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RE: Shower Thoughts | Passion - Undiscovered Truth or Pot of Gold Under the Rainbow

in #life7 years ago

Very interesting point of view, I've never really actually give a thought to this. But maybe as someone who does most things out of passion I could share a little of what it's like to wake up in the morning and have these kind of feelings drive you :))

I think for me, passion has given me a sense of purpose, a sense of longing to want to grow, to want to be better, to want to strive for more. I guess some will define this as playing a dangerous game, leading to never being satisfied or never being content. Personally, I think being passionate keeps you excited about getting up in the day. You open your eyes and you think, "What wonders will I get to do today?" Passion does just that, it pushes you to do the best, to enjoy what you do.

Being passionate makes you keep looking at the positive, to see the good in what others can't. Being passionate isn't always a good balance though, sometimes I surround myself with my work for the longest time (hours to days to weeks) because I fall into "the zone" and forget to do necessary things like, eat or sleep. xD I don't believe it's fair to say that passionate people end up being gamers, food critics or of the sorts. Passion and hobbies are completely different things. I truly believe people like architects, engineers, administrators can be people of passion too. The want to make society better, that is in fact a passion. Wanting to educate people, wanting to take care of family, wanting to make the world a better place. Everyone has a different passion.

Being passionate is love, literal love for everything I guess xD To be happy, and sometimes it's about the little things like, the cup of coffee you'd love to have every single morning, or enjoying the sky when the sun rises over the horizon, reading that book that looks like it's got a really weird cover and finding you actually enjoy it. I don't believe being passionate means you begin to be ignorant of worldly or society issues, if anything it means you in fact actually care more, you'd give up anything and everything to achieve. I honestly cannot speak for most, but these are some things that come to mind xD

Tbh, glancing through your blog posts I would definitely define you as very passionate too!!

Thank you for bringing up this topic, and I hope my comment gave a little insight as well :D Cheers <3


Hmmmm, fair point. Perhaps I didn't explain it properly. I didn't mean to say that one school of thought is better than the other or is more logical. In short, what I wanted to say was I've tried looking for my passion and trying to fit into the first school of thought, which you do, and it has failed for me. So this time, I'm going to try ignoring my passion (which I think is a WANT) and just focusing on my NEEDs.

I'm by no means an unhappy person. I'm quite a happy-go-lucky person, but I just feel very lost in what I should be doing to - as you said "pushes me to do the best, to enjoy what I do". I find a lot of joy in making other people happy, but when it comes to my own happiness, I really have no idea how to boost that.

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