in #life6 years ago

Hey there FREAKING awesome people

Were these tips helpful? ;)

Remember that you are FREAKING awesome!

Winny out...for now ;)

▶️ DTube

It's a really good and positive video. You lift my mood for all the day. I'm always fighting myself to wake up early, but sometimes I'm lazy to do that. It's really a war and maybe your tips will help me a bit. I just have to always wake up early to sleep early, or I will be always like a owl sitting in frond my pc till 3-4 am. That's crazy. Thanks for the video. ☺

Thank you so much for taking your time to watch my video :) it's actually all a matter of building a habit and that is the toughest part. But once u get that right then all becomes natural.

Winny out... for now 😉

Of course I would love to see more of these from you bro!!

I'm not a morning person and my energy level tend to increase as the day goes on!

Did enjoyed this vlog maybe I would enjoy more if this Vlog is little shorter than 3.51 mins because time is important for me.

Nathan! I'm glad that you enjoyed my content man! I think this is probably the most important thing if you really want to be energetic. You gotta prioritize your sleep and your morning routine.

I would love to do it shorter, but I also want it detailed :)

Winny out... for now 😉

Splendid hilarious content there, I mean you were bursting with energy and the video quality is so amazing, splendid video editing here if you ask me

Thank you so much! Means truly a lot to me! :) <3

Stay tuned for more!

Winny out... for now 😉

Definitely buddy, looking forward for more

The morning routine is something that Ive been wanting to make a habbit but its so hard for me to do consistently. I still get a lot of those things done throughout the day but it would be killer if I were actually knocking them out the first thing in the morning.

Yes, of course sometimes it's impossible to keep it to schedule, however we can always make the best out of it by seeing what we can do BETTER.

Winny out... for now 😉

These hold true.

I wake up and do push ups and/or go to the gym. Eat some good breakfast, drink water, and pray before I leave the house.

It's amazing how these simple little things are overlooked because they're "basic". The basics are necessary!

Great video as always!

Hell to the freaking yeah ma man! Amen to that. The most important things are the basics man! But people think that it's too basic that it isn't important.

Thank you brother

Winny out... for now 😉

Yeah, I had one of those days
Wrong side of the bed and all
So all my plans, I tried to get through it... but everything was just "meh"
So this is my last video for tonight, I am off to bed to end it so tomorrow will be an Awesome day hahaha

This introvert bidding you good night ;)
Will be back for more

Yeah, sleeping on the wrong side of the bed can be quite tough and annoying.

Thank u so much for checking this out :)

Winny out... for now 😉

Great vid :)

My mourning routine consists from not eating food, drinking some source water with lemon and doing a Grounding meditation - releasing the negative vibrations, clearing the mind & taking shield from mother GAIA

Yeah I'd love to see more and I'll try and learn a thing or 2 from you.

My tips to never wake in bad shape are : Eat living, raw organic foods & don't eat few hours before you go to sleep, make sure to be active as much as you can (the body wasn't designed to be static) - move every single day in any kind of way

You'll never wake up non-productive :)

Thank you for your tips brotherhood! I totally agree with what you said there :)

Winny out... for now 😉

Awesome! not only did you share some valuable tips but you made melaugh, hard.

The efforts you put in your videos are really making them stand out from the rest on here.

Keep pushing and increasing that production value. It's well worth it!

Thank you very much for that kind words man! Really appreciate it man!!

Winny out... for now 😉

Freaking amazing video man, funny and informative. So great edition as well. Learning a lot from the whole thing.

Morning routine is snoozing, feeling miserable, walking the dog, taking covfefe and feeling awesome after coffee hahaha.

Gotta improve the snoozing.


Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much! Wow, so many kind words! Makes me happy to hear these things! Really!

I barely drink coffee, but if I drink one cup of it, i get so hyper 😄

Winny out... for now 😉

This was a really good video bro. When you gonna post again?

Thank you brother..perhaps today? ;)

Winny out... for now 😉

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