
Spot on.... sleep ... I use to have that in My vocabulary. Mums do that like its normal I have the greatest example in My mum! And love Being indispensable 😉

Hahaha i kept wondering when will i get a decent undisturbed sleep!.. the kids are soooo young.. so my guess is between 50 years! Hahahaha

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Mine are 6 and 7 the sleep untill 7 or 8 so No complaints There the older ones sleep in late

Mine are 1 and 7!! So imagine the riot we have in the house.. hahaha and they sleep past 9am if no one yells a ramble before that..

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I notice When they sleep in, I am laying in bed waiting to hear them instead of sleeping in myself Really weird !

Waaaah!! You do that too?? I thought i was weird.. hahaha now im not alone in this madness.

Posted using Partiko Android

No you are not alone, ill bet if we ask in the mama chat I think that There are more woman mamas like the two off us

Yes the ordeal of motherhood! We go through this journey and have similar experiences..

I bet we can find more like us if we open up the topic there.. hehe

Posted using Partiko Android

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