
in #life7 years ago


I pulled into the parking lot of the gigantoplex shopping centre. It has everything in it. Cinemas, small countries, you name it, it was there.

As a result, I despise the place for being a soulless big bastard of an air hangar.

The good lady waved goodbye and went off with the kids. She was going to meet lots of other mummies to see Coco, the new Pixar movie.

Having a distinct lack of milk-producing squeakers or even a lady garden. I was banned and had to entertain myself for a few hours before picking them up.


I mooched along past row after row of identical neon dressed shops. Perhaps I would get a coffee, yes. I definitely would. I turned on my heel and headed for a little coffee shop in the middle of the place that is actually quite nice.

I noticed some poor tit out the corner of my eye in one of the many reflective surfaces. Some downtrodden looking guy, rumpled clothes and hair going all silvery. Pah. I snorted. Bet he was a fresh Dad, you could tell by the state of him.


Then I paused.

Yeah, of course, it was me. I had caught a side-on view of myself in the mirror and I looked like a polar bear had shagged me inside out and then the seals had had a go at my carcass.

What the heck? I realised in that instant that I had not gotten over the sleep deprivation from having a newborn. Instead, I had gotten so used to being sleep deprived that I was now a shambling unkempt zombie. Just like every other Dad I saw.

Bollocks to that. I decided to sort myself out, toot-sweet. Spying a decent clothes shop I headed straight in.

The place had loads of good stuff. To begin with, I picked out some new jeans and a couple of t-shirts. I spied the changing room and took them over.


A perky trendy young lass grinned at me with teeth so blindingly white for a minute I panicked and thought I was dying. She gave me a plastic thing with a big number on it and pointed at some empty curtain covered changing rooms.

I entered one and quickly wheeked off my jeans and t-shirt and pulled on the new stuff. It doesn't pay to stand about with your flesh exposed in these little downlit mirrored rooms for too long. It plays havoc with your self-esteem.

I was just getting the jeans up to mid thigh when the curtain to the little room was whooshed open.

Standing there was was a woman with a wry grin on her face and a leather belt in her hands.


I squealed like a young girl and hastily pulled my jeans all the way up.

She stepped in and pulled the curtain closed.

No need to be shy!

She laughed before grabbing my waist and pulling me close so she could thread the belt around my waist. In no time at all, she had it on and buckled tight.

She stepped back and smirked.

Great jeans and with that belt, wow!

She let out a low whistle before grabbing my shoulders and roughly turning me to face one of the mirrors.

Don't you look amazing with that belt on those jeans?


I attempted to squeak something. Nothing came out. My brain was struggling to process what was going on. On the one hand I felt that I should voice some outrage about my privacy being invaded. On the other hand my teenage brain was screaming SEXY LADY WITH A BELT SHOVING YOU ABOUT!!!

She turned me sideways and eyed me approvingly.

Incredible. Do you want to take the belt?

I cleared the frog from my throat.

Errm, how much is it?

Fifteen quid darlin, that's alright I take it?

She said, in a voice that implied that the kind of man who couldn't afford a fifteen quid belt was the kind of man she would shit on and not in a good way.

Yeah, cool. Totally cool.

She smiled and winked ferociously before flouncing out.

I stood for a moment, did all that really just happen? Well, yes. Yes it did. I had the feeling I should be outraged but instead, I thought.

Maybe I will come back next week for another pair of jeans...


I can only assume you must write Steemit posts in the middle of the night whilst you are being deprived of sleep, otherwise I dont know when you find the time. I bet youll be buying jeans on the regular from that place though hahaha!

I write them in odd snatched moments! It's fair to say I get into trouble now and then from the good lady for being glued to my phone!

I am going to have more jeans and belts than I will know what to do with ;O)

I can imagine that to be the case, both the getting into trouble part and the excess attire! Maybe you can connect all the belts together and see if you can get a record for the world's longest belt? That would be worthy of a Steemit post or three...

Good looking jeans and belt. Just need some cool sun glasses for a finishing touch. Lol!

I'm surprised she didn't jam some on me and charge me fifty quid lol

Whit's fur ye'll no go past ye, Mr. Boom! You played your cards right and look what happened! Your ego got stroked! (I don't want to know about anything else)

Exactly, for the princely sum of fifteen pounds my ego got stroked!! I mean that doesnt sound wrong at all.. hehe

Well there is always the right belt for the right person haha

That is very true!

My brother sometimes still wears that look and my niece is over a year old, count yourself lucky haha! Nora Bell is a pisser, cutest and smartest kid ever, who also likes to wake her parents up multiple times a night STILL. (Love being auntie!!)

So I have something strange going on, I feel like I've drank more beer in the past month then I did in the past six, but somehow I lost ten more pounds. Which is really awesome considering it's in keeping with my goal, I just don't have a clue how I managed it...except come to think of it, not sure when I've been, Beer diet rocks!!

I am currently drinking Sponge Candy Stout by Resurgence Brewing Co...which boasts that they brew the beer with actual sponge candy from Watson's candy company. I feel like I'm bragging now lol.

That sounds like awesome bragging! Awesome beering!

Its the food, you have substituted food for beer. And normally I would say, hey hey better steady on... but I keep going back to re-reading that sentence about the sponge candy and thinking man, I wanna live on that stuff!!!

It is sooo good. I thought the ommegang candi stout was good, but actually that was a bit too sweet now that I've tried this which is absolutely perfect. Just a hint of sweetness yet you can taste the chocolate and the sponge candy, very smooth with an excellent after taste. My brother buys me the best presents!

He does buy you the best presents! That sounds great, I love the ones where they hit that sweet spot with the balance between all the flavours and one doesnt just boof out over the rest. Lol,obvs now I feel like a beer! haha

Oh yes! I also meant to tell you, though we should further discuss in chat, that apparently you can do international beer trading. Just call it a gift and you're good to go, a couple friends of mine do this. So...something we might try one of these days, what do you think? :)

No way, really? Wow!!! Yeah, thats a thing for the chats!! I would have to invest in some serious bubble wrap!! lol!!

I already scoped out the bubble wrap, we've got rolls of it for sale cheap at a local store, yay for me...and you :)

Ha, that's awesome. Does it have to be by courier then or regular post office parcel? Top donk!

Hahahaha, you sir, are the master of the punchline!

Who even knows if she worked there, she might just have a NDILF fetish... it is incredible though, there is absolutely no way I wouldn't have bought that belt.

Hope you had your good undies on.

I had my astonishing skull patterned clima-cool undies. Oh yeah, the good ones! lol

Thats funny. Imagine if she didnt even work there!!

Hahahaha, brilliant! Nothing says Manliest of Manly Men like the deaths head on your junk.

Exactly, abandon hope ye who enter here!

Haha, that was funny. Talk about invasion of the belt lady. First I was like "what is she going to do, whip him for taking too long?" She probably would have if you had not taken to buying that belt. Be careful, next visit could be a shirt. :-)

HAhah, you should have saw what was going through my head. I could hear the wah wah guitars and everything starting. It was ridiculous!

Shirt it is!

Lol bet you were fit to be tied. Sounds like you had just as much fun as they did watching the movie.

Pretty much, a great day all round :OD

Lol sounds like it. Wonder what your next adventure will be like, and to think it is only Monday. :-)

No doubt the rest of the week will be as boring as feck lol!

Aww, surely hope not. :-)

Fingers crossed!

Just you be careful.

You know how it goes... a small taster to get you hooked and then...

Next week it'll be a Rolex.

That would be fine, if it continues with belts the good lady might get suspicious at my growing collection :0D

lol, I was writing that last line along with you and laughed cuz as I read your line about another pair of jeans, my mind was saying "Maybe I will come back next week for another look in that mirror"!
Perhaps either ending works ;0)

Hehe, you are right, that one would have worked equally as well!

All roads lead back, hehe!

She is good in this, what she did to you @meesterboom😂😂 1 sth place on the list, "Best seller "
Amazing gift she have , hmm what more she can
Greetings 😛

She certainly knew her stuff. She must sell a million of em

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