A day in Mave's life | How I balance Life and Steemit

in #life6 years ago (edited)

So I always get asked how I manage to combine having a life and being almost omnipresent in Steemit. I have shared that one of my powers can be explained by GINABOT notifications. I have a list of comments that need to attend to that tagged me and then also never miss a post from the dozens of authors that I keep tabs on. I have notifications on all sorts of people from Whales, to Dolphins and a lot of interesting minnows that I support.


Image from Unsplash

5:00 AM

So what does a typical day for me looks like? Well, I wake up about 5:00 AM in order to walk my dog. He is a beagle and needs the exercise and so I let him do his thing, sniff around and poop while I start looking at my GINABOT notifications.

I would be looking first at the notifications on those that mentioned me and start replying on those. Once I get back I prepare breakfast of cereals or oatmeal with a glass of water. While eating I start looking at the replies on my post.

At this point, I usually get to about 10 comments combined for both mentions and replies to my own post.

I now take a bath and prepare for work. Usually, I walk to the office and takes me anywhere from 15-30 minutes depending on how fast I want to sweat or not to sweat.

8:30 AM

I get to the office at around 8:30 AM and the first thing I do is fire up the coffee machine. It is not part of my job but I really enjoy grinding the beans. Then you put it in the coffee machine and wait for it to brew and put in the skim milk because the ladies want to watch their weight!

While waiting for it to boil. I read my first post from my favorite authors. If it is a Monday that would be Asher's @abh12345 Curation and Engagement league. I'll have to check how much @davemccoy kicked my butt so hard and the rest of his crew from @newbieresteemday.

That usually starts the commenting run on that post as you see the greatest engagers in this platform. I spend about a good 15 minutes there congratulating people. Just in time for my first cup of coffee.

Get a few more replies to my post and I start my official work 9:00 AM

10:30 AM

Once I take my first break for the day I multitask by chatting with my workmates. Both in Steemit and in real life I am a believer in engagement and building relationships. So I have my breaks and lunches together with my team.

A team that eats together fosters a better relationship with each other.

Afterward it is back to the grind and usually, have my mid-morning meeting. This is where I cheat because ever since Steemit I have stopped listening to these boring meetings and instead rely on the Minutes of the Meeting that is sent after.

This is the time that I take my list of topics and start forming my outline for my post for the day. It looks like I am taking down notes and listening attentively but I am already listing talking points.

I don't use my phone anymore as I made a mistake before and used the time to comment and got called out for not being attentive. At least with a piece of paper, it looks like I am taking down important details.

12:00 PM


A simple lunch with my team and I mostly just listen to their conversations about fashion, makeup and of course men. I am the only guy in my department and they are so accustomed to me being around that they talk about all sorts of things. Sometimes I just have to shake my head.

I often do another commenting run at this point and getting myself to about 20 total comments at this point. I also read the 2nd batch of notifications from GINABOT.

I also start peeking at the different Discord Channels I am in. Currently, I am in about 20 different Steemit channels but I am only active in The Promo-Mentors, Crypto Empire, The Buddy Up, The Steem Engine, The Steem Star Network when they have a broadcast as well as the Steemit Ramble. I also drop by the NewbieResteemday server and try my best to help out.

These are some great communities that are open and you learn a great deal about Steem.

I also have a couple of afternoon interviews lined up and no show candidates are both a blessing and a curse because no interviews mean more time to spend in Steemit but bad because that usually means I'm screwed with my hire rate.

I also write some reports and analysis that I send on a weekly and monthly basis. I try to keep my data updated every day so that by end of the week I just need to use my template and the data will be parsed into the needed format. I used to crame every Friday but found it to be too time consuming and susceptible to mistakes.

6:00 PM


Yes what every employee likes to see! Don't get me wrong I love my job and what I do but I just want to get home.

However, I usually get suckered to go with some friends or meet up with someone and have dinner, coffee or a beer or two. Note to self, two bottles of beer is a lie. It is never ever two bottles

Depending on what happens I get home either really quick at around 8:00 PM or as late as 11:00 PM. I am still a decent guy so I get home before Cinderella!

I usually just walk home because I rarely go out of my part of town.

8:00 PM or 11:00 PM

I walk the dog, play and feed him. I feel bad that I have to leave him the entire day but need to work to feed him. If I don't he'll eat me out of the apartment.

This is Steemit time now. It used to be Video Games time but Steemit has replaced that. I start with writing my blog for the day. I try to get at least one post a day. I once did one post at night and another post in the morning after walking the doggy.

This is the time I do most of my commenting on favorite authors as I receive the 3rd batch of GINABOT notifications.

I try to reply to all the comments that I receive. Talk to some people from the Empire and shake my head on the latest traps @underground @eaglespirit and @moneyinfant posts.

We all laugh when @spiritualmax Cat Emperor makes an appearance.

I go over the Promo-mentors and make sure that the votes are in for the Encouragement Boost. I update the tracker and talk shop with the rest of the core and mentors.

11:00 PM or 1:00 AM

Depending how late I get home I tend to fall asleep at around 11;00 PM. The day is nearly done and I take a last look at the replies and off I go to Neverland. Another day awaits and time to engage and inspire both in real life and Steemit.

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So that is how my day usually starts and end. A large chunk of my life is in Steemit and I like it but I also make sure that I have enough time to connect with other important people in my life and do simple things like reading a book or watching a movie on the 2nd screen of my PC.

It is important to have something else from Steemit because we do not want to experience a Steemit Burnout. Engagement and community building is important but also some me-time.

So Asher was kind enough to give us the first glimpse of our stats for this week and I am pretty happy seeing almost 400 comments already! Over 700 votes given out and only managed 3 self-votes. Hopefully next one shows zero.


So it is highly doable to be active in Steemit but also have a life. I am living proof of it.

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Before I felt like I was scratching the surface of steemit but now I feel like I'm not even scratching, more like looking in through the windows on the surface of steemit..
I don't know when you started steemit but as a still kinda new user it's overwhelming trying to navigate the jungle of communities here on steemit. I'm in a few discord channels and facebook groups myself but either it's a bunch of circle-jerking whales and whatnot or, most of the time, it's people begging for upvotes and follows.
I'm having a little down time atm not feeling I'm getting anywhere on steemit but I also realise now how little I do of what can be done.. so thanks for a little food for thoughts, it's nice with a glimpse into what it can be :)

I started about the end of October and have been posting ever since. Communities are tricky especially when most people are still stuck on a scarcity mindset of me-me-me.

I was like that before then I got immersed into community building and well sometimes it doesn't pan out so I am just taking it easy and just writing, commenting and being very chill.

I don't think of the circle-jerking whales and dolphins and most of the people I take to and comment are red fishes like me hehe.

I hope you get off this slump as you write and share really well.

Thanks for sharing your schedule. Always good to see how other people operate!

Your amazing as well being able to read a ton of books and write awesome book reviews!
I hardly can finish a book a week now.

Woah damn.

I always wondered how you managed to always comment on my posts!!
So now I am guessing you get GINABOT notifications for when I post right? :)

Such a great guy Mave!


Hahahaha yes you are one of the first people that I always comment on when I see that I have a notification from GINABOT!

Because you are my favorite Human in Steemit!

Appreciate the info regarding GINABOT. New to me.

GINABOT is awesome! It is one of my secrets on why I engage so well in the platform.

What a productive day Mave! "One Bottle" for us could get to one to two cases of beer!

Wow, I'm glad I'd got a good glimpse on what you are doing outside of steemit! ♥

Hahaha indeed mahaba habang usapan hahaa

I do a lot of things!! Hahha

Lol, you sure have your ways as a determined steemian.

It's funny how steemit has just overtly taking a large chunk of my life.
Not sure I can finish a complete statement about me without mentioning steemit.


I know I am already known as the crazy Steemit guy who is trying to get everyone in to Steemit!
I try to balance life and avoid burnout though so I still find time to do other stuff.

you are incredible mav. and thanks for providing such a personal and detailed account of how you go about your daily routines with steemit - how you manage is beyond me! also, i learned quite a bit from reading this and seeing that chart you have as well. curious to know more about it too! like unique votes and witness votes - ive heard of them but not sure how they work. 400 comments!!! incredible. you truly make this community move and if anyone deserves whale-ship its you :)

ps thanks for roping me in ;p

Ha!! It would be great to see you there and it's a fun league to be in with lots of great people!!

Yah just looking at it my schedule looks crazy but it's doable.
Now if only I could clone myself and get one clone to work, one to Steemit and one to go out on dates ahhaa

How to be @maverickinvictus ! a super busy life indeed. Thank you for sharing this post sir and would also learn to be organized just like you and a lot more to learn.

You can do it man! Just need to squeeze as much as you can

So, just that easy, huh? Simply give up sleeping and then I can be a steemit superstar too? LOL! I get up at 5... I go to bed no later than 10! (Can I play the "granny" card...? I am old, pity me, let me sleep... LOL!)

I still manage about 4-6 hours of sleep and more on weekends!
Hahaha sleep is for the weak we need to go full Steem ahead!

That "bi-phasic sleep" is tempting to try, I may do it one of these days.

Ohhh I do that when I don't have work. I take a nice nap in the afternoon then commenting like a madman and then sleep for a couple of hours wake up and write a post and more commenting then afternoon naps again!

Rinse and repeat haha

I could not do what you do no way I think that was part of my problem before on the platform I had way too much going on, and had to walk away. Now I make this my entire focus, however I am in a position to be able to do that now. Very very interesting post thank you for sharing.

Wow I envy that you are able to Steemit full-time if I could do that I would be a happy camper!

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