When Things Keep Going Wrong

in #life7 years ago


It has been one of those days, and the week did not start off on a good foot. I think we have been dealing with the worst of Mercury in retrograde, and who knows maybe the eclipse threw things off.

One thing after another has gone wrong, resulting in nothing but chaos. From hitting every red light possible when I was already running behind to a meeting; and the power goes out while I was inputting important data into a computer which wasn't saved, and had to be re-entered; and just everything else has been going wrong. I won't even bother listing it since it will only bore you.

I guess the only thing you can do while dealing with chaos is to find a time to absolutely do nothing!

Do nothing to clear your mind and to give you room for sanity because things aren't going to calm down for a while.

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Totally get it!

Sound slike a week from hell, I hope you get a chance for a quite moment doing nothing and that things start picking up fo you soon

The week just started :(

embrace those times that things go rough, without them you would appreciate the good times less 😀

When things go "wrong" celebrate! You're being given a chance to learn something new!

You just gotta combat the negative by stopping and picking 3 things you are grateful for right now!

Yes sometimes you must be still amd find your center

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Hope it gets better!

Take a deep breath, let the same hit your face, stop yes stop for just a minute . . . Helps me every time. It's as if everything resets.

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