Thursday's With Uncle Boom: #4

in #life7 years ago


I was walking along the river bank with a good friend Basil Prendergast this afternoon. A good man despite having a head like a baboons arse. We shared a pipe of some good peach brandy tabac and remarked upon the trades of the day. He blew out a smoke ring like a preening popinjay and claimed.

Pink peppercorns dear chap, that's where it's at.

I was about to retort that peppercorns, like coal should always be black when we heard some cries of distress from the water.


By Jove, fellows in trouble there.

Basil always had a keen mind. Yes, there was a fellow splashing about making all sorts of noise some twenty feet from the river bank.

Help, help me. Can't swim!

All this was interspersed with much theatrical flailing and splashing quite unbecoming of a gentleman.

I wonder what he's doing in the water if he can't swim?

I mused.

Basil handed me back the pipe.

Looks a gnarly bugger, doesn't he?

We shared some more of the pipe. A splendid blend of tabac this peach brandy stuff. Basil, ever the impatient sort picked up a rock and flung it at the man's head missing only by a foot or so.

God's man hurry it up, we'll catch a chill!

Perhaps the fellow was more obliging than at first appeared as he gave one more help before sinking beneath the surface.

Later as the maid massaged my feet I thought back to the drowning man. A poor way to kark it, all that shouting and carrying on. Some people had no decorum. However, it did remind me of my duty toward my fellow steemians. With a contented sigh I kicked the maid away and powered up the pooter. In a matter of moments I was logged onto the chats to see who had approached me this week for some solid gold


Spam_Farmer1: I can be like you.

Uncle Boom: What the fuck, are you a cat? Is that feline speak? Can you haz cheeseburger? Is that what you mean?

Or be like me, are you wanting to steal my soul? for the love of God, threats wont unman a fellow of my stature! Don't push me, you craven winnet or I will jam myself down this Interpipe and pop out the other end to give you the back of my hand. Pfft, such insolence!

Spam_Farmer2: is this a good time to buy steem, how much did you buy?

Uncle Boom: How much did I bloody what? Would you ask a man if he perfumes his nethers?! Would you ask a man if he had ever shaved a sheep and called her Rosemary? It was only that one time dammit.

But yes, besides your impertinent buying question, it is a good time to buy steem. And dare I say, if you fancy trading in physical goods, I have it on very good authority that...

Pink peppercorns are where it's at.


There, that winds up another very successful set of advisements. As ever, feel free to drop me a line with your deepest philosophical musings and problems. I can assure you at the very least of a sympathetic ear and complete anonymity. After all...



@meesterboom it is quite ungentlemanly to regale friends with a tale without appropriate musical accompaniment. As your trusted follower and, I like to think, friend I have done my best to satisfy this requirement on your behalf.

Yours in music,

I recognise that piece of music, but can't remember what it is! Very enjoyable!

Thank you very much @kiwideb

Um, so what was it? ;-)

Haha Sorry :P I am juggling cats here :) It is a Minuet in A-Major by L. Boccherini. I only played the very beginning. There are very nice sections following. Perhaps I'll do the whole thing in another post sometime :)
Glad you enjoyed.

Isn't it odd that I've never heard of Boccherini but am so familiar with that piece? But after visiting Mr Youtube I can confirm that I didn't know the later sections. So maybe this has been used in an ad? Good to know that they have a use - introducing us to new bits of classical music.

That is a great thing. The more music the merrier. This music was used in loads of commercials and movies. It's a classic!

Goodness me!! Not since Korea in 72 have I heard a man squeeze such delight from his instrument! You are an astonishment my dear fellow!

My pleasure. Your post came across my screen as I was recording some music of my own. :)

It really was fantastic, bought a big smile to my face! Can't resist following such magic!

:) Glad you enjoyed it. As I was reading your post I could hear that music in my head. I do this from time to time with other Steemians as well. When a post speaks to me musically I try to let it speak back. Lots of fun. My way of commenting I guess haha

Great work by the way and congrats on the 72!!!! That is amazing.

It was a splendid match! A very good idea.

And thank you, it took a while but it was great to get there!

Well deserved. Proof that quality content creators will benefit from this platform. I hope I can follow your example. Still finding my feet.

All I can say is have fun and keep posting and never lose heart. It's a great platform for sharing and meeting. Nothing quite like it!

wow am sure that Milord Sir @meesterboom will love this, upvoted and thanks for the awesome music.

This is WONDERFUL!! Hahaha, the perfect accompaniment to @meesterboom's post. :)

Basil has poor aim! Protip: Next time throw a cat at the drowning man because even when you miss, the cat might swim over to him and claw around a bit.

Yes, Basil is a little unfortunate with that arm ever since the incident with the Koala and a bag of potato chips. I shall advise him of the cat technique. I think he will find it useful!

Sir @meesterboom You said it all Milord!!!!

Hehe, thank you very much me ole mucker!

you are welcome Milord

Only Milord on a Thursday ;0)

Hahahahaha Milord good one indeed.

Hahaha! A perfect post. I haven't heard a person's face called a baboon's arse since I was working in a looney bin 40 odd some years ago! :) And perfuming one's nether regions had me snorting out pink peppercorns out of my lady like nostrils...

Hehe, I do like the old insults! And the perfuming of the nethers, well. One simply does not ask! I havent heard the term loony bin for years, now there is a tale to be told!

You are indeed the clever one ;-)
I have to say tho, what could it mean that I actually burst out a laugh when your good man Basil flung a rock at the man's head? Lol

I believe that it speaks volumes for your fine breeding and intelligence!


I do not know if it was true or not that person drowned, but after sharing your thoughts do not stop de reil until the end of the post.
I could not believe you'd think "I wonder what he's doing in the water if he can not swim", that was great, a good way to minimize things.
No wonder that many want to be like you, after you have reached "72" and the other "how much did you buy?" noooo, it's amazing, sorry sir, they do not know what they do.
Today came with all Uncle Boom, excellent, this post, animations and beer have become my favorite.
Many thanks dear friend @meesterboom for another great episode.
I wish you a beautiful night.

You are the best dear fellow! Someone to sail the seas with as they say in the nautical trade that I am in! Perhaps I shall put aside a parcel of fine silks and exotic spices for you next time I am in port! :O)

72!! i am waiting for 70 here :D

While I was eating my sammich and reading this post I reminded myself at the fact that I need to send you some more spam. So that maybe next time you can.... No never mind. Going to keep it at trying to lure you in my spam trap!

You have proposed fine delicacy for me here! Why what is this alluring combinations of meats? Why, who in the blazes could have come up with the idea of chopped pork and ham!

I take my hat off to you. Perhaps we may share a pipe on far shores and digest the doings of the day!

Seriously, have people no shame? Drowning! Baboons arse and perfume my nethers, I may have been snorting pink peppercorns.

Drowning in plain sight madam! It simply isnt on, That kind of behaviour should be a private enterprise. I dont know what the fellow expected. I had my good shoes on!

I giggled at "baboon's arse"; laughed outright at "perfuming nether regions" ... and was undone by throwing the rock at the drowning man! My day is complete, lol. :D

Hehehe, Uncle Boom aims to please! :OD

Jolly fine post until you brought up Ms. Rosemary. A true gentleman never divulges secrets of a private nature.

Of course you are absolutely correct old chap. I did think that when she passed I could tell of her but she wouldn't want that

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