Lost As A Nation… (Not Just Another Story)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I am, by no means, one of those "The End Of Days" is coming kind of person, waving a Bible around or something, while standing on soap box. Nor, am I counting on the Mayan calendar ending, to cause the apocalypse. But… There are plenty of people out there that do believe… The World Is Ending!

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And, if you think about it… There are plenty of reasons to actually think -- The World Is REALLY ENDING!!!

We've all heard the most credible scientists' talk at length about Global Warming… Oh wait, I think we are supposed to call it Climate Change now, for those people out there, who choose not to believe in science… They'd rather wait for some God to save them.., or whatever.

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"It had been raining for days and days, and a terrible flood had come over the land. The waters rose so high that one man was forced to climb onto the roof of his house.

As the waters rose higher and higher, a man in a rowboat appeared, and told him to get in. "No," replied the man on the roof. "I have faith in the Lord; the Lord will save me." So the man in the rowboat went away. The man on the roof prayed for God to save him.

The waters rose higher and higher, and suddenly a speedboat appeared. "Climb in!" shouted a man in the boat. "No," replied the man on the roof. "I have faith in the Lord; the Lord will save me." So the man in the speedboat went away. The man on the roof prayed for God to save him.

The waters continued to rise. A helicopter appeared and over the loudspeaker, the pilot announced he would lower a rope to the man on the roof. "No," replied the man on the roof. "I have faith in the Lord; the Lord will save me." So the helicopter went away. The man on the roof prayed for God to save him.

The waters rose higher and higher, and eventually they rose so high that the man on the roof was washed away, and alas, the poor man drowned.

Upon arriving in heaven, the man marched straight over to God. "Heavenly Father," he said, "I had faith in you, I prayed to you to save me, and yet you did nothing. Why?" God gave him a puzzled look, and replied "I sent you two boats and a helicopter, what more did you expect?"

Cool Funny Jokes

But we can see it, directly, in our weather… The summers get hotter, the winter gets colder, the storms more frequent -- the air and water dirtier. And in the midst of all this pending doom… All we can think about, as a people, is -- Profits…?

And let me tell you something, right-now… The guy or gal working their butt off, in some crappy job, just to meet their monthly nut -- Doesn't give a rats ass about GEs' or some other giant corporations profits!!!!

As @dollarvigilante opines about the wealthiest families on the planet, while raking in quite a few bucks himself (good for him, not an attack on dollarvigilante). With all the "events" surrounding our financial institutions -- past and sure to come economic catastrophes' that cripple the nation. You get the sense, that, in the blink of an eye... BAM -- Your money, all your money, could be GONE. Your "safety net" vanishing right before your eyes, like a bad magic trick. Your tiny little (some not so tiny) nest-egg -- POOF, up in smoke.

As more & more people line-up for food (emergency meals) at, stretched to thin local food banks... There seems to be an opportunity, to step back.., and look at things, as they really are and not just through the rose colored glasses we blindly wear in our daily lives.

I live in NYC.., and the amount of wealth that exists in this town is INSANE! Crisis or no crisis... There are people in this town and towns all across this world... That Are Loaded!!! 

Losing a couple hundred thou  is just a bad day at the office, for more people than  you realize. And still, children go hungry -- right in the same town. Parents cry themselves to sleep, for not being able to put food on the table, on any sort of regular basis. Every night.

Yet, "Sam the Banker - Rockstar - TV Celebrity" Whatever their job... Bitches because they can't get a reservation at the latest "Chef Driven Restaurant." I wonder what the exact date was... When it became OKAY to act like certain people didn't even exist. That it is OKAY to pretend there is no hunger crisis because it doesn't effect you…

When, in our hearts & minds, did we rationalize this away... And think it was OKAY?!

If we were able to step outside of this world... And watch it like a movie, or a bad "reality show..." You would see the majority of the people as, complete villains -- the bad guys

How could you not?

Watching a show... Where one set of people are getting ready for a big, fancy, expensive meal. When less than a 1/2 a mile away.., a family puts their children to bed HUNGRY. AGAIN.

Only to tune in, night after night... To see the same exact thing, happen over and over. If we were, actually being watched... By someone, some thing... We would be -- Really Embarrassed!!!

Yet, hunger is not a brand new problem. We have, somehow, in our hearts and minds, decided to ignore it

Isn't it time, to take a step back… To take a long deep breath -- and do something for someone less fortunate, just for the sake of doing it. 

But, as the summer comes to an end and people get ready to gear-up for the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas here in the U.S). The time of year begins, where WE, as a people, should be concerned most about giving -- has become nothing more than One Big Sale… And now --- and now, we can even Tweet about it. 

Tweet About It!!!

There are 1 in 6 children in this country go to sleep hungry... And all we give a shit about is -- How Much Is The 46" Flat Screen on Amazon. The world is, literally, spiraling out of control, with actual, real wars and uprisings… But we will knock you on your butt if you get in-between me and my new TV.

And, as we know, here on Steemit -- our current systems are not the answer. As our politicians do little more than balance a beach ball on the tip of there nose, hoping to distract us, while their wealthy contributors stuff their wallets.

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But now, in a time of "so-called" change... When absolutely nothing seems to be what it is -- isn't it time for some REAL CHANGE? The kind of change that takes place, in our consciousness. The kind of change, that chooses to embrace this current crisis... And, come out the other side of it, better off than we were before. 

I know Christmas is still a few months away -- But I bring this up now for a reason -- to plant a seed… Maybe this year, instead of all the excessive over spending, on the latest gadgets, iPads or whatever… Maybe this year… You could feed a family you know that is not as fortunate as you. Or buy, or re-gift a warm jacket to someone who might be cold.

All of us know, there is something we can do…

Just to be very clear… I don't consider myself better than anyone else. I don't claim to be superior, more giving or more generous, than anybody else or any of you. But, I do know... Letting anybody go hungry, especially children -- Is Not Cool!

I refuse to believe.., a whole nation of people -- not just a handful of people -- A Whole Freakin' Nation Of People.., could have their head up their Ass, at the same time, for so long.

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post script: Being here on Steemit this past month I have seen and read some brilliant material and had the opportunity to meet and engage with some amazing souls, all who enrich us, just by showing up and contributing to this wonderful new community. I would like to personally thank Ned and Dan for starting such a place. And all the "Whales" and "Minnow" alike, for the time they take out of their busy lives to share…


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Nice read. Will go back and read some of your other work. Hope all of us minnows can make it big and feed all the hungry people! Cheers!

Thanks @farmerswife -- we all can make difference. I've seen it with my own eyes. Thanks again, CHEERS!

Great article. There is no way a child in this great country should go homeless or hungry. We all need to do more.

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