How to Improve the World

in #life8 years ago (edited)

No big deal, right?

For some reason I'm drawn to the big ideas and to significance. I want to see the world improve. Here are some ideas which are helpful for me. Please share some that are helpful to you in the comments below.

Own Yourself

  • Become free.
  • Don't use credit cards unless you carry no debt on them.
  • Own your cars.
  • Get out of debt.
  • Pay off your house.
  • Get financially free so you can work for anyone or no one.
  • Be grateful for the autonomy you have.

Know Yourself

  • Deal with your issues (we all have them).
  • Find meaningful purpose which you and the people you care about deeply value.
  • Learn non-violent communication and implement it in your life.
  • Understand your own confirmation biases and how they hinder you from learning.
  • Recognize your irrational, negative emotions and what causes them.

Love Yourself

  • Oxytocin, dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, and vasopressin: This Is Love and you need it.
  • Strengthen your body and care for it through exercise, stretching, and mindfulness.
  • Eat healthy, real food.
  • Connect with others who love themselves and will enjoy loving you as you love them.
  • Regularly engage in healthy activities you enjoy.
  • Strive for rational self-interest with long timescales in mind.

Protect Yourself

  • Build wealth to increase your autonomy.
  • Live where you can be safe, secure, and at peace.
  • Plan for your future (life insurance, retirement fund, liquid savings).
  • Use a password manager, up-to-date antivirus software, current security patches for your operating system, and backup your important files to an external drive and/or secure cloud storage.
  • Take appropriate steps to physically safeguard yourself and your family.

I could go on, but I guess I'm kind of just reproducing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in my own words.

Whenever I think about improving the world, significance, purpose, morality, and similar big topics of my existence, I'm drawn back to this hierarchy. If I have a goal of improving the world, I need a way to measure progress toward my goal. Thinking in terms of my (and our) needs gives structure beyond just "human wellbeing."

I think once we're in a solid place as individuals, families, and local communities, that's when we can easily help others. Significant action, movement, and change require a solid base and leverage. I know many who see the problems all around them. They feel the pain of wanting to improve the world and bring positive change. The main problem is, from my perspective, they haven't yet done the hard work to change themselves.

Maybe that's too harsh. Maybe too many people are struggling with the basics of physiological needs and safety to think about much else. Maybe anyone who isn't is just lucky. If determinism is a thing, can we really take credit for our efforts anyway? I still think we have to act as if we can and should. We own ourselves, so we own the results of our actions (both positive and negative).

If we can change ourselves, we'll be positioned to help others on their own journey. Once their needs are met, then in turn can help others. Before long, the world has changed.

It starts with me.

It starts with you.

It starts with every individual working to improve themselves and meet their own needs. I think cryptocurrency is a big part of the solution. Without it, the value we create by benefitting others is constantly taken from us. It can be in the form of interest on debt or fiat currency inflation or energy depletion in jobs we hate but feel trapped in. By owning our own stores of value, we can build wealth and position ourselves for prosperity. It's not a quick fix, but a slow and steady one. It involves hard work and patience.

I'm just starting to glimpse what life will be like at the top of that hierarchy, joining those who are already there helping others around them. That's what motivates me to work hard and grow.

What do you think? What motivates you?

Do you want to make the world a better place?

What do you think is the best way to do that?

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.


Great write up Luke. I have struggled myself with feeling fulfilled by the things I work on. It is hard to level up and be able to focus on things that really matter. I look at a guy like Elon Musk and think WOW. He isn't that great of a speaker but when he talks I listen. He is working on problems that could change the world forever. I feel like that would be the ultimate prize. Working everyday on projects that will revolutionize energy, travel, and so many other things.

Great example. I've long been enamored with Elon Musk. I read Ben Franklin's autobiography because Elon said it was important to shaping his own life. Elon built something useful (PayPal) and then used that strong position to do all the great things he's doing now. He risked it all. I've read his biography and watched many of his interviews. I definitely thing he's an inspiration for us all to follow.

I know it might sound silly but there was a time a few years ago where I thought I might not live long enough to see us get a manned mission to Mars. Now I have confidence we will see it because Elon is working on it. NASA even believes in the guy!

Almost five billion dollars in "taxpayer's money" must be factored into any discussion of Musk.
He built paypal and leveraged what he learned about money and governments to go directly to the source.
Musk and his companies' investors enjoy most of the financial upside of the government support, while taxpayers shoulder the cost.
He didn't risk anything of his own, and in fact has almost ten billion dollars in equity in over valued companies that do not make a profit.
He will not be settling us on Mars, at least as I see it.

just my two cents worth, as a lowly non muskian

My life is just wonderful! I work only for myself, I am a "free artist" - this means that I work when I want and when I want inspiration, I cultivate organic vegetables and fruits, I have a big yard where I can enjoy freedom and fresh air!

That sounds fantastic! :) Congratulations!

You are a free man! Break out of the framework, do what your heart says, perfect yourself, love your work and do not die of hunger! Life should be in joy, not hard labor))

Very cool that you wrote this! I've actually been considering something similar, largely inspired by your statement "He wants to help create a world we all want to live in," which I see every time I read one of your posts... so what does that world actually look like?

Since humans are quite different, there would be many answers... but there must be some common threads, as well as individual nuances. It's a surprisingly challenging exercise, once we set aside the sweeping generalities and look at the statement "When I look out across this better world, what I see is _____________"

For now, what motivates me is simply the belief-- a sort of knowing-- that we CAN create a better world.

Thank you! I love to hear my little tag line inspired anyone to think about this stuff.

The many answers issue is one of the reasons I really like Maslow's Hierarchy. To me, the concepts there can be expressed in many different ways by many different cultures. I hope to travel the world and see how it translates firsthand in the future.

I really like your statement. I think this is how I'd answer it today:

"When I look out across this better world, what I see is Voluntary, Mutually Beneficial Interactions"

I am a huge fan of Abraham Maslow and strive every day to reach self-actualization on as many levels as possible. Part of this is just practicing the art by saying, you know what? I've got a roof over my head and food in my belly. I'm good. Who needs my help? Great post, Luke :)

Thanks! The basics are key, but sometimes we need much more than that to help in big ways. A roof and food allows you offer others shelter and some of your food (but with the food, it's a fixed sum pie, they gain, you lose). But if you're coming from a strong position, maybe you could start an orphanage, research medical cures, build self-sustaining social businesses which improve wellbeing... the options are endless, but we first have to be positioned to do those things. Exponential increases are key, things which are not zero sum.

But helping others right where you're at is important also. I just wonder sometimes... I think I've done that in the past (giving a little money here and there, etc) just to feel better. For me, I think, it's more strategic to get into a strong financial position and let that angst build up to the point where I can do something amazing once I have the capital. Everyone has to approach this differently, though, and it changes over time based on where we are in life.

Well said, Luke! It's true that I can give small things like a place for someone to sleep and a meal but when I would have to stop if my own physiological needs are no longer met.

I was recently asked that if all my needs were met and money was no object, what would I do? I never hesitated. I said I would buy a HUGE plot of land with some sort of water feature on it (brook, lake, waterfall/river). I would place little cottages all around the property and open it up as a retreat. Certainly it would be a business venture, but I would also be helping people get in tune with nature and a positive mindset, relax, ...and I get to feed everyone. It appeals to everything I want to be as an entrepreneur and as a philanthropist.

So the bits of giving I can do right now are indeed small, but I don't think it takes away from that dream because I'm working my toward it. I'm also 45 and feel like I'm running out of time. :P

That sounds like a fantastic dream! Go make some serious money and make it happen.

....or have some super rich friends willing to invest who love the idea so much they want to stay for a week's retreat. Unfortunately I don't have those. LOL

Do you want to make the world a better place?


What do you think is the best way to do that?

Still trying to figure that one out :(

In the end I don't think it really matters if you leave the world a better place. We should do that which makes us happy and content in the long run. That said, I think attempting to make the world a better place often leads to happiness and contentment.

I think attempting to make the world a better place often leads to happiness and contentment.

For me, that's completely it. Contentment and happiness in the long run for my personality has to involve some significance and improvement. I want to know others are better off because I existed which gives existence meaning for me.

Thanks Brian. You've got a gift, man. Keep those comics coming.

What do you think?
I can relate very well to mostly all of what you have written which is comforting to know others have this luxury.

What motivates you?
Staying 1-2-3 steps ahead of the markets with additional BUY and SELL triggers to protect my resources which is mostly for my extended family.

Do you want to make the world a better place?
Of course I do my part to make the world better.

What do you think is the best way to do that?
Educate the few worthy individuals since it is nearly impossible to educate them all.

I apologize if I am TOO Frank

BUY and SELL triggers! I like it. :) Thanks for commenting. Education is certainly key and something I could have highlighted more in my post.

Well Luke,

That's what I feel we have been doing here on Steemit. You have good solid following, and I noticed! The few worthy people are most likely already here sharing, engaging, commenting bravely. Nice interaction you have going at the moment. Looking forward to returning back and see how else to improve the world.

I'll do my part to make the world a better place... :)

I share with you your ideas)) No debts, credit cards, a desire to improve our lives. You have a very good publication. I was pleased to read this. Thank you.

Thank you so much. :)

Thank you for the article! Important questions you ask! For me personally, the main motivator in my life is the well-being of my family, and this includes almost all items of Own Yourself, and motivates me to act on the points of Know Yourself and Love Yourself, building your Protect Yourself. Thanks you great writer up Luke!

Thank you for the encouragement! :)

It seems like the Maslow's Hierarchy of needs! Yayy :-) Thanks for posting ;-))

You're welcome. Thank you for commenting. :)

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