Posting my comments - a story from my life

in #life7 years ago

Today I will continue what I have started as a prototype in one of my posts when I asked you what would be your oppinion about sharing a part of my comments as separate posts. That article did not received much attention, but since I did not received any negative feedback I will say it is pretty okay. If you have any suggestion you can still share it to me, I am open to any changes :)

What made me remember this story of mine is the post The reverse placebo effect - Is going to the doctor making you sick? written by @ladyrebecca, a user that I don't know much about, it's the first post I've read from her but she will be on my following list since now. In her article, @ladyrebecca describes the risks of going too often at medic and I know this has its pros and cons but since most of the people are not aware of the cons, this article is a valuable one to read.

My comment at her post was

Thank you for sharing. I had an experience with the hospitals (I live in Romania so I know how people are treated here) and it was not such a nice time. After I finished my experience (they were actually two surgeries) I had to continue making some blood tests in order to make sure that everything is okay. Now, reading your article, I can say that I am glad that I did not got used to going to hospitals, It would have been much worse. Thanks for sharing, the article was very interesting and the words of wisdom at the end of it by Terry were pretty good, but unfortunately sad...

To make your reading easier and to get into context, I have added here too the words of Terry

but I still suggest you (even that this story will have much few readers) reading her article too!

My most important experience with hospitals here in Romania was as I specified in my comment, when I had two surgeries.

It all started in one day when I was in my days off from the work. I took off two weeks and a half from the work, because I needed some time to prepare for the university as I had to pass some examns. Untill now you can understand that learning for examns makes you sick, but this was not the reason in this case :))

I was staying home, reading and writing all day long, working to projects and stuff like this and when I got pauses, I was making physical exercises in order to help me maintain the focus to study and to avoid coffe. For a few days I felt a soft pain on my right leg, at the top of it, close to the abdomen. It was not just soft, but it also wasn't countinuos, it was disappearing and coming back so I pretty much ignored it as I thought I got a problem with my leg articulation.

After a few days, I started feeling sick and I cpuld nit eat that much, my stomach started to hurt and it looked like I had a bad food poison.

So I went to the doctor...

At first I went to a hospital where they were treating food poison, hepatitis and desease like these. There they gave me a perfusion with glucose which helped because I was dehydrated and I started to feel better. Then I was told that I can go home and that I should follow a short treatment for food posin.

A few hours after this I felt worse, the stomach ache got really bad, I was barely able to move, and I turned yellow (really). I don't want to describe much more, it was absolutely awful.

So I went to the doctor, again...

With the help of some friends and a taxi, I was able to reach to another hospital a military one, where the guys were not so happy to receive me as I was a programmer and not a solder, but there I was (there are treated non-military people too, not only militars, but people are not just giving much hospitality to the first category). After they have gave me another perfusion, I had to make them sure I had medical insurance (which I had, since I was a student and an emplyee) they told me that most likely I had hepatitis and that I should go back to the first previous hospital I just left. Then they told me that I can go home now, their mission was done. After I went home to pack some stuff, guess what I did

I went to the first doctor, again...

The first doctor was not there anymore, since he finished his program (the time passes really fast when you have fun) but there was another doctor, a woman this tine. She tried to tap my abdomen in order to find out if I got the liver bigger than normal but she was not able to feel it because I had a hard abdomen (the signs of working out? - nope!).

After spending a few hours in this hospital, sharing the bathroom with other hepatitis patients, they decided that I should visit a surgeon. And this decision saved my life!

When reached the other hospital (the biggest hospital in the area) I was about to be shocked, but I was expecting what I've seen. After I found the surgeon and made the second ultrasound test (I forgot to mention that they did one of this at the military hospital which revealed nothing), this second test revealed nothing :)

Since I got stomach ache the surgeon supposed that I have appendicitis. Even though the diagnostic sound a bit random, this guy saved my life when did not listened to the other doctors who told him that I maybe have hepatitis. Because it was around 00:00 or middle of the night, he decided to do me the surgery the next day in the morning. Until then I had to make a few more blood tests so they sent me to the hospital enter where the most of the patients were arriving. That was a horrible view, but as I sad earlyer, I was expecting it.

I reminded instantly why I am not a doctor

There were all kind of patients with all kinds of deseases and injuries who were waiting (dying) to be prioritized and treated. The medic who came with me there talked to the nurses to take me some blood samples for the tests. But they didn't want to... It seems that it is not ao common to move from a hospital to another and since I was not one of their patients, I should not be suitable to have blood tests there. After a long debate which was still going on when the samples were taken, I succeeded getting over this experience too. A guy which finished his job with another patient pretty fast came to me and take me the blood samples while the other medic and nurses were still arguing if I should be treated there or not.

The medic left me there with the other patients and the nurses while he was going with the samples to a laboratory. After a few hours of waiting and seeing a lot of cases which marked me for life, the medic got back with a part of my results, saying that I will be moved to another hospital salon. After I reached the salon, I found the same air full of death. In the salon were 6 more people andsome nourses brought a bed for me too, then gave me another perfusion, this time one with antibiotics.

The night was hard, people were screaming around some were having pains and some other were snoring quietly. I wasn't able to sleep at all, and I was having with me just my phone and my wallet (just a plain wallet, by then I hadn't any crypto wallet) so I searched all night on the internet what is this surgery and what is about to happen to me. I got extra scared after the medic told me that he thinks that I have already peritonitis, at least after reading my analysis results.

In the morning my surgeon told me that I got nothing to worry and that most likely I have appendicitis and that it will be an easy surgery for me.

I will try to make the rest of the story short, since by now you can get an idea about hospitals in our country.

Do you want me to announce you when I'm no longer conscious?

My surgery went not that bad, but neither good. After opening my abdomen the surgeon realised that I had peritonitis, I was still conscious when he found this outand he told me that he will need to make me another quite bigger cut for this one and somehow he asked me if if I agree to proceed. My answer was Let's go! and then the anesthesiologist put me an oxygen mask and asked me to cout to ten. I tried to make a joke to her, because she was a pretty young lady, and quite pretty, so I asked her Do you want me to announce you when I'm no longer conscious?

I still don't know if she liked the joke or not, I have lost my conscious before reaching number 3. What I remember is waking up after I don't know how much time and it was the happiest day of my life, because I was just alive!

Sorry for not adding much photos in this article, I will use the one from the previous post.


After this I learnt to appreciate more being alive and not having health problems than ever. We as humans never appreciate how simply we can breathe until we get a runny nose :D

This one was my story, Steem on and take care!


You joking to the anesthesiologist cracked me up, you are a funny one!

Thanks! You are the first to comment on this one, congrats! But you should not upvote it, or just do it with 1%, because it is an old one and you will not even get curation rewards on it, but I appreciate that you took time to read, and also understood the joke. I don't know if the anesthesiologist got the joke or was too nervous because I was dying there, anyway, I got a funny story with it :)

Lol didn’t even notice, don’t care about curation rewards but let’s change the vote for your comment so you get a little something.

No need for that, I just don't want you to waste your VP. I haven't cashed out from Steem so I don't care that much for the rewards here, I just like to build SP in order to have a voice here, as nobody is listening to what a small minnow is saying. For example I got this proposal that was just implemented which is kinda awesome in my humble opinion.

I find it nice that you don't work, you have more time to see my comments :))

You mean this ?

You are a funny one too :)

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