Red'y Or Not

in #life7 years ago


We were at the doctor's getting the little boom a checkup and various injections. Everything was going well and after a short while he pronounced us good to go.

Is there anything else before you leave?

He kindly asked.

Well... There is one thing Doctor?

I described the malady that I had been worried was exhibiting itself in my son.

The Doctor looked. He frowned and pushed his glasses up his nose and looked again. He pulled a great big book down from a shelf and thumbed through it before stopping at a particular page. He nodded and hmmd.


He snapped the book shut and looked up at me.

I am afraid that all the symptoms seem to confirm your suspicions.

Oh no Doctor, say it isn't so?

Yes, I will just say it straight. Your son has red hair.


The good lady burst into tears. I however, set my jaw manfully at the news.

Is there nothing that can be done Doctor?

The Doctor took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose.

There isn't much I am afraid.

Damn it, man, there has to be something??

Well, there are various dyes and colourings that could be used when he is older. But they don't always take.

I clenched my fists tight.

Will he... Will he have pale skin and freckles too Doctor? Tell us the truth, we can take it.


The Doctor nodded solemnly.

I am afraid it's quite likely...


I blinked furiously. The Doctor was speaking. I think I might have fallen asleep sitting up. As if to prove it, I could feel a trail of drool on my chin. The good lady was giving me an exasperated sideward glance.

I tried to focus on the Doctor's words.

Just a little bit of cradle cap on the scalp there, nothing to worry about.

Righto Doctor. No need for hair dye then!

I exclaimed a little loudly.

The Doctor and the good lady looked at me in the same way they would at a drunk monkey in a dress.

Right Daddy.

The good lady took my arm and firmly manouevered my sleep-addled personage out of the door.


Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

Thank you for a lovely short story and illustrations.

At least he will not be the odd man out....with Prince Harry having gone before him.....right. ^_^

He will be very hair sounds like a splendid bonus.

Have you ever seen the film.....Father Knows oldie...with a family of gingers.

Wishing you and yours all the best. Cheers.

I havent saw that film but it is one I will look out for.

Prince Harry, that young whippersnapper songsmith Ed Sheeran. Good company indeed!

Cheers to you and yours! :O)

hahahahahaha IMAGINE THAT!!!!


Hahaha! I know!!! :0D


Don't worry mate, afterall..........

Haha, that's very true!

Yes. I can confirm, we have souls.

I get a freckle for every soul I steal! 3:)

Hahahahahah MiLord!!!! I missed your sense of humor and have to run to steemit in order to have fun reading your post....The good lady is quite right to stare at a gentle man like you due to your great sense of humor with life!!! keep it up and wish you all a blessed week.
My gift for you, feel free to see my latest post on bitcoin and a new project and apply for free coins / airdrop....success

Charles! You have been gone again!

Free coins you say! I am in!

What's wrong with red hair?

Scary Clown
Scary Clown Source

It never affected me as a child.

Well thats me terrified lol!

this one says it all wahahahaha

It does!! What a horrifying clown!

Bahaha, I love your writing!

I wonder if you were picked on a lot when you were a kid... And I bet if you were you turned out better than anyone who picked on you. Stronger to boot!

Ha, well good luck with your red headed frecked child! :P

Thanks for the early morning smile!

~ @Timbo

Lol, I was surprisingly not picked on when I was young. I had a crazy big brother that might have had something to do with it :0)

Yea, haha I was the big brother that helped the 4 little brothers I have to not get picked on! Glad to know you had someone similar looking out for you! :P

Hehe, it's a common thing. Good on ya!!

Thank ya thank ya!

Are you excited to be dad?

Oh yeah man, it's totally awesome!

I can hardly wait, only a few more months now! :D

You will love it. It's a terrifying, exhilarating, sleep deprived mad ride but it's totally worth it. Changes everything!

If he ends up looking like this guy, I think he'll be fine.

For some reason I think you might just be right there lololo!

Are you not a red hair yourself? Red hair is cool. No need to dye anymore. Hahahah.
My little girl is a yellow bone (maybe due to a skin condition) and she is having a white man hair. I am always answering questions here and there.

How did you do it.?


I am fair haired, although I am getting a bit silver these days! I used a paint app on my android phone :)

Silver means old right? hahaha

It sho does!!!

One of my favorite people in all of this world is a red-head. Intelligent, dependable, noble, indeed a man of integrity--your boy is in good company :)

This is me you are talking about isnt it? I am so flattered! :OD

Can I say I told you so.... BTW I love redheads, and was very disappointed when I failed to produce even one.

Well I am quite happy that I have managed to chunter one out from my nethers! Hehe :0)

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