Transitioning away from the 9 to 5

in #life7 years ago

It’s been a while since I last posted. This is just a quick update to let you know what I’ve been up to and plans going forward.

Moving away from the 9 to 5

For a long time now, I’ve been contemplating quitting my regular job and transitioning to something I’m passionate about and something less rigid. Crypto has helped me get closer to my goal of financial freedom, and connected me to people globally who are wanting to make a difference in the world.

A couple of weeks ago, I took the plunge, not fully, but I decided to try for a few months what a lifestyle free from the 9 to 5 would feel like. I took an extensive leave from work and decided to take some time to reorient my life. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every minute so far, being able to spend more time with my family and have time to re think about my priorities in life and what I want to spend my time on.

Future plans

If everything goes well, I’m hoping to transition away from the 9 to 5 fully in the next year or two, and dedicate my time to working on things and doing things that I truly believe in, where I can really make a difference.

What this looks like isn’t clear to me yet, but I would definitely like to do more things that would bless and serve people, and truly make a difference in other people’s lives. I will be looking at getting more involved in some crypto projects. I will also try to post on Steemit more regularly and hopefully try some new things.

Thank you for all the support you guys have given me over the past year on Steemit. It has been through Steemit that I was first introduced to this world of crypto and decentralization.

Until next time



Hello! Its nice to hear from you again. I am really impressed with what I just read above. I think some of that Australian culture has rubbed off on you. From what I know of Chinese culture, what you are doing would be frowned upon. It seems the Chinese are big into study and traditional jobs. Your goals are actually much healthier in my opinion. Doing something that you are passionate about is mentally stimulating and brings much satisfaction and peace of mind. Helping others is also very holistic. Both will help balance your body and soul.

Your destiny will unfold before you eventually. Go for it and I wish you the very best. (And by that I mean to have just enough to be happy.)

Great to hear from you again too @happyme. Thank you very much for your encouraging words. You’re right, my parents and relatives would struggle to understand what I’m doing, although my mum has always been very supportive of all that I’ve done. But in order not to freak my dad and inlaws out, I’m going to take small steps until I feel comfortable enough to make the final leap. :)

Thanks again for your comment. Hope you’re doing well. Take care.


Thank-you, I'm doing fine. Too many things on my plate at once again, but that's normal for me. If I don't feel the pressure, I tend to procrastinate. A really bad habit, I know. That's why I keep piling on the projects until I have to unburden some by completing them. At least I know my weakness and try to trick myself. LOL. On second thought, I wouldn't really call it tricking myself. I just think I can do everything, but I can't really. I like doing things, especially if it helps others. And I want to do more than I'm able to do in a day, so in reality, that's probably more realistic about why I have so many projects on the go. Projects that can be pushed to the back of the line will get pushed back and the ones that need to be completed by a deadline will get done. Perhaps procrastination is not the correct word to use? Prioritization may be more appropriate. Hmmm... Maybe I should allocate some time to really think about why I'm the way I am!

Sounds good to me, I wouldn't mind doing the same thing, maybe in few years :)


Good to see you back brother!

Thanks brother!

Very insightful update. That was a good read, I actually felt some peace while reading it -- I think your heart is in the right place.

I know what scriptures say about the heart too, don't worry LOL.

Have a good week Jimmy.

Thanks a lot for your encouragement Barry. Appreciate it. Take care, and you have a great week too.

Woot! I'll be bugging you more Jimmy.

Hey Terence, great to see you on Steemit bro. Feel free to contact me any time. :) I’ll check out your blog now.

make the most out of it : )

Thanks mate. I will.

Nice things my friend I want the same that you want that is financial freedom. The main thing is that we can see it that there is a large potential in cryptocurrency and also steemit so my friend I am also trying to invest my money in it .

Hello my friend! What a pleasure reading back from you...been quite long! Hope all fine on your side!
It's great to take some time off and spend with the family...some digital detox is great too!
Wish you all the best in your future plans!
Best regards!

Thanks always for your encouraging comment and support mate. Appreciate it.

God's speed along your new journey!

Thank you. :)

I got acquainted with the crypto currency thanks to this platform. I learned a lot during this time. I understand you, you think right. I think you will make the right choice, I believe in it!

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JST 0.028
BTC 57864.88
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.54