Doula. Is it wrong that I have never heard of a doula before?
Have you?
My good lady had what can only be described as an awful first birth. See - The Bloody Octopus.
Today she approached me somewhat tentatively. A voice in my head instantly screamed raise shields cap'n!! When my good lady looks nervous, I get nervous. I gritted my teeth and smiled a madman's smile.
What was it? Granted the grass out the back was getting a little long but I could still see my cats tails when they went prowling so it couldn't be that.
Had I left the toilet seat up again? When will I ever learn?!
Or had she found all the bookmarked guitar sites on my chromebook and realised that I spent wistful hours late into the night perusing the soft golden curves of many a Gibson guitar?
It's about the birth. It was quite a traumatic time for me and I felt the hospital staff didn't listen.
I nodded and tilted my head reassuringly to the side the way dogs do when puzzled. She seemed to gain confidence from this and continued.
If we can afford it, I would like to get a Doula to help with it all?
She looked at me expectantly.
My thoughts raced. A Doula? I hadn't heard of the breed specifically but flipping heck, how could I say no! I have always wanted a dog. It sounded like one of those short haired Albanian breeds. Maybe it was those ones with the shiny grey fur?
Of course darling, it doesn't matter the cost!
I gathered her close and gave her a big squeezy hug.
If it makes you feel better we can definitely get one.
I couldn't stop grinning. I wondered if we could get a puppy Doula. Aren't puppies just the cutest! And this coming from me, a cat man!
I did a bit of phoning around, there is one coming round to talk to us in an hour.
Hang on, dogs don't talk.
I ran upstairs under the pretense of needing the toilet. Before you could say spring-heeled jack I was on google.
What is a doola.
Oh. It wasn't a dog.
It appeared to be a woman wise in the ways of birthing. And I had spelled it wrongly.
I traipsed downstairs sheepishly.
The good lady looked at me, her head tilted reassuringly to one side the way dogs do when they are puzzled.
Did you google it?
Yes. It's not a dog.
Aw poor baby. No. It's not a dog.
She gathered me close and gave me a big squeezy hug.
AHAHA! That last bit had me in stitches once again. Man, your autobiography would be a surefire bestseller. I would like to put my name in the hat as an investor, as I feel that it would be a blue chip bet!
I've been around childbirth a lot (my mother is an OB-GYN, I think I mentioned that before), but I don't think I've ever seen a doula before. I've heard of them, sure, but I guess it's not a thing here. Mothers and grandmothers fulfill that role here I think. I could be wrong, and I could easily have been interacting with doulas all of my life and not know it. Heck, I might be a doula and don't know it!! :O
A STEEM-funded doula, now that's something for the record books!
You're a doula!!! You just dont know it!
I knew if anyone would get the reversal of the ending you would! :O)
You have said about your mother. That would be fair handy. Unfortunately, (oh oh get the harps out) myself and the good lady are not blessed with the most available of families. So instead we are landed with an overworked health service and having to pay for doulas!
It is a steem funded doula! All my steem goes on the pregnancy or preparing for the days of no pay when she cant work :O)
we call this "hilot" in my country :D
Sounds a bit saucy ;0)
All I ever do in those cases is to provide whatever physical and emotional assistance I can, instructing them on how to best take care of their newborn and ... Oh my Glob. I am a doula (oblongata) :O
I need a moment to process everything. It seems I've had a full-time job for years and didn't know about it. Heck, I never even get paid for it! What's worse is I never knew about it!
Quick man!! Start calculating your back pay!!!
Okay so, taking into account inflation and the compounding interest, multiply it to my experience and my pro rata, divided by the hours spent on labor, that amounts to .... I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Me so dumb at Maths.
I got lost after the fifth word!!
Yes, account inflation times thingmyjig!!
When I read the word "doula" in your title I said t myself "Doula? What's d-o-u-l-a???". Ok, my English is poor, but I've never heard about this word, so I googled it and so I can say that my mom had a doudle (ehm, 46 years ago), but there are just few doula here and when I was pregnant I coudn't find any doula for myself, but just a doctor and a nice midwife ^_^
They are so over worked over here that you just cant get the time to know the doctors or midwives so apparently thi is the way to go!
It is a strange word though!
This story had my wife in stitches. We have our children at home, a doula would be a good idea for a hospital birth for sure. @ironshield
The more people say things like this the happier I become!
Glad you liked it!! :0)
hahah what a read @meesterboom . This read chilled me even though I had a big cold beer!!! always great to read your post, upped.
Cheers man! Cold beer makes everything seem better!
welcome, I agree haha
Lol! Maybe you could train a dog to be a doula and get the best of both?
Seriously, though, it's so important to have an advocate on your side in any health/medical situation. I was lucky to have an excellent family doctor who knew my history and my wants/needs. For others, that person is their doula. Best of luck!
Now that I have it explained to me I am fully onboard, as the last time was a bit rough and no-one listened to either of us!
Full doula ahead! :O)
I believe it is pronounced "HULA"
Aha!! And now it makes a lot more sense!!
Respectfuly, nah. I think she meant +"Duelie" (because that would halp greatly):

Yep, sure did know the word. I first learned about a doola from Michael Perry's book called "Coop: A Year of Poultry, Pigs and Parenting". ( A great read BTW). Where Michael had his fishing buddy as his male doola to help HIM through the process LOL!!! Come to think of it, I wish I had one long ago when it was my turn!
Ha, that's splendid. I will have to check out that book!
Next project, spare bedroom for "Madame Doula!"
Haha, that would be a thing!
We used a Doula for our first child in the hospital, I liked it because I could take a bathroom break. She was helpful and supportive.
Good to hear! After speaking to her it certainly sounded like she would be good
Mine cost me $300 but that was 15 years ago.
Its 600 quid now in Britain! Yeek!
Thank you for my daily guaranteed giggle. There could have been a dog called a doula. A doula dog - it sounds right!
It does sound right. It sounds so like one of those funky dogs I see in the park!!