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RE: Woman, Heal Thyself – How I cured myself of IBS and Fibromayalgia

in #life8 years ago

Yes! Please do expand on that and thank you for the link. I try to stay away from processed food, but being gone from home for 13 hours every day makes it difficult to get that cooking done. I definitely need to get more into prepping sauces and freezing them to quickly add to meals.


I know it can be hard to find the time. But really, sauces needn't take long, and a lot of the time you don't even have to prepare in advance. For example, whilst my grain is cooking I chop up my veg and saute in coconut oil (use meat too if you eat it), and then I will make a sauce right there in the pan, maybe a drizzle of honey, splash of red wine, tsp mustard, herbs & spices, and there you have a very simple but tasty sauce! I mix it up, so maybe I add peanut butter one day, or pureed tomatoes another day, splash of balsamic vinegar... Just make it up and you'll create some marvellous flavours!

I think perhaps I might do a series of recipes - quick, healthy and tasty, for all you people who work too many hours in a day but still want good nutrition!

That would be lovely!

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