Talented is Overrated

in #life7 years ago

In today’s society we like to use the word talent in a loose manner.

That person has talent, Britain has talent, Greece has talent, Spain has talent… everyone has talent... oh... he's so talented... he was born talented.

And if you fell you do not have any talent in the particular area you wish to pursue it can be paralysing.

But here is one thing to consider, while talented is indeed part of the equation, this fascination with talent can be paralysing. It can also work as an excuse... "He was born with talent, so he get's to do it"

Let’s take Artistic expression as an example.

If you are truly passioned about (let's say) painting chances are you probably have some talent to be explored and eventually can be good at it.

You must have some sense of reality and of your natural capacities and inclinations. If you've never played the guitar, don't expect to become Jimi Hendrix in a couple of years.

But if you have immense and truthful passion for painting, you can have some talent that has not been nourished yet. If you are willing to put in the hours, work hard, be patient and be persistent chances are you will become good at it.

You don’t need to quit your job nor to spend all your savings on paint supplies, but you can definitely start practising your craft.

Again don't gamble, don't be delusional ... this is not a follow your passion just because talk. If you really don't feel the music in your body, don't expect to become a world class dancer.

If you start putting in the hours in painting... maybe you won't become a famous painter... but you will become good, it will give you fulfilment, pleasure and a sense of purpose in your life. And maybe with time you can start having some part time opportunities and maybe get another job in the art world... like a galerist and you can be around art all day and do your paintings and so on...

The truth is that no Master has ever been produced without extensive practise.

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” - Thomas Edison

Even Mozart, who was a legitimate prodigy, giving live concerts when he was 5 years old, even he had extensive practise before that time. It's hard to believe but it's true. His father was a musician and all Mozart did was study and practise his piano in the first years of his life.

Alexander the Great had Aristoteles as a teacher when he was young and his father was a military genius that raised him to be a king.

Another comum reason for thinking that one is talentless... is the lack of experimenting or dedication. You see Jimi in the guitar you try to play a few times... you realise you're not Jimi and you put the guitar down...

The 10 000 hour rule:

This rule claims that in order to achieve excellence in any field you need 10 000 hours of correct and focused practise. That comes around to 20 hours a week for 10 years.

If you've you picked up the brushes a few times during that hot summer and that's your practise … you can’t really say you have no talent.

Stop comparing yourself to others and put in the hours, you will get good at what you’re passioned about in some capacity.


As always, thank you for reading.

Photos (except Logo) from Pixabay.com

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great writing......

The problem with talent shows is that it is as if the 6. 9 billion untalented ones don't count.

I agree!!

Yes!! This ih true, the taste makes us have energy to devote to an activity, which gets better and better with learning.

Exactly... always practise and always get better.

thank you for your comment!

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