DEPRESSION -- Why Is Everyone So Damn Depressed…

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Sad hurts but it's a healthy feeling. It is a necessary thing to feel.
Depression is very different.”
-- J.K. Rowling


Depression On The Rise

Why the f#%k is everyone so damn depressed.., Im talking major depression -- clinical freaking depression. And just about 50% of people with major depression, are also diagnosed with some sort of anxiety disorder… Mental illness is on the rise.., and the most commonly diagnosed mental illnesses are Mood Disorders -- Depression, in all of it's forms… Just ask any of the major drug companies, they have made a killing preying on the mental health industry (but that's a whole different story).

But why is everyone so damn depressed… In the 1950's when the first "antidepressants" were released.., depression was considered a very rare condition. Back then, it was all about anxiety being diagnosed much more frequently.., and depression rarely being mentioned. It's no secret that anxiety has also risen dramatically -- at one point, when living in Los Angeles, almost everyone I knew was on some kind of anti-psychotic.., it was basically considered *"trendy" to be a little mental (clinically of course), LA can be a strange place…

But along with those anti-psychotics, always came the antidepressants… And of course, nobody took them as prescribed, or guidelines to adhere to, when on prescription meds -- like no drinking alcohol (HA!),what a joke… It's at the point now, you tell your doctor what meds you want, pay your bill and that's, that… Im not sure exactly when that happened, but when I was growing up, not only were there very few people you knew with mental disorder, there were a lot less of these "anti" whatever pills floating around, too.

"Anxiety and Depression linked to increased risk of
cancer and heart disease"

It's no surprise to anyone, that anxiety disorders have skyrocketed since first being diagnosed… You often hear the phrase or saying -- "Times were so less stressful back in those days." And, they are right.., that times continually have become much more stressful since the 1950's in a consensus, if it's possible to have a consensus these days -- but even amongst medical professional, the rise of anxiety is no shocker…

But why the outrageous rise in depression…

Depression has dwarfed just about all other mental illness… And even the psychiatric community is at a lose, as to why, depression has overtaken anxiety as the most researched, discussed and diagnosed disorder in the mental health industry. The NINH estimates that 16 million people in the United States and 450 million worldwide suffer from depression. Add to that, 80% of people with signs of depression are not receiving any treatment, making those estimates above a little low…

And whether you are depressed or not.., depression affects us all… It costs society roughly 210 billion dollars a year -- from treating depression itself, related illnesses to reduced productivity at work… And the out-of-pocket costs to an individual suffering from depression can cost upwards of $1700 a month -- prescriptions, supplements, therapy, etc., etc...

Some of the rise in depression can definitely be attributed to a better understanding and better techniques at diagnosing… But those who would have you believe that's the only reason for such a drastic rise in the number of people being diagnosed or suffering depression -- have their own agenda! It seems the best guess, as to why, depression has skyrocketed is -- the modern world…

depression stats

It's Mad, Mad, Mad Mad World…

In our present state we are one stressed out, depressed, overly anxious, manic, chronic, whacked out, self-medicating wreck! With all these amazing technological advances, we in essence.., put ourselves behind the proverbial 8-ball… We work like mad, we're never out of reach, routinely stressing about something. We are as a society sleeping a little over 6 hours a night -- 3 less than we used too, get less sunlight and even though you might have a ton of Facebook friends we are more isolated and cut-off from each other, than ever…

These comforts and luxuries we enjoy, thanks to our many technological advances, seems to come at a price -- our mental health! And just in case, if you weren't aware -- our mental health has a massive effect on our physical health… Depression itself has been linked to heart disease, cancer, obesity and suicide. Our modern world, our modern way of living.., seems to have made us, as a society, a little more selfish and self-involved… We our so concerned with keeping-up, ourselves -- we hardly think of the hardships others may be facing, including the whole society. And we will even sacrifice our own health (mental/physical) in pursuit of these "luxuries."

In certain societies, like the Amish.., they have basically no depression -- ZERO. Besides the feeling of community that surrounds the Amish (if someone has a problem, the whole community has a problem), their diets were better and lacked many of the chemicals most of our societies are subjected too, the got more exercise, more sunlight, more sleep… They were involved in the community, socially -- making connections with people regularly. Basically, they live like our ancestors.., and are better off for it -- mentally.

"Untreated depression is the number one cause for suicide."

Our technological evolution, seems to have superseded our human evolution… We have replaced things like compassion and empathy, with the click of a mouse… Gratitude and kindness, for a bigger TV. Reflection and introspection, for staying connected. Heck, it can't be that bad, right? I mean, the average age of a life keeps expanding -- we are definitely living longer.., and some even expect us to much, much longer very soon with all the advances being made in longevity and even immortality (uploading your consciousness to a computer -- (that's what I heard)…

But is it worth it..? That is a question everyone has to answer for themselves… For some it is -- they like the grind, they thrive on it. For some it isn't… Which ever side you fall on, be aware there are sacrifices to each -- you might forgo a few luxuries, for some more sunlight and human contact -- or vise versa…

It's not just easy, to get caught-up on the treadmill of.., acquiring more and more and more -- it's expected, these days… It's the way of the modern world -- a good (well paying, really well paying) career (not job), amazing family, great house(s) cars and few toys… But to get all that you are -- always on the go, sleep deprived, stressed out, less physically healthy, and even aging faster. There's always a price -- this modern way of living is fucking with your head!


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You should check out my post on depression, its similar but some topics are different

Some new readings of Carl Jung suggest that his the best way to cure depression if to make ourselves useful that can be done by "work" and feel us surrounded by beautiful things (environment of beauty helps).
“Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.”
"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being".
- Carl Jung

Sounds good to me...

excellent topic and article. I am blessed that I only had a problem once and this was called menopause :) but my closest one suffers and I feel so helpless. Yes, in the old days it was different because I don't even remember using the word as much. We just had bad days.
To feel sadness is nothing wrong and so important to appreciate the following euphoria. Its a natural process of life.
Depression seems to be triggered by a chemical imbalance and therefore so vicious.

Depression is certainly a different beast... We all feel sad from time to time, but it's that chronic depression that has taken hold of so many.., and is only on the rise. Thanks for the comment @mammasitta

As someone who has suffered from major depression, I know all too well the negative health effects it comes with. Anxiety too, don't even get me started, but the anxiety is tied to past events which when thought of, cause me distress.
I was hospitalized twice for my symptoms, once over several months I lost over 50 pounds from being unable to eat or get proper sleep. I just slept all day and wouldn't get out of bed unless I was thristy or found something to watch and then I'd be tired again and go right back to bed, sleeping for 16 hours a day without being able to help it.
I'm doing much better now, have a more healthy weight, but sleeping patterns are still and ongoing issue.

Our mental health issues can ravage our bodies, which then messes with your head even more -- it can be a vicious cycle... Glad to hear you are doing better, hang in there - :))

It is an interesting subject and one that I've spent time on both sides of. I've been in long term depression and I've risen out of it.

I've heard it said that being at the bottom of a hierarchical structure leads to depression. To reach the apex of a hierarchy implies control or autonomy of action. Our choices are not made for us. We make our own choices.

The seeking of external validation over internal validation can lead to failed expectation. Those outside of us can never understand us as well as we can understand ourselves. The answers are within us.

It was probably as I came to integrate the idea of personal responsibility for my own circumstance that I was able to climb out of depression. I heard it said today that the bad news of personal responsibility is that we are the cause of our own tragedy. The good news of personal responsibility is that we are the agent of change to lift ourselves out of tragedy.

It just amazes me, how prominent it has become in society -- and continues to grow!

Yes. Perhaps it could be a symptom of fragmentation in society. I was facing some isolation during my depression. The internet has been both a boon and curse with regards to isolation.

I could also attribute some of my own success in overcoming depression to a relationship in which a helping hand was given by someone who cared. Probably more importantly it was someone who cared, who I had sufficient attraction towards, to motivate me to rise above my circumstance.

We've never had more ways to stay connected.., and yet we are still (like you said) fragmented and isolated... Glad you had someone in your corner, that cared. Cheers to that!

Interesting post, I personally feel one of the contributors is the fact that it is socially unacceptable to feel too much, we are expected to be "fine" and what the hell is that? Women get labeled highly strung and men get labeled weak and it creates a horrible situation where not only do people have guilt and self judgement over their feelings but they isolate themselves from a society which offers little empathy. I suffered from depression and anxiety for a long time and although I have a much better handle on the situation now there are still days I feel low the only difference is that I don't resist those days anymore, I understand and empathise with myself and in doing so it passes quickly. We need to stop toughing up and start embracing our softness, it'll make a far kinder more approachable world.

I completely agree @daisyd... We should be able to express our feelings and emotions openly and not be labelled. Empathy is a quality to be proud of, all though very rare these days... It's just the amount of depressed people that has me a little wigged-out - it will some be the number 1 health condition diagnosed!

Ya it's scary to say the least. Perhaps the world itself is sad and we're just picking up the energy. With the current state of affairs across the planet there's much to be sad about. All we can hope is that we are moving towards the light and that we will take back control to give ourselves and our children a chance to live in a better, kinder world.

I'll drink to that...

We are dealing in a world with problems! Insecurity not feeling good about oneself can play a MAJOR MAjor role! :(

Just ran out of medicine and the chirping in my head (withdrawal symptom) is killing me.

Time for a new script!

Yeah, I should. But they take 8 days to confirm by the doctor. :(

Lack of Enough CBD!

Between people not working toward positive and worthwhile goals, and a massive lack of CBD in their diet, humans are doomed. I blame a significant portion of today's horrible legislation on cannabis prohibition.

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and start using strains with more medicinal value. Now (using materials from around the house) you can test it yourself, at home, in 8-Minutes.

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