Not Acceptable

in #life5 years ago


We take this kind of thing very seriously, you know.

I said sternly.

There was no answer from across the table where the surly recipient of my words sat.

I put a little steel in my voice.

In fact this kind of behaviour is quite unacceptable.

I threw the unacceptable bomb in there with an inward smirk. If anything could bring an enemy to his mental knees the unacceptable bomb always could.

It didn't.

It pinged off him like a frozen pea.

He stared at me impassively across the table before slowly and deliberately sticking a finger up his nose and rooting around as if hunting for treasure.

He was taunting me. I knew it.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to relax and not throw myself across the table at him.


My eye was drawn to something on the table between us that could have been dried blood or a chickpea curry stain.

I picked at it and when it was loose flicked it aggressively with my middle finger across the table.

Unlike the acceptable bomb this one landed. He rumpled his brow and brushed at his cheek where it struck.


He uttered.

I smelt my middle finger, yeah, chickpea curry. That will do it... every time.

Tilting my head back, I looked at him with slitty eyes.

So, we're not going to be doing that again, understand?

I stated rather than asked.

He very deliberately removed his finger from his face crevice and wiped the snottery slime on his finger tip onto the table where he stared at it in great fascination.

I felt the rage rumble within. There was no holding back this time. Who the bloody hell did he think he was???

Right you...

I tailed off as the good lady bustled into the lounge.

I don't think you are going to break him, Daddy-Bear. He's only two years old. It's not his fault if he had a bit of a wake up last night?

She said shaking her head.

A bit of a wake up? He was up for over three hours!! I'm cabbaged today!?

I mewled pitifully at her.

Well, enough is enough. You had better leave or you will miss your train.

She said dismissing me as if I were a sleep deprived zombie of no consequence.


I huffed and stood.

But you. You and I aren't done you hear?

I waggled my finger threateningly at the Little Boom who looked at me long and hard before smiling and letting out an exceptionally loud and trumpeting fart.



Hhaha he is almost like a cat - and then during the day he sleeps and at night he is awake. Maybe you have a little vampire........... you better look into that LOL O the joys of parenthood.

Lol, he could be!!

The joys indeed, he had been sleeping well too. So this one was out of the blue!

haha :D

Insert gives no fucks meme here.

Well at least you still have the energy to entertain us today Boomy, let's hope miniboom allows you to sleep tonight.

He had better or there will be hell to pay!!!

Lol, it was a tough one man and I'm going out on the lash tomorrow, I need to be in tip top condition!! :0D

Out on the lash on a school night? Dangerous stuff!

It was the hand that fate dealt me!! It might be dangerous stuff but fuck it, it's Christmas!

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Hahaaa..the boy takes after the father I'm guessing, with the trumpeting and all? It's only the beginning probably lol

He does totally. He even has my slightly psychotic streak!! :0D

Hey @meesterboom, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Those pep talks are bound to work if you keep at them. Well, if nothing else, the Little Boom will learn a thing or two about checking the bottom of a table for entertainment during meals. I hope you didn't have to stay up past your bedtime to write something, and then got hit with the two hour middle of the night toddler antics. That's generally why I have dark circles.

I think I was only so badly affected because for the last month or so the nights have been easy. Rather stupidly I thought that this might be it, the beginnings of easy Street. Lol, so silly am I!!

Is there an easy street? I havn't found it. Send me directions.

I shall send them immediately, as soon as I find my way off these golden cobbles!

Wow, I miss a few days (again) and suddenly you sprout womanly curves! 😂

Haha, and that's one of my less womanly ones!!

I can't remember, do they even know what unacceptable means at that age? XD

Hehe, nah. Not in the slightest. He knows about twenty words and none of them that!! :0D

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