It Is Easy to Reduce Use of Plastic Bags

in #life6 years ago

Hello Friends,

Here I am Lucia again trying to find a good and virtuous topic to inscribe and share on my blog.

So the topic for today is "Reduce Use of Plastic Bags".

Buying is everyone's nightmare when it comes to packing the products and taking them home. But there are simpler ways of doing it for discernment. Supermarket trolleys are recognized for carrying germs and tests have shown that even fecal material can be deposited in the handle, as well as E. coli and other germs. It is best to be independent of these things and it is easy to do.


The first thing is to have your own cart or bag with wheels. The products can be deposited directly in it without the need for bags to bulk them. They can also be cleaned by you and if you are worried about germs in the supermarket, take some gloves in your pocket so that your hands are always clean.

The next thing is to make your own smaller bags with a cotton material that is easily obtained. The design is simply squares stitched on three sides and made to different lengths and widths. Things like celery, for example, require a longer bag, while a bunch of bananas or broccoli needs larger ones.

Managing purchases is also important. Place heavy things like canned goods on the bottom and fruits, etc., on top. The vegetables can be carried safely in the middle, but the bread and others should be placed at the end so as not to crush them.

If everyone followed these simple guidelines, the amount of plastic bags could be reduced considerably. The environment is suffering due to the billions of such containers used daily. Research shows that they can be in the environment for the next 1000 or more years, since they will never decompose.

Nothing in nature can deal with plastic and until there is a public protest the situation will remain the same. We are drowning now and animals, birds and marine life consume it as food and feed it to their young. With the decline of species, now it is a matter of a few years before the plastic kills everything.

So friends, upvote & follow me if you like my post and share your thoughts in comments.

Bye for now, Take care...

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Regards from: @luciamuresan



Plastic bags are bad enough. Even worse, I'd say, is all the plastic used in packaging of pretty much anything and everything you buy. Bubblewrap can be reused (but most of the time is probably binned). Other uses in packaging is designed to be ripped open to get to the product and then the plastic is waste, good for nothing any more. And then there are drinking straws. I hear pasta tubes make a good substitute here so long as your drink isn't too acidic (eg. cola).

The best solution is probably to burn it all though that will likely increase the amount of dioxins and other dangerous pollution in the air.

thanks for sharing!!

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