The school that abused me and other children keeps deleting evidence of their crimes

in #life7 years ago (edited)

When I was a kid, I was physically and sexually abused by multiple teachers at King's House School in Richmond, London. This is me at the time of the abuse, in the school uniform:

I decided I would make an effort to help other victims of institutional abuse at the school. So, I added information to King's House School's Wikipedia page.

The first piece of information I added was based on a court case where a former teacher was convicted of sexually abusing a child. Here is a screenshot of what I added to the page:


And I linked to the court case:

Soon afterwards, this was deleted by someone representing the school. Here is a screenshot of the deletion:


"Historic abuse case not particularly relevant to a broad overview of the school"? What kind of people consider the fact that teachers at a school are raping the children is not 'particularly relevant to a broad overview of the school'?

You were raped by a teacher? Well, that's not particularly relevant. What's more relevant, and should definitely stay on the page, is that the school has a 35-acre sport ground and club house.

I think we can all agree that the sports field is much more relevant to a broad overview of the school than child rape:


So, I undid the deletion and added more information on the abuse at the school. I wrote:


And I linked to my Steemit posts with extensive accounts of the abuse:


But again, someone representing the school quickly deleted this:


Unverified allegations from a blog? The entire wikipedia page for King's House School is built from citations from the school's own website, and this person claims my blog is unverified? I've included extensive detail of the abuse, photographs of school reports and enough information to identify the teachers concerned. But my 'allegations' are 'unverified'?

King's House School's entire existence is unverified. Someone needs to take a serious look at the school and what it did, and is doing, to the children in it.

Why would a school delete evidence from a former survivor of its abuse if it was no longer abusing children?

I responded to the school's attempt to erase its crimes with this:


It's been interesting to watch how institutions attempt to manipulate the records of their own history, and to silence the voices of those who speak out against them. I hope that others who were abused at King's House School can share their stories and join the chorus of free-thinkers who are ready to fight for the freedom of human beings. People who are brave enough to face the past and heal the future.

Thank you Steemit.


I'm proud of you! Keep exposing them!
I can only imagine the trauma you experienced and I hope you are getting the relief you deserve. I've had post traumatic stress since I was a teenager from my sister's suicide attempt. I had to carry her naked lifeless body down our stairs and I witnessed my mother shitting herself from one side of the house to the other. My youth minister and I cleaned up the house the next day. The images are vivid 23 years later. I'm finally getting some help after all this time of holding it in...relief has been slow to come

Thank you for your strength and honesty, @mantishands
I highly recommend this:

I used it recreationally a handful of times in college back in the 90s and will look into this...thank you

Glad to have you back @matrjoschka, always appreciate your writings and your openness about your past.

Deleting the files related to the systematic abuse at this school is just another slap in the face to the survivors. I think it's a good thing you detailed some of the abuse on the blockchain and it already seems a wise decision.


Thanks @v4vapid

I took a break from Steemit to do more self-exploration. I'm glad I took some time out, but I'm back and I'm singing :)

It's good that you are talking about this. Usually men are discouraged from discussing these things.

Yes, we were conditioned to hide our emotions by those who programmed us in the first few years of life.

On so many levels it is good to get this information out in the public eye. Folks need to be aware of this. It is also therapeutic for you. I am sure they cover it up it is all about PR. They need to protect their image and reputation. there are probably folks that know about this and just do not say anything. I once was physically abused by a teacher and was afraid to speak out in fear of her lowering my grades or failing me. Thanks for sharing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Thanks for your support and for sharing what happened to you @enjoywithtroy
I've begun to wonder if the most of the school system is simply a training-ground for creating passive workers who won't speak out against authority. Luckily, it doesn't successfully condition every kid.

Thank you so much for the courage it takes to be so open and honest about the abuse you have suffered. It's people like you that give others the courage to speak out so we can stop this shit once and for all.

Thanks you @lyndsaybowes,
I was beaten and sexually abused by so many 'adults' when I grew up in England that I can only make the educated guess that this was a crime on the scale of the holocaust, but it was, and is, covered up. Because our society still views children as beings we must 'educate', in other words: Control.

Bravo for your bravery in shedding light on the institutional abuse suffered by you and others. As for them deleting evidence, this is another benefit of blockchain tech. Tough shit they can't delete anything here. Steem on!

Yes, this makes me fully appreciate the incredible power of Steemit to facilitate social change. Finally we have a true historical record.

this is really sad to know how could they do that :(

Thanks @blazing
It is sad. It is such a glaring example of how history is edited by the powerful.

@matrjoschka, this disgusts me. Wikipedia has an agenda and that is not our best interest. I feel ashamed I gave them money in the past. Feel assured that the truth is on the Steem blockchain.

Thanks @vander. Yes it feels horrible to have my history erased by the organizations who raped me.

What do you feel is Wikipedias agenda?

I feel like the site is vulnerable to manipulation, but at least I can attempt to change the record there. Definitely an improvement on history books :)

Their agenda is to maintain the status quo, echo the elites, keep the sheeple subdued. And all for our own good!

Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :)

I am saddened and sorry that such a despicable tragedy were to occur to you, in an institution that was meant to educate and protect you.

It seems to me, that in the case of King's House School, this was very already an ongoing despicably evil culture. Your effort in uprooting this behaviour is much needed.

With information becoming more and more widespread avaiable, we should, as a community, look to iradicate cancerous situations like the one you had to endure at the hands of the very people who should have been protecting you.

There is no choice but to move forward from here and work towards making sure less instances of this occurs in our society.

God Speed Brethren.

Thank you @bitopia, your support gives me so much strength.

A new era is emerging, one where the truth will not be able to be hidden behind closed doors. We shall forward in ushering in this reality such that the past of secrecy and the pain in can brood will be put behind us.

I have followed you and will keep up with you.

God Speed Brethren.

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