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RE: Sour Suzy, Cloudwater & Unforgiven Beers!

in #life7 years ago

You just shot an unarmed man!
He shoulda armed himself if he's gonna decorate this saloon with my friend.

My husband likes to change up one of the quotes and use it as an endearment for me-- "She cured me of whiskey and killin' folk""
That's actually fairly accurate--he drinks good beer now instead (like you and me) and the last time he punched someone in the face was at a football game eight years ago--dude called me a bitch because I was smiling after the team lost (I was smiling because a couple of young kids in front of me were rooting for the team that won and they were super excited about it) He was a college football type, actually leaned through the seats and pointed at me, said "What are you grinning about bitch?" Howie was sitting behind me and when he saw the look on my face he said "Did he just say that to you" One nod and it was on. He jumped up, grabbed the guy by his shirt and blasted him in the nose hahaha! Can't say that wasn't deserved, you don't go calling women you don't know names at a football game, idiot. He actually cried. Big dude, sat right down, tears streaming.


Oh man thats fantastic!! Truly awesome defending of honour! What a dick, he totally deserved that!

Lol, I did a similar thing once when a guy at a gig pulled my good ladys hair for getting in his way?!?! I dont often see red but walloped him hard and fast. Then it led to a big stooshie because no one saw the pulling of hair incident and just thought I had gone a bit mental! Fortunately inGlasgow such things are not too uncommon lol

I think I am going to say cured me of whisky and killng folk hehe

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