
One thing they are doing is ganging up and getting multiple accounts to flag posts of their choosing. We could do the same when we feel a flag attack is unjust. The problem is that we can't find enough people with some guts to actually do this. The flaggers can dish it out as long as it doesn't hurt their bottom line; that will change when they face retaliation. The problem for me is that every flag war has unintended victims, so I don't want to go that route. I have another idea, but I fear it will take too long to build, would require communication off platform, require a sizable investment in Steem and multiple participants. BTW, DLive is moving off Steemit to another blockchain, in part because of this BS of whales upvoting themselves while flagging minnows into oblivion, so the first major push back has arrived.

Here is the post announcing the move:

Wow, didn't know about that..

Stated quite directly..

Our focus was to grow our user base, and build an engaging live streaming and video community while growing Steem as well, and deliver upvotes as evenly as possible during the last 9 months. However, the current economic model of Steem incentivizes large Steem holders to continuously upvote their own content and other creators who specifically support their content. This creates an ecosystem where a content’s true value can't be recognized or be fairly rewarded.

Yep, not only are a few whales sponsoring their fan base with decent up votes, they are also the financial backing behind some flag groups/accounts. They do this by delegating SP to the "group" to make it look, on the surface anyway, like they are not the ones flagging. The "group" publishes posts inviting folks to get rewarded for their flags. This turns into censorship as the "group" decides who to flag by having the ability to select which flags to reward and I haven't seen them flag a whale's shitpost yet.

I see this as the same thing as buying an Army of mercenaries to eliminate the competition; an offensive move rather than a defensive one.

Another option is to leave Steemit, and this is exactly what is happening. Of the 570 or so followers I have, about 400 are dead or inactive accounts. These folks have not voted, flagged, posted, commented or claimed rewards for months.

At this time I'm not willing to purchase enough Steem to gain the ability to throw my weight around, but I will end this comment with a question: How many accounts can one entity posses and control?

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