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RE: Angry Versus Disappointed

in #life6 years ago

I did think about this when I went to bed. We are on the same page. I kind of figured out disappointment is more personal than anger. I think it is very seldom I would be disappointed in a stranger. Mad gets provoked by anyone.

I think I can be mad at someone and not be disappointed and vice-versa. So definitely two different emotions.

You can be disappointed for someone, disappointed in someone and someone can disappoint you but it is about expectations. Fair or unfair we all expect something of those we know.

Our son, who is a complicated dude, began basing his expectations on what he thought were mine. Once I figured this out we've had a lot of good discussions. Oddly, seems my 'approval' is what he was judging himself by. Complicated as I mentioned. Not sure why he felt I was the one he wanted and needed to please. Kind of a special honor but a lot of responsibility.

So we do need to have our own set of standards for ourselves more so than for others and try to remember other people have their own.

I do know someone in each of those social categories and those are the ones who unfortunately live up to the images we have much too often.

I have been disappointed in myself for being mad but don't know if I have ever been mad about disappontment.

My reactions to each varies I think. Disappointment I seem to manage more inwardly, sad, quiet, thoughtful. Mad is more outward where much more likely to express.

Both are judgemental and very human. We just can't let either get the best of us.

I never adjusted my expectations for Tyler. He still seeks my approval. I am hoping though that we have a better picture of what each of us feel.


I also take disappointment inward and I think it's because I look at it more as if I made a mistake about a person. The thought "Why didn't I see this in them?" often comes to mind. I don't necessarily blame them, more myself for misjudging them.

As for Tyler. Before my mother passed away, on visits home she and I would have coffee together early before anyone else was up. I think these conversations led us to have a relationship different than what she had with any of her other children. My father and I don't have the same relationship, he and my older brother were always closer, but he was never up for that early morning coffee. Maybe there is something similar that you and Tyler share that makes him look to you for approval.

Yes, sir. He and I have toughed out some hard ones. Actually, he would kidnap me. Ask if I wanted to run somewhere with him and get back 3 hours later. Lots of time to talk. And listen to his music. And pick out cars we would never buy, steal driftwood from the park, I got to burn rubber in his Olds, lots of time to bond, so to speak. He can't drive worth shit and his music I got used to.
Happy to hear other moms can be friends with their sons. I can tell you she will always consider those talks special, too.

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