coruscate - You make being on video look so freaking easy, but I know it's not. Kudos to you for getting in front of the camera and just killin' it. From unboxing to creating content to singing... you're good at all of it. I only discovered you more recently but I'm glad you're here making steemit a better place!

@pinstory- I don't think you've logged on in a long time, but I saw your artwork through zord and I just want to say you're SO creative! I was so in love with your cute drawings.

@sergiomendes who just recently tried to help me gain self-confidence and didn't realize I was just trying to make a joke that failed. I love that he cared enough to try to boost my self-esteem and make me feel better about my "lack of talent" haha

@travelling-two - You guys are awesome for connecting travelers together! You both are such kind, welcoming people. I admire your commitment to a healthy lifestyle!

@nanastraybutt - Thanks for all of your support!

@aaarif - I always appreciate your kind comments!

@abuyeti - You always leave such thoughtful comments and I appreciate the effort that you put into them!

@kirena - Thanks for all of your support! You go on some cool adventures. You're obviously a fun person!

@timmylace - Thanks for all of your support! I appreciate it!

@pangoli - I appreciate your support and the kind comments! You are an amazing person who shares the love around the steemit community!

@oneminja - You probably won't see this because you're hardly ever on steemit, but I love how you're down to just make a crazy video on a whim, hang out with strangers, go have adventures. Your writing is amazeballs, your design skills are over-the-top, and so are your negotiating skills lol. Plus you're witty and funny on top of that. I feel like one person shouldn't have that many talents lol.

@hector90 - You're a smart cookie! And your level of English is beyond impressive!

@kenistyles thank you for your support that you give me! You also support a lot of steemian's work and I think that's super awesome of you.

@emmakkayluv - You're a true giver who genuinely cares about the well-being of others!

@osm0sis - You are such a sweet soul with a kind heart. I notice how you support the work of other steemians and are always down to support a good cause as well. You're there for others in need and that's so beautiful!

@jkimura who makes me laugh with funny comments! You're a witty one, which is pretty rare to come by.

Anyway… I really could go on for awhile, but I'm out of time.

Just know that I appreciate every single one of you, even if I didn't get to mention your name.

I'm SO thankful for Steemit. It has allowed me to meet some of the most amazing people I've ever met, whether in person or just via the internet.

I used to wake up and browse ig or fb. Now the first thing I reach for is steemit.

P.S. I tried to put several of you in my auto-voter... but apparently, that hasn't been actually voting. So... if you haven't been getting votes from me, I'm sorry.

Love, @nomadicsoul (Looking like Squidward. 'Cause it's Friday night squid life.)


Regards, dear young lady Nomadic Soul

I'm happy to have reached your 1000-strong mark. You deserve. I like your texts

I'll put two people here that I think are cool and help steemit a lot:

1- @allasyummyfood

Mocinha Allasyum is a very beautiful and friendly girl who helps steemit to grow. He has already participated very well in the conference on the steemit currency and helped this network to develop. He always has a smile on his face and responds very sympathetically to my comments on his posts.

2- @sweetsssj

She is ultra super gorgeous and was the first person I read when I joined the steemit. When I entered that platform I was totally lost, because I did not know anyone. I remember looking at the trending and having seen her post on a beautiful trip she made. I looked at the pictures and the description of her and I fell in love with the trip.

In addition to making excellent posts about the places he knows, he always responds with a lot of sympathy and happiness. Thank you always for meeting her here at the steemit !!

Thank you and good evening!!!!

Aw thanks for reading @julisavio! Those are some really thoughtful compliments! Thanks spreading kindness! That's a great observation about @sweetsssj and allasyummyfood that they respond kindly to people! Those are the kinds of things that are greatly appreciated and go a long way- so it's nice of you to notice!

Wow, I'll have to check out more about this conference!

Thanks for sharing this @julisavio! I agree that @sweetsssj is super gorgeous and generous. She’s been supporting newcomers like me since we joined this platform. But I haven’t heard about @allasyummyfood yet, will check her page out. :)

Allasyummyfood is such an adorable lady. That lady is all shades of cuteness and warmth. She is incredibly amazing and I totally like her a lot. She is phenomenal. You picked a right choice.
@sweetsssj is one fun loving lady. I hope she is doing great because it has been a while I saw her post.

Well done on your choice.

Hello @nomadicsoul I want to congratulate you on your 1000 followers, it's great how your account grows on steemit, the followers are your real impulse to stay here and for sure many of them become your most loyal friends, it's the magic of steemit! It makes everything more familiar, more enjoyable and with much to give and receive, I want to talk to you about the two people who changed my vision here at steemit, one changed the way I manage my blog and the other giving me many tools to manage my life outside of steemit in the first place:
@abh12345 although I don't know him I'm sorry with my friend of many years, I don't really remember how I got to him, but since that day he helped me to change the way of acting in steemit and maybe without knowing it he taught us that *the basis of this network is in the relationships you can make and maintain, from there he became my favorite statistician and my first blog visited on Sundays hehehehehehe is cool
@nomad-magus now I have to talk about David, a user with a super special energy, who with a lot of dedication makes us see the world differently, his publications are a pump nourished for your soul, as long as you read it renewed!
I could talk about a few more people, but they are my favorite people, whom I thank for being on my way!
I hope the translator is helping me to say the right words! happy day

Nice of you to say. I'm glad to be of service🙏

Great meeting you (a friend resteemed your post)! Great list thanking those who have impacted your experience here on Steemit in a positive way!

I would like to thank @bethalea for working so hard on the content side of the Steem Poker League (@SPL). This league has helped me catch on here at Steemit and it's because of people like her and founder @tuck-fheman who works 10+ hours a day on the project. Beth has been kind, positive, and helpful every step of the way. THANK YOU!

I'd also like to thank several well-respected contributors who engage with and reward people who interact with their content again and again and again. Three of my favorites are @dragosroua, @gregory-f, @Alexbeyman -- thank you for encouraging me and other to interact with you, and for putting out great content. It's accounts like these that excite me when building my audience and engaging people who upvote and comment on my posts.

Thanks again for the great post and nice to meet you @nomadicsoul!

omg that's so awesome @michaelluchies!!! Wow, say thanks to your friend for me!! Nice to meet you too! So excited that you helped introduce me to some new awesome steemians! :) Thank you!

Of course! Whatever I can do to help!

Congratulations! :)

What an amazing post. I marvel at the amount of time and effort a post like this must take. Here I am running around Target acting like a a fool and you are writing these thoughtful, deep, giving posts while rewarding the Steemit community. Makes me want to go buy some Vang. I am tagging @coruscate for being an early supporter of Menē and also @goldfashioned for being my protégé. I can’t remember all the rules of the contest but I am going to go ahead also also tag @nomadiscsoul because I want to say I knew her before she became famous on Steemit as a world travel blogger and the first person to take a Menē selfie on Machu Picchu

😂😂 I think everything makes you want to go buy some vang. Please by all means, keep acting a fool in Target!! Your consumerism brings SO much joy to my day. I think I've giggled out lot every day since discovering your posts. I kind of live for laughter.

Haha famous world travel blogger. We'll see! Thanks for appreciating the amount of time it takes! Sometimes I go overboard.

Okay now THIS COMMENT makes me want to go buy vang!!!

Holy Mackerel - this is incredible!
How can one person right so many nice words about a whole ton of people their mom is pretending to be? Also, that last photo is the greatest photo to ever be included on any blockchain and/or internet and/or computer and/or painted. You are hilarious!

I'd really like to compliment you, but I don't want to be accused of sucking up to a squid, so I'll pick some of my Steem Besties :

@bethwheatcraft - is the funniest of all the people. I will never get tired of her saying things on the video, or writing things on the internet. She's got a good head on her shoulders and she's a good egg. She loves Steem with all her heart and has definitely made my life better via laughs.

@choogirl - not only hugely hilarious and ridiculously fit.. but also incredibly generous and deals out super crazy amounts of helpfulness along with a sharp wit. She's so much smarter and funnier than I am, but she totally doesn't rub that in my face... I've learnt so much from her already and I feel like we've barely touched the surface. Also @teamaustralia would be only 1,000,000 times less fun and/or barely exist without her.


Aw thanks Ninj. I've enjoyed meeting you and our daily convos as well.

Haha hmm...those are my ONLY real followers. The rest are my mom hahaha. Omg, I forgot to include you I think and now I feel like beef jerky!

I'm sorry!! I'll add one when I have more time.

Thanks for your kind words!

Those are super nice compliments - I def. need to check those people out! I'm excited about all of the other steemians I'm finding out about through these!

Whaaaaaaaaat?!? You can't include me, I've only been around for 5 minutes (although it's been THE BEST 5 minutes) - all these other "real" followers (I've never seen any of these peeps in the same room at the same time as your Mom) have been around forevs.

I thought you were just making sweet sweet love to compliments and celebratory sugarcane drinks, but this was actually an ingenious plan to find the very best people on the platform. You might be the smartest one yet!

haha even 5 minutes people are important, and it has been a great 5 minutes! Whoa, thanks for YOUR nice compliment! Seriously, I have SO many people to look through and discover. This post got way bigger than I thought! haha

I can’t agree with you more about what you said of @choogirl! She is just too awesome to be true, haha... :)

Thank you @nomadicsoul for this post! Moreover I also want to say thanks to @for91days for his warm welcome me on his server. I highly appreciatd. I am trying to be a Curator like him. I hope I can make it.

You can make it @lenancie!!!! @for91days is awesome!!! He gave me a warm welcome too (thank you, I appreciate it also)

I think you may have warmed my frozen heart with this one;) Honestly, I probably interact with you more than anyone else in real life or online, so you would be top of the list. This post and your list give me hope that steemit isn't completely overrun by greedy coin watchers. Frankly, this might turn out to be the best curation thread on the blockchain. I hope your infectious optimism and sense of community spread throughout the steemisphere. Your blog is one of the few threads that makes me want to actually participate here. If I could meet more people like you in real life, I might actually leave the house. Now on to other people:

@tiloupsa has one of the best blogs out there. She has lead a very interesting life, paints beautifully, shares herself in a captivating way, and is just a beautiful woman inside and out. I rarely resteem, but if I could remember to do it at the time I would be resteeming all of her posts.

@reddust Also another artist, but her posts and the discussions on buddhism are definitely of great value for the steemit community. The fine detail and care of her artwork is truly mesmerizing.

@karensuestudios AHHHH, the cuteness! I don't just mean her being a cute girl, but her posts are a guilty pleasure of cuteness overload. I'm just not that care free, so it's at odds with my general outlook on life, but I'm glad there's someone like that out there exploring the world. Go Karen!
Edit:I should probably deconstruct this a bit further and use terms more translatable like enthusiasm, zest for life, and adventurous spirit so as not to downplay the admirable qualities and effort.

haha this is great!!! I feel pretty accomplished to warm a frozen heart!! I somehow missed this, but just saw it, and I'm SO glad I saw it today because that is the nicest thing ever!!! And my phone got stolen today, which I know you'll know because you read my stuff...but it was nice to see this beautiful sweet compliment after what happened.

You are like my brother. He never leaves the house, either! My mom always jokes that she can't keep me in the country and she can't get him out of the room. Hey, some people that don't leave their rooms are some of the most fun people ever.


OMG! @nomadicsoul , i am on the list! i can't just believe it!!!
Whatever! i got anything or not, its an achievement for me.
Sometime steemitboard do announce award for achievement, but that is nothing against this one. It is my first and the best compliment .
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When we visit some places and return at home, we had some nice memory with us. Like that if i stay in steemit or not i just got my nice memory to remember my whole life.
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Two people i like to mention here.

@sanjibking I just knew him for last 1 month i joined on steemit. Meet at facebook group. At that time i asked for 0.001 SBD to register in discord minnowsupport group to one of my online friend (met 2 years ago). But he kept silent and did not give me this very little SBD. That time this man sanjibking send me 0.002 SBD without asking any question without any return.

@nafij-sura Met on facebook. For a family problem he left steemit once, but before 2 week he start to work on steemit with his full energy. He is inspiring to me.

oh this is so sweet!!

Hey Squidward, congrats on your achievements! I feel so happy for you, and I’m sure you will keep thriving on this platform! It’s great to have met you here. Where there is you, there is laugh, seriously. 😃 Lots of your experiences here resonate with me, and it’s amazing that you wrote a few lines for each Steemian like me! Thanks for the mention. Stay awesome! 👏 ❤️

Haha you called me Squidward. I'm glad to have met you too! You're so sweet, I'm happy for you too because you are also doing well! Thanks for your nice words! You made me smile!

Haha, you are very welcome! I just found your post comments have evolved into a long list of mentioning awesome Steemians. Damn, I didn’t prepare for that! Might make up a list in future, and you will be on it for sure. :D

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