in #life6 years ago

Hello mighty readers! Bringing a proposed topic by Eagle Spirit & FreedomTribe - What is Freedom?

Click any of the images to enlarge.

It feels like the winds are slowling changing in southern Brazil, that's winter going away with its cold South-West "minuano" and Spring coming with its strong North-East gusts. Even though I like cold weather, I dislike humidity and the fact that there's nothing I can do inside my flat to make it cozier and less frigid.

I'm working from home since July now, when I quit my job to dedicate myself 100% to Steem medias, which would make possible traveling on my bicycle. I must admit that it is a plan that I told everyone, but I failed to start so far. Why is that? What Happened? Why am I not travelling already?

I have tried to answear that on a post that I never posted, but now It'll go live. This is my thoughts to contribute on this lovely initiative by @eaglespirit and @freedoomtribe.

What Does Freedom Mean To Me?

A post for the #freedomfriday

Just like @richardcrills did on his post, I can't start my thoughts without quoting the definition of freedom, that's where I had stopped on my first attempt to talk about this subject a couple weeks ago.


  1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
    • absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.
    • the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

Starting from the definition, and trying to link to as why I'm not on my bike going up the coast of Brazil, I'll try to express what freedom is to me.

As you may know I live in Brazil, a democratic country that grants me the right to act, speak, or think as I want without hindrance or restraint, that's my right, writen in the constitution. Does it really apply?

From the constitution side, yes. From the society point of view it can be considered... dangerous.

Generalized Anger

We are living in a free country, where among its problems, are the heavily polarized politics. An organization that should work to find better solutions for the community, is actually, generating anger in our society; bloated by the media, insecurity, impunity and so on.

It feels like brazilians lost the ability to talk and find a solution that suits everyone. You open your mouth to express an opposit opinion, and I'm sure you'll be attacked.

So you ask me: Are you free? I believe not.


Being in a democratic country, if I abstain myself from engaging in polemic discussions to avoid being shouted at, if I decide to isolate myself from society traveling on my bike, then I should be free, right?

I mean, the state of not being imprisoned grants me that, as far as I don't comite any crime and go to jail.

Technically, yes. However, that's why I'm frustrated right now. Even if I avoid engaging is duscussions where I can be attacked, which already hurts my freedom, even If I run away on my bicycle, I'm still not free enough.

In a country where someone stabbed a candidate for presidency, in a country where they murder to rob a cellphone, in a country that you can't express an opinion. Am I really free to wander around? Am I really safe doing it?

Again you ask me: Are you free? I believe not.


After going all over the place with my musings I can still not answear what freedom is to me, all I can say is that I don't feel free, someone is taking it from me.

Freedom for me is the day where people in this country will respect each other, where we'll be able to express opinions and find a solution that pleases both, where we'll be able to travel and camp alongside the road without fearing for our life. As simple as that if we were united in a community.

I want my freedom back!

Here are some photos that express freedom in my point of view. Enjoy!

Camping somewhere in Patagonia.

Washing clothes in a river.

Climbing whatever mountain that is in front of me.

And for you dear reader, what is freedom? Drop a message down below, I'd love to know your version.

If you liked this post, please, consider leaving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broke backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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I love this.
Mainly because of the dichotomy of seeming to be free, but then the questioning... are you really free?

I think a lot of what we take for granted as 'freedom' (at least in affluent Western democracies) is somewhat of an illusion. However, I also recognise that those in less affluent societies would love what we have here.

And yet, are we really free? I know I have certain obligations to fulfil for the privilege of living in this society... and there really isn't the option to completely drop-out (for me).

I think we have a long way to go - and yet I'm optimistic. I choose to play the long game. When I look at the history of civilisation.... we're getting there, slowly, slowly.... maybe it'll only take another millennium or so...

I think a lot of what we take for granted as 'freedom' (at least in affluent Western democracies) is somewhat of an illusion. However, I also recognise that those in less affluent societies would love what we have here.

This is one very important point here @metametheus, thank you for remembering that, because it brought to the surface another thought that just struck me.

There's a brazilian writer and sailor who says:

"A man needs to travel. By his own means, not by stories, images, books or TV. By his own, with his eyes and feet, to understand what he is. To some day plant his own trees and give them some value. To know the cold to enjoy the heat. To feel the distance and lack of shelter to be well under his own ceiling. A man needs to travel to places he doesn't know to break this arrogance that makes us see the world as we imagine it, and not simply as it is or may be. That makes us teachers and doctors of what we have never seen, when we should just be learners, and simply go see it." - Amyr Klink

Bringing this to our freedom talk, and to what you said there, I'm asking myself "Am I being spoiled/arrogant?"
I mean, I could be in a dictatorial country right now, where freedom would be completely denied in all definitions.

I guess that we'll never know exactly how to define Freedom. For a person living imprisioned in a dictatrial country, freedom may be living like us. For us it would be living in Antarctica. For a person in Antarctica?

I know how important the open road is to you. I hope that you either find the courage to do it anyway and hope for the best, or find another freedom road to ride. 💚💚💚

Posted using Partiko Android

May your wishes be possible @riverflows, but we are getting closer, one step after the other. I'm seeing this "stuck inside this flat" as a boost to a higher jump.

Love you

When I was in Brazil in 2016 I didn't feel that lack of freedom you are talking about, maybe because it was Rio and Amazonas region and I don't speak Portuguese. It's very sad and demotivating.
For me, freedom is when I wake up and I make a decision on what I want to do during the day. If I want to sleep I'll sleep. If I want to climb a mountain, will do it. Nobody rushes me and forced to do anything. Simply I'm doing what I want - of course not hurting anyone etc. :)

I have the same concept of freedom as you @route-m-d, but here I have a feeling that my decision to do whatever I want may be suddenly interrupted by an outside force, like a robber for example.

Of course Brazil is not completely bad and possibly nothing will happen if I hit the road here, but this sensation of 'something may happen' is enough to shake my freedom. Something I didn't feel at all in the middle of Patagonia por example.

id love to see your thoughts in a blog for next weeks freedom friday !! 🙌🏽😁🙌🏽

Hooooraay @eaglespirit, will it be Freedom Music? That would be amazing.

the one for this week is freedom to bear arms.

UI aiai, that's a polemic one! I'll think of something.

Thank you for participating in #freedomfriday! You can find your post in the Spread the Love Curation Report and we have sent 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome with your username in the memo. Thank you for your conscious contribution to this platform! Steem on! 🙏❤


Oh wow, I had comented there without knowing that I was rewarded, thank you a bunch! Let's keep on working and inspiring, FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM

I hope that all people can one day experience freedom. You couldn't be more right about that day coming when we can all respect each other!

It sounds so simple, yet so difficult to achieve!

Thanks for dropping a message @richardcrill

Freedom is an important aspect in life

Posted using Partiko Android

I'd say that it's THE important aspect in life.

Thanks for dropping a message.

it is so true that freedom really means different things to different people depending on where you are living. I hope you get to take your road trip xxx

Hoping too @trucklife-family, one day our routes will cross, I'm sure of that! I jut need to keep on working so I make it possible.

this was a great entry and im so happy you decided to participate! i just love your way of enjoying your freedom since its very similar to mine. id love to give you advice on all of this but its life experience that is our lesson in this world. you have the Light, never give up!


eagle spirit

Awesome @eaglespirit, it's a big pleasure to participate in your contest as it makes me go way beyound my comfort zone as a 'writer'. I'm not a writer at all, all I do is tell stories, but the topics you bring make us all thing and reflect, which is a great exercise for the mind.

Thank you for making us think!

@mrprofessor woo hoo i'm so so happy you are participating, i know how you were feeling about it all and it means a lot that we are all doing this together. i know i am feeling much more comfortable because i have all you with me. :)

Freedom to me is being whoever I want to be! Great article :)

Sorry for taking so long to reach you @futurethinker! I do agree with you, we all have the right to be/do watever we want, but sometimes it's taken from us.

Thank you so much for dropping a message!

I believe that ideal freedom you described (that most people want) is not attainable in this life, in this world. As good people we should try to get closer to it, but it won't happen in this life. In fact i believe this world is not meant to reach that ideal point.
So while we try to make this world a better place, we shouldn't expect it to happen the way we want.

Yeah @sina-adventure, this world of ours is a great exercise for something greater that comes after it, that's what I believe. Actually freedom has became one of the most difficult thoughts I've had so far and it's beautiful to see all the different perspectives out there.

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