Kids want to make friends, not war............

in #life8 years ago

Hello my friends! Today I want to tell you about a really touching and kind project that I accidentally saw in the main department store in Yekaterinburg. There were pictures on the stands on one of the stores in the mall that caught my attention.

  I came closer, looked at the first picture and got dissolved in this mini exhibition. 


These children in India live along railroads with their families. 

This girl lives with her family in the cemetery. 

This project is called "Connecting Children" and was organized by a traveling photographer Stalinslav Beloglazov. He goes to those far ends of the planet that not every geography teacher knows about. He manages to see dozens of countries in a year. 

For the last two years he packs a couple of plush toys in his backpack along with his camera. They are toys of children from the Urals and he is going to give them to the children in the country he is heading to. I didn't want to retell his story, I just took the interview that he gave to E1.RU and here it is: 

(-Our children give toys on their own will and from their hearts, wanting to tell about our country where kids treat the world with kindness. News is total nightmare these days, there are enemies and wars everywhere, but the reality is different, people want to make friends, not war. What is important is that this project is not charity. A lot of adults offered me tons of toys that their grown up children didn't need any more. I asked them to give those toys to people who need them here in Russia. I only took toys that were favorite toys of kids who gave them to me, wishing to send a bit of sunshine to a faraway country. A gift like a teddy bear is a way to tell two children, the one who gives and the one who gets, how diverse this world is. –This project started in the autumn of 2014 when I gave the first toy to a kid from Zambia. It was a gift from my daughter, - tells the photographer. 

–Adults might get nostalgia, as pioneers they used to write letters to other pioneers in Czech Republic on Cuba. Or project also shows that we live on the same planet and countries and states are just formalities. 
– I can take up to 15 toys in one trip. It takes up to two days to reach some places, changing means of transportation and driving on awfully bad roads, so plastic toys can get damaged on the way. We've been to those places on our planet that not everyone is able to reach. We are just white men with cameras for the people who live there. Some of them found out that there is a country where children know what snow looks like and the name of this country is Russia. 
–The question of who should get the toy is usually solved spontaneously, - Stanislav tells us. - In Brunei, for example, it was very hard to find a kid, they seem to hide them in their houses. 

 - Interesting coincidence took place in Yemen. We rented a flat in Aden and on the same floor with us there lived twins and I happened to have a gift from twins Vlada and Sasha from Russia. 

 And of course I gave those toys to sisters in Yemen. There is a kid from a harsh settlement Mursi where women cut their lip, stretch it and put in a plate made of clay. 

 Mursi is very severe settlement, they are always ready to fight, no matter if it's war or peaceful time. They make their women ugly on purpose, no one would like an ugly woman, so no one from a neighbour settlement would steal her. 

 I gave a toy to a kid from Mursi but a serious boy went home without giving me a smile. It's there mentality, but let's hope that this toy gave him at least a tiny bit of joy and kindness from Russia.)


This project touched me deep in my heart, I'm extremely happy that I came across and got acquainted with the works of Stanislav Beloglazov. Adults should learn from little kids to love unconditionally, not expecting anything in return.


@nadin3 I was returning upvotes and saw your name on my - so I checked you out - this is back just so you know I remember I got to know about you there. Please know you are always welcome to join :)
it'll close in 4 hours and a half but next week we're on again :)

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