Why Modern Parenting Is Crap! (Like You Spend An Hour On Amazon Comparing Kids Vitamins For Starters!)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Being a modern parent is crap! I'd give my left arm (yes! I'm a leftie!) to have parented in the 1970s just like my dad when life was much simpler.

All he needed to worry about to be a good dad was to wonder if he should roll down his Capri car window when he smoked his pipe??

I'm don't think I'm really cut out for this parenting thing. Would you like to know what I've been doing for the last hour before I came on Steemit today? I've been comparing various children's vitamins on Amazon and reading all the crappy reviews like: 'reduces inflammation in children' (WTF?!) 'tastes yummy' (Eh no!) blah blah blah...etc etc.

Oh to be back inside a smoke filled Ford Capri in the 1970s before the emergence of the nanny-state. I didn't receive any kind of vitamin supplementation and I didn't die of passive smoking either - aged 5!

Oh how I long for 1976 and that lanky long Capri lumbering along the road so quaintly!

@mindhunter - aged 45!


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I was raised in the 60's in Mozambique, Africa, and I think the best way to stop thinking about crap
I hope I can do with my 3 year old kid I'm have plan of taking him to the deep Africa before he starts school at 5 , and I'm 100% sure your mind will not think about crap
In Africa there is not much depressions,you wake up in the morning and enjoy a simple happy life , with simple people and absolutely guaranteed "No Crap" :)
Every year I go to the country in Angola I really forget about any crap
And in East Timor I felt that even more :)

I forget about crap when I'm in Poland too - must be these Westernized economies! I need to get away!! East Timor sounds good. Dili anyone?

Well I've been in Dili and East Timor for 2 months, and I went all over the Island (paradisaical) and I met the most courageous and beautiful people of the world , and I've been in lots of places.
We can live there for 20 years if you have 10.000 € , because we can have everything you need with 3 € a day
I got lots of beautiful stories, I hope I have the time to write in steemit
You you came from outside people look very emotionless in their faces, (indifferent to us), but if they like you the flow of energy, sympathy and empathy that comes from them, you will never feel if you live 100 years in the "civilized" world..

P.S. This book on old Angola scared the crap out of me!...and it was written by a Pole! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Another-Life-Penguin-Modern-Classics/dp/014118678X

Yes Angola can be frightening, and if you don't have african background
But Portuguese speaking people adapt very fast to angolan society
I always walk around Luanda day and night, but I've never seen Caucasian people going around without a car (it's a joke I tell people on the street ..angolan people love a good joke and to laugh) for them this is a joke because a white guy Must have a car..some of them follow me they really get surprised because it's true :)
I never felt any danger but my black soul always show me the way
But let's not talk about politics there it's totally unacceptable the regime

But if you got to Angola and you don´t stay in the Capital you are in beautiful paradise , like Cabinda, Lobito, etc
Africa and politics don't mix well....

Political colonialism has a lot to answer for. Stay safe. Love to all Angolans!

Still fresh as a daisy ;)

Man! I really miss that old Capri...I'm off to eBay to have a look in the Motors section ;)

I agree @mindhunter Too much PC and nanny-stating these days - bring back passive smoking in cars!

N.B. There is passive smoking in my car.

(The ash-tray is still functional in my Honda Jazz!)

PC is right up there with the Racism card !! Get's my blood boiling.... Nice pic @mindhunter, my friend had a yellow and black Capri Pirhana I think it was called... man did we lord around in that... up and down the main street and the girls just stared !!!

Cool yellow and black chick magnet thing! (that helps de-boil the blood - just chillin' and cruisin' around - I've got another classic car post planned for tomoz!)

My Capri in the post is C-reg - I wonder what year that was??

(This is turning into a classic car post now! LOL!)

The nanny-state has also destroyed the government in the UK and put them in debt to the tune of £1.5 trillion. Lots of common sense there.

The wisdom of fools eh!

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