Whisky In The Jar Beers!

in #life5 years ago


Heehk hohck mahanny!! It's Burns Night!

Not only do we have the joy of a regular Saturday beer night we have the joyous Scottish commemoration of our favourite poet. A man who spoke in bizarre wee riddles which captivated the land!

Burns night is a time for celebration and that celebration is most often accompanied by a wee dram of whisky. For those not in the know, dram quite almost literally means dead man's hand in Old Scots.

Well, what could be better than a wee whisky drunk from a dead man's hand? Perhaps a wee whisky beer in a live Boom-meister's hand!

That's right mother punks. I am full-on whisky beer, gluggity daft tonight!



The first is the famous black and tan beer. Oh yes, the beer which spawned a song or a song which spawned a beer. Who the heck knows but whatever the heck it is, it has whisky in it. Not just any old whisky but Highland whisky.

Raar, my back teeth have Scottish hairs growing on them which demand a wet tickling and no, that, my friends is not a euphemism.

Not yet at least. Give it another hour or so and it might very well be.

So, I have gobbled down some haggis and sharpened my blades for the cutting of English foes. (no offence, guys, it's tradition. I still love you)

Now it is time for the wettening!

There can be only one!!

Well, there is two but you know what I mean.



My belly is a snarlin wi' the meaty offcuts of animals, hearts and ears and valves and shit. That is haggis my friends and that is what it means to be Scottish. To eat the bits that others throw away.

And now... let me get that wee sleekit cowrin timrous beastie doon ma neck!


It is a good colour, a very intense brown-black. A bit like the sheets afterwards when my ex-girlfriend used to stay the night. Don't worry, she wasn't a shitter of the bed. She just loved the cheap fake tan products a little too much.

Looked as if it had been shat in right enough. Anyway, I digress.

It looks deep and thoughtful.

Let's drink it!

Oh, It's bitter! Bitter yet sweet black chocolate followed by the harsh cut of raw whisky. Is that a good thing? I say yes!

I do like it very much but the whisky is harsh seeming and there is little sweetness beyond that bitter roasted chocolate taste. I think this one will have to settle for a mere 8/10 booms.

Still, a fine score in anyone's book.


Let us see what unassuming nonsense is next...


This is a special edition of the brewery's famous Jaggery Imperial Stout. Jaggery, being that weird unprocessed brown cane sugar.

As a special edition, this promises more of all the jazzy ingredients than usual and it adds blueberry into the mix. Hmm. That normally spells trouble.

Let us see then.


Mein Gott!! It is a still and malevolent looking black. The kind of black that peoples eyes used to turn on the X-Files when the bad alien muck thing got inside them.

And that my friends was very black indeed.

No head. Nothing. Just a still black pond in my glass.

I think it is trying to intimidate me. Fortunately, I am half drunk and crazed on offal wrapped in skin and boiled.


Black velvet!!! It literally is! Smooth, caramel and toasted malts with a dryness like the dust in a dark attic followed by a boozy bourbon-esque explosion.

It is rather good. I think this little inky fellow deserves a 10 booms!!!

What is the world coming to when we get a ten boomer two weeks in a row?! Madness, that's what.

I tell you what though. I am choking for a pale beer after a couple of weeks quite literally at the boozy barrel aged coal-face.

I promise lighter delights next week. But for now. I am all about that black!




Now, who this tale of truth shall read,
Each man, and mother’s son, take heed:
Whenever to drink you are inclined,
Or short skirts run in your mind,
Think! you may buy joys over dear:
Remember Tam o’ Shanter’s mare.

By: Robert Burns

That second one by far
Me guess by now ya are
A wee bit out off yer skull
The night still young, not dull
Some brew with ten Booms to star
Havin ya ask for another glass full.

Cheers Mate, I'm goin for a Golden Dragon - Imperial Stout.


Thank you very much! 😎👍

Fantastic rhyming!!! In the spirit of the Scots bard himself!!

Hehe, I do feel a bit tiddly it must be said!! That's a fine looking beer. Chin chin my friend!! :0)

Thanks! 😁👍

Can imagine the second one hitting the tiddly diddly spot quite a bit. Feeling a little woozy myself, but in a nice way. 🥴

To life my friend! 🍻

Life and all it throws at us!!!

Cheers dudeski!!

Cheers to that! 🍻

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Who the fuck is Cheryl!?

That second beer, I've never seen anything so black in a glass.

Next week I shall be joining you with something a little more pale as it is the 1st of February and my self imposed sentence is over, boom!

I will be glad to have you returned to the fold!!

I can't wait for a nice pale beer, I love the dark ones but two weeks of barrel aged ones is making me long for simpler times. This black devil is a fecking belter though.

It is ridiculously black and it poured like oil!

Bloody Cheryl... :OD

I prefer the sesh ales cause you can drink more of them, those 12%'ers are brutal and start turning me inside out after 4/5.

I think next month I'll not go mad, and try to locate some decent brews. I did have a post planned for my local which does have some quality brews most of the time but it doesn't feel right to post it while I'm abstaining.

All I wanna do, is get leathered with Cheryl!

If it's the Cheryl I'm thinking of them I wouldn't mind getting lathered with Cheryl too!!

That's what I prefer with the sesh sales too, getting a good beer on as it were.

I'm looking forward to a brew post from your good self!! Top Banana!!!

Yes I think it's the same Cheryl, not seen her for 25 years so I presume she looks the same.... :)

Will see in a week or so when I'm allowed back inside the pub!

Maybe you will be barred for not being a team player!! ;0)


Keep forgetting to add this at the bottom of me comment, misterspam :O

Lol. I actually forget myself too!!

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Whisky. Beer.

There is such a thing.

Also, if your back teeth have back hairs maybe you better brush a bit more carefully? XD

Yay for 10s two weeks in a row :)

10s for ever more!!

I shall attempt to find a fine tooth comb as soon as is humanly possible!!

I'm somewhat concerned with the state of your mouth if you need a grooming kit for your teeth XD

It would be quite the odd thing, to have a hairy mouth!

I don't think I've ever seen a ten booms before. I must have missed the others. I'm very happy for you. Your description of the black velvet is pretty poetic. I'm sure Burns would approve.

I am sure he would! He looked to be the sort that works approve of a mighty powerful beer!!

I have been quite free with the tens recently. I must get more stern. Perhaps it's the new year?

Happy Haggis Head ... I believe that in the morning, your head will feel like some man in a kilt ripped out your innards, stuffed them in your stomach then proceeded to beat you about the head with it.


My head shots feel exactly like that. Add in a healthy state of confusion and it's complete!!

That second one scared me just looking at it - well are you just not having a great streak of good tasting beer.......... what goes up must come down again, so we are waiting in anticipation for the next taste.

I always think that myself when I have a good run, it's gotta end sometime!!!

I generally don't drink whisky. We Americans can't drink anything that's missing a vowel! W-h-i-s-k-E-y! Damned old-worlders! But hey, we can share the joys of fighting the English, right?

I have had few cask-aged beers, and was unimpressed with those I have tried. I am not a fan of Jim Beam or Jack Daniels. Perhaps I need better whiskey and better beers alike to change my mind.

Some of them are not very good at all, it takes a special one to get all the aspects blended just right. In saying that though, I am looking forward to a normal best next week!

Lol, we are quite particular about that spelling, the wrath of a Scotsman upon seeing an E in their Whisky is mighty indeed!! :0)

You only invented the stuff. How the hell do you think you know how to spell its name? Bah. Waves flag extra-vigorously

Lol. Nothing is ever not fixed by some extra-vigorous flag waving! :0D

Did you eat your, 'haggis, neeps and tatties?

That's what I read is the tradition on Burns night before having whiskies and some 12.1% beer that will leave you a steaming wreck tomorrow!

I did!! Being somewhat of a philistine though, I made the haggis into pakora and had haggis and green chilli pakora with veggies. Sssshh, don't tell the Scottish police! :OD


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