Luciferian agendas: Part 2 - Creating movements and revolutions that people think are their own (think cryptos)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So time to take another uncomfortable trip down a rabbit hole that crypto-fans won't like to hear. It's the history of staged movements and revolutions and how this also applies to cryptocurrencies.

People want to believe that they are in control and every so often it's necessary to give them the impression that they still are, otherwise the powers that shouldn't be could screw up their long-term NWO game plan. The most convincing way to do this is through staged and planned movements and revolutions. The great thing about highly convincing movements and revolutions is that you can not only get the people to truly believe that they have risen up and successfully overthrown their oppressor (making them feel fully empowered), you can at the at the same time push through a whole bunch of new, oppresive changes that people will themselves fight for as long as the changes are seen as a core part of their movement / revolution - changes that you ultimately wanted to get them to in any case.

Gradualism is the other major approach that is typically used to move people from point A to point B, but you need to do it without people noticing that it's a highly coordinated effort. The problem with gradualism is that it takes generations to really make these changes because you need to slowly distort history while at the same time moving public perception to completely new patterns. The New World Order (NWO) keeps constant tabs on when it's best to use each of these approaches to achieve their end state. If you don't already know what this end state will look like, please have a look at my previous post in this series here.

"Ordo ab Chao" - Order out of chaos

Freemasonic-led revolutions are the norm in recent history. It's therefore no coincidence that the 33rd degree of Freemasonry, the highest standard rank, is associated with this slogan along with the double headed phoenix. What the symbolism is saying is that both heads of any societal revolution (the phoenix) are part of the same body. It's also saying that a new birth of society will come from fiery destruction, since the phoenix dies in the flames and is then "reborn anew." Hence the phrase, "Ordo ab Chao" meaning more fully "a new order born from chaos"

The Freemasons themselves love to tell you how how influential they have been through the centuries, especially in revolutions. What they won't tell you is how they and other secret societies coordinated all these revolutions from the very beginning with the help of big money powers. They also won't tell you that revolutions like the French, Italian, Russian, and even US Revolutions that were loaded to the gills with Freemasons, weren't about simply freeing the people from the aristocracy like we are all brainwashed into believing in school. These revolutions were led to transform society on it's way to the New World Order that they have envisioned for centuries. I won't bother to go into all the requisite history here, but let's take an example with the French Revolution to at least give you a quick taste.

John Robison was a professor at the University of Edinburgh that was inducted into Freemasonry in the late 1700s. What he discovered about secret societies and the French Revolution shocked him so badly that he wrote an extremely insightful exposé called "Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies." Robison called out the Bavarian Illuminati, Freemasons, the Jacobins, and other secret societies as all being involved in the setup and execution of the revolution. He makes it clear that the revolution was simply a bloodbath led by a collection of Luciferians with an objective of taking the power from the monarchy. Stories like "let them eat cake" were complete propaganda lies - even the totally bogus History Channel admits this. In fact, the King of France, Louis XVI did everything he could to resolve the uprisings and was fully ready to hand over control to a republican government before they cut his and Marie Antoinette's heads off in any case.


The hippie movement as an organized social change experiment

So everyone has heard of the hippie movement, but most wouldn't associate it with the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex / Deep State, and MK Ultra mind control. If you haven't already read "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon" by the late Dave McGowan, it's a must read. It's a collection of stories about the connections between hippies, the CIA, the military, satanists, other secret society groups, and whole cast of other outrageous characters that came together in Laurel Canyon in Los Angeles. It also details how this L.A. movement was mirrored with other efforts to create a global counter-culture movement.

The hippie movement was no spontaneous uprising. It was engineered to neuter the youth and keep from uprising against the Vietnam War and the Military Industrial Complex. In addition, it was used to plant the seeds for running numerous MK Ultra drug-induced experiments as well as social manipulation experiments. The question being answered was how can you best manipulate society to get them where you want them to go. Again, this was led by secret society-led intelligence agencies and had a massive influence on the ethical and moral state of society on a global basis.

The cryptocurrency "revolution"

There are a lot of very interesting anecdotal evidence that leads one to believe that Bitcoin, as the foundation of the cryptocurrency revolution, was a CIA / NSA setup. I won't go into all the details of why this is the case because you can read that directly in the ZeroHedge article here as well as in a couple of other interesting articles here and here. The most important thing that we should all be asking is whether Bitcoin was an intentionally seeded project with the intent of getting people to develop (and fight for) the cryptocurrency revolution- specifically so that cryptocurrencies look like a people's revolution against the banksters. If this is the case, then the real goal for cryptocurrencies is for a far more nefarious aim that will arrive at a later date after the cryptos have more fully matured. If you don't think the intelligence agencies and secret societies leading them are smart enough to do this, then you haven't been paying close enough attention to what's already been done in the past.

If Bitcoin was seeded, then what does that mean for us now? It means that each of us needs to take a very hard and close look at all the numerous teams that are developing the latest and greatest cryptocurrencies and ask whether they have ulterior motives that are being secretly planned and funded by Luciferians. You also need to ask the question of what these Luciferians want to achieve with cryptocurrencies. This is covered in my previous post on Agenda 2030 here. The goal is not just a one world digital currency, although that is certainly a massive part of it, but it is also the Internet of Things as a total and complete technocratic control mechanism for humanity. The cryptos as a whole are being built as a foundation to support this even if there are individual cryptos that have nothing at all to do with this plan.

So all these people that are being told that the cryptos are from the "good guys" (excuse me while I puke a little) and that society is being saved by the cryptos have had a massive con job done on them. There are great use cases for a number of the cryptos, but as a whole they are not ultimately for our benefit even though many good people are currently working to enable good things with them. They have in my view been seeded to enable a much larger plan that requires the technology for NWO purposes. If you want to understand which of the cryptos are displaying signs of their allegiance to this NWO plan, then you need to look at the symbolism that they are using in their logos and messaging. You can find more on that starting in my previous series here.

I can only recommend that you have a very close look with a very open mind and see what you find. I will continue to write posts to help identify these Luciferian plans in more detail as well as the various cryptos that appear to be in allegiance to these NWO plans.



Day one of crypto..... BitCoin Mining. "I think I'll give it a try on my laptop."
3 months later of 24/7 running system loads of 13+ (on a dual core processor) and running hot enough to fry an egg on my keyboard... "Oh jeez, I mined a whole 0.000000004967 Coins!".
It took a bit for me to realize poor people's laptops would not do the trick (even though it was marketed as 'anyone can do it').
Didn't take long for me to give up on it, knowing only those already well off who can afford the high-dollar equipment would be the only real winners.
And instantly the image of Bill Gates and Peter Thiel and the like, grinning an evil grin while laughing a sinister laugh, sitting in a room full of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of servers grinding away on mining BitCoin came to my mind.
So often the rich convince the poor that they have their best interests in mind... and so often the poor believe it and eat it up with a spoon.

They sell you enslavement with a smile and the promise of convenience and huge future benefits. It's usually not until years later that people realize that they've been f**ked once again, but by then there's always a new generation that don't know the game to prey upon for the next cycle.

Indeed, Good Sir/Madam.... I like to equate it to a wealthy child predator.... they probably donate to schools and orphanages, on the surface their public image is all about protecting and saving the kids. But behind closed doors....

I am a believer... corruption has become common-place normal, taboo and what used to be considered restricted has become acceptable for children to enjoy. It's sickening on a global scale.
And for those who think the game is not fixed to favor the rich?
Well, I left the USA because of the obvious direction it was heading. Here in Argentina, turns out it's just as bad.
The former President is facing several charges related to missing millions and millions during her and her husband's presidencies. And yet through the ever-expanding loopholes for the rich and powerful, by running for what equates to a Senate position today (better half is on the way out the door to vote right now locally, it is the law citizens must vote here), CFK will avoid prosecution if elected. And she even comes complete with a foundation which pays the poor in exchange for attending rallies and stirring up trouble, etc.
The CIA's hands usually are all over anything dirty and corrupt (both inside and outside US boarders)... I don't see why the development of the blockchain should be any different.

The other sad part in South and Central America is the massive political and corporate manipulation that the CIA has done there over more than a century. Almost every governmental disaster in these countries can be tied in one way or another to the CIA and their manipulation, bribery, assassinations, sponsored coups, and eugenics programs. They are a hidden hand across hundreds of countries worldwide along with their partners at MI6 and Mossad. If there is a big game to be played having to do with money and power, they are surely in it. Cryptos are absolutely no exception.

The Dirty War... while committing murders, sponsoring murder, and installing puppets all over the globe they most likely were running ops in the US (against their own rules) and still do today.
Shame so many don't wonder, like where is my full release of the Warren Commission Report (promised so long ago)?!?

CIA operating in the US?.. Let's see: JFK, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, MK Ultra, Oklahoma City, 911, Mena AR, Venice FL, Timothy Leary, David Ferry, Sandy Hook, Orlando FL, Columbine, Aurora CO, Virginia Tech, San Bernadino.. Oh is it that few? I appear to be missing a lot of them..

It's certainly possible that what you're saying is more accurate than not......
You can look at my KA$H posts where I speculate that the money system was put in place by a cabal of Jews working with a cabal within Christendom. The whole financial system is patterned on Christian symbology.....I joke that someone has had a lot of fun with atheists.....
Having said that, I haven't made up my mind definitively on this issue; I've even come up with a cosmology​ based on Preterist ideas wherein crypto is a good thing...Free money! As work was a curse put on Adam and Eve! But one has to have a very malleable mind to sift through the idea........Basically, Jesus, who has never left the planet ( so he won't be coming back) is trying to free us from the religious and financial slave drivers! I know, I know...................

I'm a certainly not a die hard gold bug from a monetary perspective and I think there is real value in alternate currencies - so "creating money" isn't really my biggest concern. My big concerns are: Who's operating it? Can it be manipulated? Who's profiting from it? Who's getting screwed by it? Is there real privacy with it? What other assets are being screwed with by it? Does it concentrate wealth in a few hands? Etc. Of course that doesn't cover the other issues of cryptos being used for data tracking with people and the other non-monetary use cases that will support Agenda 2030 plans for the NWO. So there are more than a few things to contemplate on whether a particular crypto as money is good or not ;-)

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Vitalik and his funny shirts with rainbows and unicorns ... and he have this kind of look sometimes ...

Yep, he seems like a pretty socially awkward guy. He was wearing a t-shirt that pretty much summed it up. It said "You read my t-shirt. That's enough social interaction for one day".

I was reading the EOS post from you and is really schocking ... my childhood was very influenced by greek mythology, read a lot about it and everything you say make a lot of sense... the selection of name and words ...If they are in something like that it really make me kind of sad ... Blockchain can also be the ultimate tool for the control of the masses and the signs are pointing to this even if still you hear the people saying the opposite.

The whole EOS story was disturbing for me as well because until then I had hope that the cryptos could really be a game changer to give power back to the people to some degree. I am now of the opinion that it will be business as usual with the power being shifted into a new technology base using blockchain. Blockchain will continue; of that I am convinced. However, the idea that somehow the cryptos can act as an economic revolution for the masses against the corrupt central banking cartel is for me now just a pipe dream.

"The powers that shouldn't be" will own all the major cryptos lock, stock, and barrel if they don't already. They have trillions of dollars to throw at as they need to. With that kind of money, you can own and pump any crypto you want. You may not want to show it too blatantly, but they still telegraph it to you. EOS and Ethereum both do that clearly with their symbolism. And with the amount of money that can be made on them, who in the truth community even wants to admit that this is the case. Almost no one dares to say it because they're subscribers don't want to hear it either. They all have too much skin in that game to be able to call a spade a spade.

The funny question I hear always is "How they will obligated us to use their centralized Blockchain and not our descentralized whatever?" How??? The same way you pay taxes even if you do not want, the same way they get along with injustice, crime, wars all around the world and so on and nothing happens ... because they want to do it and we aloud them to do it too.

They will absolutely find a way to force people onto it. I guarantee that they already have a plan for it as well. All it takes is the right emergency. As Rahm Emanuel was fond of saying "Never let a good crisis go to waste." They don't..

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