Motivational Monday!! - Caring about what people think of you!

in #life7 years ago

Not caring about what people think about you, is probably the number one thing on the list! While most people say they don't, the reality is that most of us do---

You can be sure that some people will not support you, they won’t even understand you. You will face rejection and alienation. That is just a fact. Don’t expect support from your environment, but... the good news is you have nothing to fear!

We all go to our social media walls and post things such as “ live your own life” or “ Don’t care what other people think”

While this sentences look good on paper, and are becoming a cliché, most of us do care what other people think ( even if we don’t like to admit it)…

Most people are contempt with an average existence and they won’t get the fact that you are working on your life mission. Your self improvement journey…this can be a debate onto it self but in the end.... that's their problem.

But you can be sure that they will find your quest rather strange.

Let’s say that you have a group of friends and you all have average lives, let’s say none of you make much money. As soon as you start to make more, some of the people in your circle will start to resent you and even fell a bit jealous ( another one that we don’t like to admit).

People are afraid of change and so if they see things evolve they will resist it and try to bring you down. This is a clear sign of weak people, whenever someone tries to bring you down, be assured, you are dealing with a weak person that needs to bring people to his level so he can fell better. Nothing is a more clear sign of a week person!!

But fear not, when you start your journey you will naturally start to find those who like to bring people up, so everyone wins.

So fear not.

This can become a interesting exercise for you to actually start not caring what people think of you. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations... do it for sometime and at least the social anxiety will diminish.

There will be a point where you just have to say: Screw it!!!

As always, thank you for reading.

Photos (except Logo) from



I was just thinking something along these lines while in the shower just now. Well said :)
It is incredibly hard not to take someone else’s opinion on board. You need to have confidence in yourself before you can walk freely without caring what others think of you.

I agree it is extremely hard. I think the way to go is step by step. And just working on yourself...

Thanks for your comment!

You're not here in this world to please anyone except yourself.
Great stuff, mate!

Totally right! Thanks!!!

Keep doing great stuff like this! Cheers, mate.

really nice & mind touch it

very different,,,,,,,,,
love to read it..........//////////

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