Sour Suzy, Cloudwater & Unforgiven Beers!

in #life7 years ago


Saturday's smokin hot beers!!

Sometimes I wonder if I will be able to find any cool beers to review this week. Then I stop for a minute and give myself a sound talking to. Of course I will!! This week to add a little more zing to my reviews I decided to score the blighters out of ten. Here is hoping I get some tens!!

So what did I stumble upon this week? Let's see!!



Sour Suzy, reminds me of one of the exes. A great name despite that. A Norwegian beer, no idea which brewery. The can is a bit vague.

As soon as I crack open the can I am assaulted with an amazing lime'y smell. It pours a pale yellow with a big yeasty looking head. Looking good!


It's a peculiar one and no mistake. It's pleasant enough, with a strong lime undercurrent. I like it but think the lime might be a tad too much. It's like drinking Corona with a wedge of lime in it. That's not quite what I like for on Saturday beer review night. Meh. 4/10

Run to the next!



What a strange can. I would say it is cool and funky. Which it kinda is. Bit mental pink though! The guy took ages finding out the price and seemed surprised it was in his shop. I hope that's not a bad sign.

From the Cloudwater Brew company, 6.4% alcohol. According to the side of the can -


Smoked beech eh! Toptastic. Gimme!!

Oooo, look at that reddish amber time to the thing. Head starts off well however fecks off in no time leaving it looking a little sad and flat.


Hmmmm. It's not bad. Very smokey and slightly bitter. The smoke taste grows stronger as I work my way through it. It gets a little sweet. I am not entirely sure I could drink more than one of these big cans but it is ok enough for a one off. 5/10

Man oh man, I ain't feeling the love tonight. Please to goodness let the last one be a donkey killer of a beer!



Named After one of my favourite westerns this has to save the night of the long beers surely.

From the Tempest brewing company, a red rye beer. It pours like a fine stallion. Dark and brooding. Mmmm, looks good!


Oh yes, this has bags of character. It's smokey and slightly toffe-esque. Thankfully, a beer cowboy has rode in to save the show!! It almost has a peaty flavour. The more I drink the more I can feel my spurs jangling with delight! 7.5/10!


Thank you Unforgiven! You have rescued me from them pesky other varmints trying to put a downer on my beering!

Now I am off to find my cowboy hat and have a couple more.

Cheers everyone!!


"Let the last one be a donkey killer..."
EPIC line!

Hehehehe, I liked it too!! Cheers mate!

hahahah .. only you pulls out a beery funny beer post
so Susy's your ex? has she gone sour? just kidding
oh well.. cheers!
don't grow a beer belly !!!

I am losing the beer belly!!!

There was a Suzy and yes she did lolo!!!

You just shot an unarmed man!
He shoulda armed himself if he's gonna decorate this saloon with my friend.

My husband likes to change up one of the quotes and use it as an endearment for me-- "She cured me of whiskey and killin' folk""
That's actually fairly accurate--he drinks good beer now instead (like you and me) and the last time he punched someone in the face was at a football game eight years ago--dude called me a bitch because I was smiling after the team lost (I was smiling because a couple of young kids in front of me were rooting for the team that won and they were super excited about it) He was a college football type, actually leaned through the seats and pointed at me, said "What are you grinning about bitch?" Howie was sitting behind me and when he saw the look on my face he said "Did he just say that to you" One nod and it was on. He jumped up, grabbed the guy by his shirt and blasted him in the nose hahaha! Can't say that wasn't deserved, you don't go calling women you don't know names at a football game, idiot. He actually cried. Big dude, sat right down, tears streaming.

Oh man thats fantastic!! Truly awesome defending of honour! What a dick, he totally deserved that!

Lol, I did a similar thing once when a guy at a gig pulled my good ladys hair for getting in his way?!?! I dont often see red but walloped him hard and fast. Then it led to a big stooshie because no one saw the pulling of hair incident and just thought I had gone a bit mental! Fortunately inGlasgow such things are not too uncommon lol

I think I am going to say cured me of whisky and killng folk hehe

I think that I will go for unforgiven due to its color...just opened one cold one now ...Jever Pilsener ...cheers and upped

Cheers dude! I am raising one to ya!!

I remember the first comment I made on your blogs which led me to follow you , was over a post of Beers . I was like this man has taste !! Cheers to today's list 🍻

And a big Cheers to you!! You just can't go wrong with someone who likes beers!! :0D

Can you send 24 of that Unforgiven my way? LOL Over here the beers are pretty sad 3-4% and cloyingly sweet. I may have to resort to brewing my own!

Thats a good old idea! Then you can make em exactly how you like em! Where are you? Hehe, the Unforgiven is a cracker!

I am in Nicaragua within 500 km of the Pacific Ocean. Brewing is on my wish list. I need to grow some hops.

Wow, yeah. If you get the hops you will be laughing. Nicaragua sounds amazing. Would love to visit there one day

Lights are always on for visitors from a far...

Excellent! :0)

Very good selection dear friend @ meesterboom, I finally found a good beer 7.5 out of 10 is a good score. Congratulations.
Enjoy a good beer.
Have a happy cowboy rest

I will have that rest my friend!! Thank you and a big Cheers to you this night!!! :0)

Oh my gosh!
Now I want a nice beer!
Also love ur photo beer face at the end!

One must always have a fine beer face. It shows breeding! ;O)

oh is that why?!?!?!

But of course ;0)

Then it must be so!

Why yes indeed! :OD

hahahahhaha ;-)>

Hey @meesterboon, saw this beer competition and thought of you :)

Oooooo, a beer competition! Will check it out!

I guess you could say Unforgiven was... forgiven ;) YOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!

1/3 :( Man, I'm so sad to say that the tally of Fail Ales are up to 5 now :( It's a shame that there are two duds in one Sabeerday (yes, I'm still pushing for it). It's nice that you included a visible score though, that'll silence the critics who are saying that you are grading the beers subjectively. Damn those critics. I give this review of yours a 10/10 dude!

Two duds! I was gutted. Hehe, cheers for the 10/10 action!!

Only five. thats still quite good all things considering!

With the rate things are going, expanding it with the estimation of the beers you would taste in your lifetime, compounding it with the rate new craft beers are produced, then dividing it over time... I'd say yes. You're still good!

Phew!! Well that is a flingin flangin relief!!!


Unless acknowledging it would cause everything to collapse and everything will be a dud from here on in!!!

Consider into a singularity before exploding outwards and creatinga new reality!

Haha this is a great idea for a saturday. There are some great undiscovered beers out there, but on the same note there are some awful disgusting ones as well. Look forward to seeing more of your beer samplers in the coming weeks

There are some right minging ones but the good ones more than make up for it. Cheers man!

I hear ya. My friends own a craft brewery and I've taste tested quite a few of their concoctions. The majority never come to market for a good reason but when you taste a winner it's awesome

I would like to try some sample ones like that. Yeah the winners rawk!

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