Thursday's With Uncle Boom #8

in #life7 years ago


I took a trip out to my country estate for a bit of grouse shooting this week with an old friend, Osbert Winnetburn. An admirable fellow in many ways despite having a mouth like a cat's anus.

We lay in the bushes with our guns in our hands and discussed the latest trading news. Osbert grandly proclaimed he was moving into knickers.

Knickers old chap? What do you mean, like lady garments?

Exactly! Lady-part smotherers. All the rage in China.

I made a cat-vomiting-a-hairball face.

I think I will stick with the Ivory for the now old chap, there's far more honour in it.

Before we could debate further there was movement from the tree-line some 100 yards away. One of the local peasants came into view, it looked like he was picking mushrooms.


Osbert screwed his eyes as he peered into the distance. He then gave me a devilish grin.

Tell me old Boom fellow, is that a grouse?

I looked at the peasant, even at this distance I could tell he had an annoying face.

Yes old chap, it's most definitely a grouse.

Osbert yelped with glee and let off a shot. We both watched the mushroom picker as he dropped like a stone. I clapped my hands in appreciation at Osbert's gunmanship. He turned to me, grinning from ear to ear.

Head Shot! Oh well, I will send his wife a couple of farthings for the inconvenience. I dare say she will find another wastrel to shack up with in a matter of days.

We both chuckled and left the peasant for the badgers before retiring to the house for some gin.

Later, feeling a little merry I opened up my online sack and rooted through it for some missive's that I could read before delivering some sound


SpamFarmer1: Hello. Can you help me sit?

Uncle Boom: Sit? Sit on what? Make sense man.

SpamFarmer1: Sir.

Uncle Boom: Sit on Sir? What the bloody hell do you... Oh, oh wait. I get it. Is this cyber, are you trying to cyber sex me? Is this Tinder?

How bloody dare you try to sex me up cyber style. You didn't even suggest those funny gloves smeared with duck fat. Most impolite! Get away from my screen at once!

Whatever next?

SpamFarmer2: Hello. How are you?

Uncle Boom: Fucking marvelous old chap and you?

SpamFarmer2: I entered a logo competition, could you vote on my entry please?

Uncle Boom: Of course old fellow. Send me the link.

SpamFarmer2: thank you, here is the link to the contest, please vote for option number 2 - shitpostlink

Uncle Boom: Voted and commented!

SpamFarmer2: thank you, can u tell it to your steemit chat friends to do it for me as well

Uncle Boom: Consider it done old fellow!!

Some minutes later

SpamFarmer2: hey, I said to vote option 2 you voted option 1

Uncle Boom: I fucking did not. How dare you! Do you play me for a fool? You undoubtedly said option 1.

SpamFarmer2: sir please change your entry, you voted the wrong one. Please change it

Uncle Boom: I will not, and it is ill-bred of you to ask. You say the wrong one, I say - a gentleman, never wears gloves whilst he eats.

SpamFarmer2: please. Please correct it

Uncle Boom: Correction is it? If there is correction required I will gladly give you a few strokes of the cane. Now begone you blackguard!!


Aahh, the heady scent from a gentleman's hands after a good advisements. It reminds me of cats in the rain. Well chaps. Once more let me encourage you to contact me with your difficulties and let me cut to the heart of them. You are assured of my discretion, after all...



I stand in need of some good advisements, good Uncle Boom, and perhaps a favor. I have a friend who is a bit of a peasant. A hobo, if you will. Often, when we go out for a drink, we take turns purchasing the rounds in a friendly way. The other night, when it was his turn to pitch in a buy a round, he ordered "hobo juice" for all. Not sure what this meant, I anticipated with delight my upcoming refreshment. When I got my drink, it turned out to be just water. He is a cheap hobo and I'm of a mind to help him get his comeuppance. If I take him mushroom picking this Saturday morning, do you think you could convince your friend, Osbert of the Cat-Butt mouth, to drop by for a little marksmanship practice?

Such behaviour, It makes my lip curl

And for that reason I would be delighted! It's vagabonds such as these that are tearing apart the fabric of our society!

what does a mouth that looks like a cat's anus look like chico?
whatttttt? s** in the chat ? cyber whatttt?
this one's pretty spicy aside from very very funny!
was reading it during my coffee break and lmao - ing hahaha

Hehe, oh yes. The nonsense in the chats is extraordinary!

A cat's Anita is just like a little puckered starfish type of thing. Hehe :0D

hahahah that's harder to imagine :)

Heheh, it amuses me to think up ways of describing like this! :O)

I think I'm almost as happy as the badgers after reading that marvelous missive! Good form sir! 😆

Why thank you, any friend of the badgers is a friend of mine!

Hhhahahah Osbert Winnetburn :An admirable fellow in many ways despite having a mouth like a cat's anus cat laughed his ass red after reading this line ....Thursday with Uncle boon is always an interesting one and a threat for spammers

I am glad that you enjoy it matey!! :O)

Uncle Boom, these random quote spammers are in need of advisements please!

They are, I tend to think they are in need of a good thrashing!

Words to live by ;-)

Hehe, oh yes indeed!! ;0)

hola mr. boom, me gustaria que me apoyaras en mi post para que veas la realidad de mi pais

¡Hola! ¿Dónde está mi voto? :OD

jajaja lo olvide, hay te va mi amigo...

Hahahaha this is awesome read. Mr. Boomstick! Ever thought to pull all of your posts together and publish a book on amazon or some of that selfpublishing platforms? You d do good! I seroisly love the Sir voting shit. So much of that going around is for pukes. ;-)

I have contemplated pulling them together before! It's definitely something I might try to do. Not sure where to begin but heck it can't be that hard!

Osbert Winnetburn? By George, isn't that the fellow that "accidentally" shot me in the arse that one time? I'm still finding shrapnel here and there. He really needs to get his eyes check or his trigger finger chopped off.

So that's what happened to one of my mushroom suppliers. Huh, I can't say I'll miss him, but he did provide some tasty tasty Enoki.

I shan't mention it of course but yes, it was probably was him that blasted you in the arse. He is ever so short sighted. Yes despite that remains an incredible shot!!

I shall be looking for this enoki!!

Damn that basturt! Why I oughtta... I'll give him a stern talking to if ever we cross paths. Given his shortsightedness, I'm sure he won't see me coming.

Even if he were the sharpest of sighed he wouldn't see the jedinja! Coming!!

I finally have a moment to myself, more I must read the last koan!

Jedinja? Please. That's what my slaves and the fearful villagers call me. Refer to me as Jedinjutsu. You're like family I've never met after all.

Consider it done Jedinjutsu! For that is what seems most right and therefore I am now happy!

Your happiness is the number one priority, dude. Never think otherwise!

I have no doubt!

Man that voting part hahaha. Im sure he regretted messing with uncle boom!

For a moment I almost felt bad then I thought, feck off. If you enter a contest dont go tapping up utter strangers for a vote! :O)

Exactly! Spamming is just .. plain .. terrible!

Maybe these Spam farmers are the same gay catfish who try to talk to me on Tinder? I think there might be a connection.

I think you are onto something there. Swipe left!! I think :OD

Yeah those catfish are a hard Left Swipe!

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