No Cash, No Problem.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Credit cards, the world is running on them. Last time I checked there was just 5% cash in the world and all the rest is digits.

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Do you pay for everything with your card? Most people are. I haven't ever paid for anything with a bank card maybe for a year 15 years ago or so, but since then I am always paying in cash. I am working on the street and handling cash and customers whilst selling a street magazine, and it is possible to pay with an app called Vipps. This is just a way of paying with your phone to transfer funds from your bank to another one who has the same bank, or even shops do accept it like we do with the magazine.

This last year, I've noticed more and more people come to buy a magerzine when see the sign saying that you can pay with Vipps (and Crypto!) which means they should bring out their phones to use an app, but no, they represent me the credit card! Whats that about?

Then I realized that everyone is now so very used to just taking out the card to pay for things, that any other form's of payment has been forgotten about. Many customers come to pay with the app. And its frustrating when the app doesn't work and the customer says "Id really like to buy one but this isn't working, sorry, bye!"

One time when I had just got some silver a while back, I was having a chat with a woman at the register in a different shop, I think I was looking for clay to use to pour silver in but anyway I asked her about the card payments and why is everyone doing it, and she says to me " Well, its for safety if there's no money around, then there's none to be stolen in robbery's."
Of course this is the reason put forward by the society, its for your safety. Question anything that is happening with this reason behind it. Since cards are being used, of course the robberys of shops would have gone down a lot but then people are forgetting how much is now being stolen by identity theft, or skimming the pin numbers and other important details, or some other means like a hack. Im pretty certain that more people have had more money stolen from cards than an actual robbery?
Someone said to me one time whilst I was shouting about banks, "Well someones got to look after my money havent they"!

People just don't get it, they have been formed into a shape through fear of loosing money and now they have a few problems of which maybe them themselves aren't even aware of.. (or maybe are beginning to?!)

The first being, that you have no Financial Freedoms if you carry no cash around with you. If there is something that you want to buy then did you realize that your not able to buy it, unless it has a card reader there and a Visa sticker somewhere showing?! This means that the only places that you can spend your money at are in establishment's that all add up to your Trueman show of a life. McDonalds, Burgerking, Clothes shops, Starfucks, bars and clubs, restaurants and supermarkets, are all part of your circle of slavery and most likely also the debt. Is it just ironic that they keep all this circling so constant that its become "normal" - and you never get to actually see or touch money? To me, there is no money, you work for nothing, you work for credit on a card that gets deducted each time you use it, until it flashes red.. and then you can pull out the backup one that your bank suggested you should have just in-case..
A women came to pay for a magazine and gave me a note that was out of issue mid June I think it was, and she swore down to me that it was real and Norwegian, but she just wouldn't accept it when I told her that it was now worthless because it had been replaced 7 weeks ago. This woman really did think I had gone mad, and went in to get it change, only to come and tell me its out of date now and new ones have been issued. She hadn't seen cash for so long, it had changed and was now actually worthless!

A very interesting fact I remember reading about how the mind works whilst paying with card.

When we pay with cash (can you remember those days?) we give some physical asset over to pay for the things we are buying, and if it happens to be, we would then receive our change which is also a physical asset. WE KNOW we just spent money and we know how much we got back, which is just common sense to the mind. If we pay with a card, we don't give anything out - we hand over our card (or used to anyhow before pin and chip came along), and then we get our card back and we put it back in out wallets or purses and off we go out of the shop.

What just happened there?!

I went in, got some things, went to the till, gave the card, got it back and walked out. I didn't actually spend anything because they gave it back. Of course we all know that the amount was deducted from the bank account, but the mind did get that part. This is how people fall into debt so easy. And this is part of the design set by your beautiful government.



There's also the fact that because people gave no cash on them anymore, they are restricted to what they can buy like I said above. You often see musicians in the streets, or punks sitting with a cup, or someone making a juggling performance for example and these people decided to quit the rat-race and to find something different, living off of donations from the public.

* Left -Jeffery Masin - USA

I haven't bothered to play the guitar and sing on the street since a couple of years because you get nothing for it, just your face splashed over 1000 Facebook profiles and maybe a euro an hour. People say "Oh Id love to give you something" as they tap their pockets, "but I don't have any cash on me". This is one very clever way also to stop you from seeing us freaks entertaining you whilst you go spend your rewarded wages and mindlessly consuming, so that you will forget your dreams or traveling the world as you did when you was younger, or learning how to play an instrument or even having the time to learn how to juggle. They want you to keep feeding the system, and never to quit to go follow your dreams..

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the clock from the film, In Time - when its a zero, you die.

I often refer to films, because if its been written in a movie then its bound to happen in the future - whats going on with that then?! - and there is a great film called "In Time" or just "Time" in other country's. Its set in the future and people are just working to put time on a life clock that is displayed on the wrist (Above). There's a scene in the film where a little begger girl asks the main actor if she could get a minute and held out her wrist for him to transfer some time.

If a government wants the people in the city's to either just be there to work or to consume, then begger's and street artists are not going to help in this tactic and so what a perfect way to get everyone to conform and for them to be registered- to eradicate the use of cash.

Normalized so quickly

For me, it seems that this has all became the norm very quickly, paying with mobile phones also is picking up over the place and also rare stories of people getting the microchip to pay with, just like in that film! Add this all up to a jobless world in 10 years, and it will be exactly just like that film "In Time".. Its even written in the title itself! So cash is nearly history, and we all know what comes after cash if you would like true financial freedom in the future.. STEEM! Well ok not just steem, but sure steem will certainly be accepted by many people, due to the fact that we have a very good reference to go with transactions - our Steemit profile and Rep and a strong currency.
I wonder how long it will take until the news programs say, "well people, theres no cash anymore and its all digital for your own safety and regulated just for bank account to bank account use to stop fraud. establishments are now creating there own blockchains to run on as its safer and much cheaper, and more trusting - BUT NO - this is nothing of the same kind as those "cryptocurrencys!" - When its blatantly obvious that they just aren't needed anymore for anyone to be standing in the middle of transactions.
A macdonalds Blockchain with MCD currency to pay with for terrible fast foods? 10 years from now, could be easily already normalized due to safety.

What days we are are witnessing, out kids will most likely never know of cash money, so best get them a ledger wallet and "My first A.narchy B.lockchian C.rypto book" instead for the next birthday.

Have you started to carry cash with you again , or are you believing the fear tactics from the governments and media?

Thanks for reading I would love to hear your thoughts, and also reasons I havent covered on how a cashless society benefit's the governments and not the people- I'd love to hear them !



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Nice to put a "face" to a name!

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Big love! @movingman

My last post: Compost Toilet Build at the Squat!


I was a pioneer in Norway using the card. I remember when I was 18, I was using a debet card for paying my beer in the pub, while everyone else would be using cash. Fast forward some twenty years, and I'm the only one in the pub using cash. Once I even got the beer for free (which is an extremely rare event in Norway!) because they didn't have change!

Hahaha that's a great example of hopefully how the future will go onto cryptos leading to mass adoption! :rofl:

Edit: I found a emoji addon - hmm

Nice blog post.
Great job.

Seriously ?! The first comment!!!!!! How dare youuuuuuu! BOOOOOOM - I smashed that downvote button 100%

but anyway thanks for taking the time to copy and paste that!

What is wrong with my comment?

Its human! Wow! I didn't go and check out your account first , usually I do and im and sorry for that. But hey, that is a Bland comment, looks very copied and pasted..

flag removed!

I have so many stories to share on this topic.

On the "it's for your own safety" and "to avoid money for being stolen" ... right. In Norway we have the expression "as safe as the bank" - banks are deemed to be safe and trustworthy. The truth is very far from that.

I remember a decade ago, I got a letter from the bank their marketing department was trying to be clever. "We can see that you haven't used our telephony bank system, so to make it easy to use we have decided to change your pin code - it's now set to the three first digits in your birth date to make it easy to remember!" In Norway, that means the day (prepended with zero if needed) and the first digit of the month.

I see at least three problems with this ...

  • My birth date is hardly a secret. Many people know when I have a birthday.
  • Even if you don't know my birth date ... there isn't much entropy in those three digits. With three random digits, it's one thousand possible combinations. Three first digits of your birth date, the last digit is probably 0, the first is probably 0, 1 or 2, hence for most people there are just some 30 likely pin codes.
  • What if I was out travelling, didn't read my paper mail but was relying on the phone banking system to work? Oups ... can't log in!

Now I'm having a great problem as my bank account is frozen. It's been in this state for a week now, and I haven't heard anything from the bank so far! I had quite some money in the bank and quite some bills to pay! Luckily I have other bank accounts and credit cards issued by different banks, so I'm not completely lost.

One of my credit cards are being branded as particularly secure. Now, security for me is probably something quite different as what the bank things of as "security". I was taking a taxi bus from Helsinki to St.Petersburg, my kids were screaming for water, the only possibility seemed to be to buy some water bottles from the kiosk in Finland while the bus was stopping for more passengers ... the water costed 2 EUR pr bottle, but it seems like I had no alternative. Now, this ultra-secure card did of course not work. Card being used abroad? No, that's against our security rules! Unfortunately, NONE of the credit cards I was carrying worked out! So the kids had to go thirsty all the way to Piter. I had big problems there also with only one of my credit cards working only sometimes. For me, being able to feed my family is very much about security!

Bottom line: always carry some cash, and never trust the banks nor credit cards!

Thats so fucked up about the saying here, now I understand why every here thinks im mad when I talk about the banks hahahaha

You reminded me , the last time i used a bank card to just try to withdraw money on was in thailand.. and of course you cant access your money if your somewhere else in the world.. you have to tell the bank. Before i went to thailand, i went in the bank and told them and then sent them also an email before leaving the UK.. and then when my cash was finished and i wanted to pay another months rent ad stay, no funds allowed! Its complete bollocks :)

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Hell yeah... I went back to cash 3 years ago! I am literally down to 1-3 bank transactions per month and shooting for zero! More importantly, I've been taking the steps to require less money in general, such as producing things and reducing "wants".

Going cashless (and even the concept of money itself) are definitely all based in fear - just like every other method of control.

No government official nor anyone in uniform protects me.

Thanks for the post!

Thats great to hear dude ! We all need to start boycotting the banks :)
and I guess loosing more of them "wants" wouldn't be a bad thing either!

Another anecdote ...

I read this somewhere, I don't remember the details. It's from the UK ... either Tesco bought up an insurance company, or some financial company bought up Tesco. It doesn't matter. What matters is this: through the usage of shopping bonus cards, Tesco had lots and lots of information on the customers. Someone did some research and found that after this takeover, the insurance offers were very much influenced by the shopping habits. People that had a shopping history of spending much money on beer and cigarettes would have to pay up quite a lot to get insurances. People not having any Tesco shopping history would actually have to pay a bit less. People with long Tesco shopping history, but buying "healthy" stuff and "family"-stuff would get the best offers.

This is a very good example that information we give voluntarily away today can be abused, at any point in the future.

Why should anyone except me know what pubs I've been into and when? Even what towns I've been visiting and how much money I spent there? It's even easy to see from the bank account statement that a person has health problems, in some doctor offices it's not even possible to pay with cash. I went to physio and they were almost mad at me because I demanded to pay with cash. There is no great secret that I have had great problems with my back (and still have some problems today), but still, it's not something I want to have recorded in my bank statements.

The right for privacy is important - I will not dwell much on the reasons for that. While we still do fight for privacy at some arenas of life (GDPR, for instance), we've collectively totally given up financial privacy. As almost all legitimate transactions go through the banks, a big proportion of the cash transactions (and particularly big cash transactions) are illegitimate - to the point that one can almost assume that cash equals black money! This is very bad.

we've collectively totally given up financial privacy.

I really cant agree more! and thanks or pointing the bonus card thing out, i remember this when it became new and they then had even small barcodes keyring sized so it was convinient to get your Bonuses and swipe it each time you shopped. I was still waking up back then and just thought it was so that you kept shopping at the same place, but yes of course DATA COLLECTION!

It was a real eye-opener for me when the credit card duopoly blocked out Wikileaks. That's another thing with the credit cards, we actually have a de-facto duopoly on payments! Duopolies and monopolies are very bad indeed!

In Norway we've had our domestic debet payment solution BankAxept. It's much cheaper to use than Visa/Mastercard - often a credit card transaction costs as much as 2.5% in fees. The consumer won't see this - for the end consumer it's most often the same price either he pays with BankAxept, Visa or cash. Quite some shops in Norway accepted only BankAxept - but it has been changing during the last decade. The shops have to accept credit cards or else they will lose turnover.

The credit cards are being pushed hard. The fees collected during payment processing, the currency exchange fees in case one uses the card abroad, plus the possibility to charge high interests should the payer fail to pay all of his credit card bill on time - it's quite a lot of money indeed. Some of it goes to Visa/Mastercard, but the banks also get a kickback (plus all the interests), and they often also pay the customer for using the card (either by a direct kickback, or by perks like free insurance, 30 days free credit, etc). So, we have the situation that the end customers are actually bribed to forego BankAxept and cash, and use Visa/Mastercard instead. In the short term, those end customers choosing credit cards are winning on this, but in the long term it's only MasterCard/Visa earning on it.

You should be converting these replies into an epic post sir!

i see regulary a sticker at shops saying "Du trenger penger ikke", makes me feel sick this is the slogan from bank axcept..

Ok dude, I dig. And oh, nice suit.

Unfortunately, you are right... Education-bank system(cards)-etc are making us robots but we still think we have free will...pfff.

Its sooooo sad isnt it 😊 but people are realising it more and more!

Thankfully , yes !

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